Webinar: Server to Cloud Migration - Taking the Right Path

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Webinar from February 11, 2021 - With Atlassian’s recent announcement about the EOD of Jira Server, Tempo customers are looking at their options for migrations away from Server deployments. In this webinar, we are joined by one of our Platinum Partners, e-core, to cover our joint strategy on Server to Cloud migrations, best practice migration processes, and tips and tricks for an effortless migration. This webinar includes an overview of how one of our larger customers has already made the leap away from Server.
e-Core Consulting | Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner Enterprise
00:23 - Team Introduction
02:25 - About Tempo
04:39 - Overview of 7 common Cloud misconceptions
12:00 - Why Cloud?
12:49 - 1) Time to value
14:45 - 2) ROI
15:15 - Innovation
15:54 - Customizable solutions
16:20 - Atlassian Cloud plans
17:09 - Cloud migration journey (assessment, preparation and migration)
24:27 - How to estimate the migration / Challenges / Insights
27:46 - Case study: Insurance company
33:42 - Status update from Tempo
37:55 - Q&A
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#JiraServerMigration #TempoServer #servertocloudmigration #eCore
e-Core Consulting | Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner Enterprise
00:23 - Team Introduction
02:25 - About Tempo
04:39 - Overview of 7 common Cloud misconceptions
12:00 - Why Cloud?
12:49 - 1) Time to value
14:45 - 2) ROI
15:15 - Innovation
15:54 - Customizable solutions
16:20 - Atlassian Cloud plans
17:09 - Cloud migration journey (assessment, preparation and migration)
24:27 - How to estimate the migration / Challenges / Insights
27:46 - Case study: Insurance company
33:42 - Status update from Tempo
37:55 - Q&A
*** Tempo Migration***
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Subscribe to our channel and connect with us:
#JiraServerMigration #TempoServer #servertocloudmigration #eCore