Database migration strategies

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In "Database migration strategies" I show some thoughts on how to deal with database migrations.

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So thorough, yet concise with no fluff. Thanks for this great vid!


i love that you mentioned you should create a DAO for abstraction. When I first started learning about backends, I would also just do direct database queries from the controller instead of having an abstraction. great video mate 🙌


At 8:43: How would you send an email to the users who haven't supplied an email? I think that could work for basically any other type of data but what do you realistically do for acquiring email info? Just delete them anyway after a few months? 😅

Also, in the case of name splitting into first and last, even if we assume the Western system where last name is last, wouldn't we have to split at the final " " to make it work for middle names? Some users would simply enter their first name if given the option, so would we have to say "not entered" or something for last name if there is no " "? What if last name is required in the new model? I agree with you, data migration seems hard.

First I thought database migration meant changing from let's say MySQL to PostgreSQL. Great video on the topic of updating data


I'm also a bit curious about why you use a variable width font :)

I'm always tweaking my editor config, but never really considered not using a monospace font.

So I'm just curious about why you made the switch? Is it just to fit more text on the screen? Or did you notice some other benefits that you liked?


really aprecieated, straight forward just to tha point , cheers mate !


I appreciate the tip about the DAO abstraction, but how do you deal with having multiple relationships?
I.e. a 'User' object, which has relations to Teams, Posts and Comments. You don't want to have all of those objects populate on EVERY query, but having a lot of different queries, i.e. 'getUserWithBlogById', 'getUsersWithComments' etc. also seems annoying.
What's your view on I'd love to hear your take on this issue!


What's the difference between DAO and Repository? They both seem so similiar.


Whould you please explain WHY DON'T YOU USE A MONOSPACE FONT?
If you want some suggestion I am happy to suggest many awesome fonts :)


Aren't you breaking REST by performing a modification on a GET ?


tag mongodg/mongoose somewhere in the description. There's so few tutorials on migrations with mongoose
