How Much Does a New Saltwater Aquarium Really Cost?

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Saltwater aquariums and reef tanks can be expensive, but how expensive is it really? Get some clear answers right here!
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Hand me down tank- $0
Bio wheel filter- $40
Small skimmer- $70
Amazon light- $130
Heater- $20
Rock- $80
Sand- $15
Fish- $80
Coral- $60
Total- $495
Don’t let a budget keep you from getting into the hobby!


My 20g price
Petco sale tank - $20
Homebuilt stand - $15 in wood
Wave maker(used) - $30
Rock(used) - $20
Live sand - $20
Tidal 55 - $70
Noo-Psyche k7 mini light - $130
AquaEl heater -$70
Corals I’m just getting started so far I’ve spent $100 on a couple zoas, mushroom, a Duncan and frammer.
Fish $6 blue devil damsel.

Future additions
ATO $130 - I top off every day currently.
Inkbird WiFi temp controller $50


lol feel like this just scares people away from the salt water hobby. It doesn't cost near that much to get going as a beginner.


Thats if you waste money buying from premIum places and premium equipment. I set up a 46 bowfront for like 600 bucks lol.


If your just starting to get into aquariums don't get a saltwater. It will be an absolute costly nightmare. Instead go into freshwater. It costs just about 200 dollars for everything ( including fish and plants) for a 30 gallon. Perfect for beginners.


my 15 g
$2 4kg sand
$9 lighting
$1 liverock
$6 seasalt
$2 2clownfish
$5 carpet anemone
$1 4mangrove
$9 mini protein skimmer
$2 surface skimmer
$11 diy canister
$0.52 thermometer

$idk 15g tank
total $49.52


Back in the day I had a 100 gallon saltwatwater aquarium system for 750 including nice fish.Too expensive now


80 gallon tank $160
Canister filter with uv $85
Hang on back media reactor $75
Auto top off $50
Rock and sand $210
300w heater $65
Cheap smart Coral light $110
Everything else you can slowly accumulate over time the initial start up is bad but after that it’s really not bad at all


Might as well share mine,

DIY 20g tank - $28
HOB filter - $30
reef light - $100
small wavemaker - $45
ATO - $30
corals - $30 (from cohobbyist)
fish, hardscape, and substrate - $free
(pair of clowns and gobby + shrimp.
I happen to live in a tropical country and no laws related not to collect some plus I live in a rural area near the beach so I get my water for free also)
accessories ie test kits, refracto, cleaning materials, etc - $40

for a grand total of about 300 dollars.

Tank is running for 2 years now. life is thriving. No need for dosing. Performs waterchange once a month. And just overall enjoying the hobby.


This is unreasonable their just trying to sell you expensive stuff


£400 for a full tank 200l with 70l sump with ATO, stand, rock, roller mat, skimmer, 2 return pumps mp40 wave maker, loads of little wave makers. 2nd hand is the way to go if your starting imo.


Just started to cycle a 90gal, im definitely over 3k. a lot of the peripherals are never discussed, and they add up. Ie, proper sickness treatment on standbuy, pumps, trashcan, tools, UPS backup power, cleaning equipment, testing equipment, no one mentions stocking 😅, you can do it for cheap, but you increase your chances of giving up faster because your equipment sucks or you lose everything cause you didnt properly prepare. Im finding out real fast that this cost 😤


Remember heaters aren't necessary unless it's cold where you are and you can have any cheap light as long as you don't plan to have coral


Starting with high end products will save a lot of headaches, and problems, will get warranty, it’s is ok to go cheap but at the end you end up buying the quality gear spending way more.


Here’s how much money it took to get my 30 gallon salt water tank going.

I already had the tank but if I didn’t the kit was about 150 dollars. The sand was about 53 dollars for 2 bags to fill it. We where able to buy the salt water for 1 dollar a gallon. My heater was 20 dollars and my filter was about 34 dollars. My reef light was about 100 dollars off Amazon and works great. I spent another 50 to 60 dollars on the rock, and 20 dollars for a small coral.


Mine is a 30 gallon open glass aquarium
80$ tank
25$ powerhead
40$ sand
60$ salt
60$ for 20 and 50 fluval hob filter (i got a big discount with the 50)
70$ lights
65$ for rock
And then small things i bought to maintain perameters and helps with tank


These are Bulk Reef Supplies prices. You can get ALL of this stuff much cheaper when you aren't supporting that California lifestyle.


A Nero 3 for a newbie, especially in one of those small 15 Gallon square tanks where at least half your flow force is gonna be blocked by the narrow tank wall is just absurd to include.


40breeder and stand-$200
Live sand and dry rock-$150
Hob filter-$100
Wave maker-$80
Heater and InkBird-$80
Egg crate diffuser for lid-$20
Paint for background-$30
RODI unit-$100
Buckets and salt-$100
API test kit and refractometer-$70

Total-around $1, 400

Should make for a decent setup and all new equipment. Some prices I errored on the side of caution.


My 10G long:
Tank: 5 bucks from thrift store
Stand: free from side of the road
Light: 35 dollar bulb, 15 dollar lightbulb holder.
Sand: 10 bucks
Wavemaker: 20 bucks
Rock: 40 bucks
Heater: 15 bucks
Fish: 20 dollars in living fish, 40 in dead ( :( )
Corals: 0 in living, 50 in dead.
Filter: 20 bucks
Salt: 20
Total cost: 185 living, 275 if counting dead fish/corals.
If you ask, 2 fish died of disease, the corals died because I may or may not have accidentally left the light on for 72 hours while on vacation...
