5 Position Fixing Techniques

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----------ABOUT THE VIDEO----------

This video was originally uploaded to our other channel, Casual Navigation, back in 2018.

In this tutorial, I show you how to complete 5 common plots on a paper chart.

Compass Bearing Line of Position
Range Line of Position
Running Fix
Celestial Fix


Although we take all reasonable care to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in the content on this channel, the content is provided “as is”. We do not make any warranties about the accuracy, content, completeness, legality or reliability of the information contained within this channel.

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Рекомендации по теме

I'm just starting to learn this (63 yrs old) retired and I've always been interested. I'm a sponge !! So Bravo !!! Well Done !!! and thank you


I appreciate the long videos, which combine the different methods together in one video. This simplifies matters considerably by enabling the viewer to group the different techniques that are all related. It helps deduce the diversity of chartwork studies, by refreshing/teaching the various techniques together.
Thank you for all your teaching either way!


Superb series. Just the kind of systematic, linear process my brain needs to get this stuff. Love it.


Keep doing both styles of videos, please.
The students benefit from having both


Longer vids consolidate the info to one 'place' I prefer. Thank You for this. Well done, Sir.


I like several techniques in one clip± can then stop and review and compare each one. Love this series—I only discovered it the other day. :-)


All your videos are extremely useful - short or long - they are well narrated, the animation is great and the information is clear and concise - well done! I have been dancing around celestial navigation for years but the time has come and I will soon buy a sextant. I will be using your videos to get started with it. Thank you!


I just did 1-2-3-4-5, back to back. I think the shorter ones are fine, easier to digest, and if I am still hungry, I will come back for more!


These videos are fantastic. I like the long format but whatever works for you is perfectly fine. I would love to hear about the use of precision for all of these approaches. Ideally precision would include human factors and a way to characterize the precision in various environments. With this our fixes could have a proper cocked hat or more likely a circle of probable location.


I like the longer versions, sometimes it’s hard to find the others or I find the second one first and watch them out of order. Great videos!!


All are Best -in-Class for clarity of communication. Short better than long for me. Thank you and congratulations.


You have made this discombobulating subject become something earthly! Personally i think you are one of the very best teachers in this subject, your work on the Sextant was fabulous, and understandable, however, I perfer the long winded, obvious, and easy to grasp stuff, It needs to be tactile, hammered in and tangible for me, so I thank you all for your patience, but keep on with the videos, I find them very informative, and as a decendant of excellent navigators, you give me hope of understanding the details, perhaps you could tell me how you find the stars?! What where and how, how come, you would know etc!!!/


This is by far the best video

Yes less is best to answer your questions
Yes... Far less is best.. less info per video. So my Sea scouts can go back to just the video they need to review.

Also please be sure to TELL us first what your going to tells us NEW in the first 10 seconds, sentence and paragraph. Then show us then remind us.

Be sure to show it to us mutiple times in a row slowly.

Then tell us what you told us at the end faster ...

Last but most important... always review old info multiple times while adding new info, words and techniques.

All NEW things need to be said and shown multiple times before they sink into the brain

These are just the basic S.O.P. of teaching today as you know.

Great Job


Great videos! This was awesome and you are amazing with your graphics. I love your channel!


Love your stuff. Definitely prefer one subject one tutorial. TMI on the longer vids. Cheers and thanks


Thank you so much for these tutorials! I always wondered how this works, I might even go and buy a sextant now just to play with it :)


All the clips are fantastic. long or short! I have been attending courses back and forth all over the UK for the last 8 months and I always come back here for reference....you couldn't come and do my Masters Oral Exam in Belfast on Friday could you???


0700 single item video preferred... many thanks, nice, clear explanations and graphics


The deviation card is for the steering compass and is found by "swinging the compass", turning the boat through the points of the compass and noting the deviation. A handbearing compass will have a deviation depending on where you are in the boat and it cannot be corrected for as in the video - the position line shown at 5;55 could be 4 degrees in error. Either a neutral location is found in the boat (by experimentation), or several bearings made from different places in the boat.


Longer the better. Easier to review. If one video contains the full range of data, but you need to refer to two or more segments of the presentation in order to clear up a mis-understood concept, you can always open multiple copies of the video and "navigate" to the several sections needed to achieve understanding. Not unlike fixing your location using different techniques. IF the videos are long, however, it is necessary to divide them up into chapters that will permit easier seek and find.
I really wish I had had YouTube when I was 12 ! ! !
