Literary Theory in English Literature #LiteraryTheory #ugcnet
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📚 Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Literary Theories for UGC NET English! 📚
In this video, we delve into the key literary theories and the important theorists you need to know for the UGC NET English exam. Understanding these theories is crucial for analyzing texts and constructing well-informed arguments in literary criticism. Here's a quick overview of what we'll cover:
♡New Criticism: Focuses on the text itself, independent of authorial intent and historical context.
Key Theorists: John Crowe Ransom, Cleanth Brooks, W.K. Wimsatt
Formalism: Emphasizes the formal elements of literature like structure, style, and language.
Key Theorists: Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson
♡ Structuralism: Analyzes literature through the structures of language and underlying systems.
Key Theorists: Ferdinand de Saussure, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Roland Barthes
♡ Post-Structuralism & Deconstructionism: Challenges the stability of meaning and explores the fluidity of texts.
Key Theorists: Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault
♡ Postmodernism: Critiques grand narratives and embraces fragmented, contradictory perspectives.
Key Theorists: Jean-François Lyotard, Fredric Jameson
♡ Psychoanalytic Criticism: Examines texts through the lens of psychology and the unconscious mind.
Key Theorists: Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan
♡ Archetypal Criticism: Identifies universal symbols and patterns in literature.
Key Theorists: Carl Jung, Northrop Frye
♡ Reader Response Theory: Focuses on the reader's experience and interpretation of the text.
Key Theorists: Wolfgang Iser, Stanley Fish, Norman Holland
♡ Feminism: Analyzes literature through the perspectives of gender and power dynamics.
Key Theorists: Simone de Beauvoir, Judith Butler, Elaine Showalter
♡ Marxism: Interprets literature through the lens of class struggle and economic power.
Key Theorists: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Antonio Gramsci
♡ New Historicism: Considers literature in the context of historical and cultural circumstances.
Key Theorists: Stephen Greenblatt, Louis Montrose
♡ Queer Theory: Explores texts in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity.
Key Theorists: Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Judith Butler
♡ Eco Criticism: Studies the relationship between literature and the environment.
Key Theorists: Cheryll Glotfelty, Laurence Coupe
♡ Postcolonial Criticism: Examines the effects of colonialism and cultural hegemony on literature.
Key Theorists: Edward Said, Homi K. Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Join us as we explore the contributions of these theorists and how their ideas shape literary criticism. Whether you're preparing for the UGC NET exam or simply interested in literary theory, this video will provide you with essential insights and knowledge.
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#LiteraryTheory #UGCNET #EnglishLiterature #NewCriticism #Formalism #Structuralism #PostStructuralism #Deconstructionism #Postmodernism #PsychoanalyticCriticism #ArchetypalCriticism #ReaderResponseTheory #Feminism #Marxism #NewHistoricism #QueerTheory #EcoCriticism #PostcolonialCriticism #LiteraryTheorists
In this video, we delve into the key literary theories and the important theorists you need to know for the UGC NET English exam. Understanding these theories is crucial for analyzing texts and constructing well-informed arguments in literary criticism. Here's a quick overview of what we'll cover:
♡New Criticism: Focuses on the text itself, independent of authorial intent and historical context.
Key Theorists: John Crowe Ransom, Cleanth Brooks, W.K. Wimsatt
Formalism: Emphasizes the formal elements of literature like structure, style, and language.
Key Theorists: Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson
♡ Structuralism: Analyzes literature through the structures of language and underlying systems.
Key Theorists: Ferdinand de Saussure, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Roland Barthes
♡ Post-Structuralism & Deconstructionism: Challenges the stability of meaning and explores the fluidity of texts.
Key Theorists: Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault
♡ Postmodernism: Critiques grand narratives and embraces fragmented, contradictory perspectives.
Key Theorists: Jean-François Lyotard, Fredric Jameson
♡ Psychoanalytic Criticism: Examines texts through the lens of psychology and the unconscious mind.
Key Theorists: Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan
♡ Archetypal Criticism: Identifies universal symbols and patterns in literature.
Key Theorists: Carl Jung, Northrop Frye
♡ Reader Response Theory: Focuses on the reader's experience and interpretation of the text.
Key Theorists: Wolfgang Iser, Stanley Fish, Norman Holland
♡ Feminism: Analyzes literature through the perspectives of gender and power dynamics.
Key Theorists: Simone de Beauvoir, Judith Butler, Elaine Showalter
♡ Marxism: Interprets literature through the lens of class struggle and economic power.
Key Theorists: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Antonio Gramsci
♡ New Historicism: Considers literature in the context of historical and cultural circumstances.
Key Theorists: Stephen Greenblatt, Louis Montrose
♡ Queer Theory: Explores texts in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity.
Key Theorists: Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Judith Butler
♡ Eco Criticism: Studies the relationship between literature and the environment.
Key Theorists: Cheryll Glotfelty, Laurence Coupe
♡ Postcolonial Criticism: Examines the effects of colonialism and cultural hegemony on literature.
Key Theorists: Edward Said, Homi K. Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Join us as we explore the contributions of these theorists and how their ideas shape literary criticism. Whether you're preparing for the UGC NET exam or simply interested in literary theory, this video will provide you with essential insights and knowledge.
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For Study Material (UGC NET English Mastery: Essential Guide Booklets) WhatsApp Me On :
+91 9028387544
#LiteraryTheory #UGCNET #EnglishLiterature #NewCriticism #Formalism #Structuralism #PostStructuralism #Deconstructionism #Postmodernism #PsychoanalyticCriticism #ArchetypalCriticism #ReaderResponseTheory #Feminism #Marxism #NewHistoricism #QueerTheory #EcoCriticism #PostcolonialCriticism #LiteraryTheorists