The Real North Pole: 5 Mythical Ancient Islands That Might Actually Exist

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There are many stories of places that have been deemed mythological, only for it later to be discovered that there is much more to these myths than was first thought. Hvítramannaland, also variously known as Great Ireland and White Men’s Land, is one such place.

Amongst the most significant and influential of ancient Norse texts are the Saga of Erik the Red and the Saga of the Greenlanders. These sagas allude to the island of Hvítramannaland, described as being six days sailing west of Ireland, or alternatively, somewhere near Vinland, the name once given to the coastal area of eastern North America.

In the Saga of Erik the Red, the native people of Hvítramannaland were described as always being dressed in white and that they, quote, "uttered loud cries, bore long poles, and wore fringes." Another source mentions albinism in the population, with "hair and skin as white as snow."

Gerardus Mercator, the Flemish geographer and cartographer who created one of the first world maps, also mentioned a similar land in a 1577 letter to John Dee, the English academic and occultist.

In the letter to Dee, Mercator mentions that, in the 14th century, a group of eight men had come to Norway from a distant land, claiming to have been part of an expedition sent by the legendary King Arthur of Britain, and that they were, in fact, his fifth-generation descendants.

The true location of the legendary Hvítramannaland, is a subject of scholarly debate, with several theories proposing locations along the Eastern seaboard of North America. Carl Christian Rafn suggests the Chesapeake Bay area, referencing Shawnee legends of "white men with iron instruments."

However, historian Farley Mowat offers a more detailed theory, placing the land on Newfoundland's western shore.

According to Mowat, European settlers from the northern British Isles, referred to as Albans, reached Iceland, Greenland, and North America before the Vikings. These Albans, thought to be the original Neolithic inhabitants of Britain, were displaced by the Celts and pushed to Europe's northwestern fringes.

Mowat asserts they were skilled walrus ivory hunters, which led them to discover and settle in Newfoundland due to its suitable land for farming and rich walrus population.

Mowat argues that the Albans' presence in Newfoundland predates the Vikings by centuries and that their settlements along the southwest coast influenced Viking exploration.

The Vikings knew the area as Hvítramannaland, and Mowat speculates that voyages by figures like Leif Erikson were attempts to raid this land, which either failed or resulted in hostile encounters with the natives.

The Albans are believed to have maintained connections to Europe into the early Middle Ages, but these links were severed by the 14th century as European pirates forced their migration inland, where they assimilated with other populations.

Mowat's theory is a fascinating possibility, placing the Albans and Hvítramannaland at the heart of an untold chapter of pre-Columbian transatlantic contact and settlement in the New World...
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Ancient cartographers were notorious for putting in "fake" islands as sort of a signature of works so as to stop plagiarism. You would see other people's claimed maps but with the same fake island on it and knew it was a copied map. Not saying all or any of these are, just that it was a thing they used to do.


How about this:
The city under the
Grand canyon????
The preistoeic lake at the low end of Death Valley???


An island called "hybrazil" off Ireland should have been number 6 on the list x


Rupes nigra, black rock, like the company that owns most of the world's businesses?


I have a theory that this is where "Black Rock" derived their name. As in they are sitting atop the world, marking the axis, around which the world revolves.


I've heard that the word "apple" was used for any fruit that didn't have a specific name at the time. So, for example, the "Apple" from the tree in the Garden of Eden wasn't actually an apple as we know it today, but written in text was named an "apple" because the writer didn't know what specific fruit it was. So if you read about "apples" in historic text or when referring to legend, just be aware it could be any fruit that they couldn't identify and just called it an "apple" for ease of use.


I've been known to bare a long pole wear white and utter loud cries!!

Holy shit! This explains a lot!

That's my people!


The screams those people heard may have been deer. In my town we have muntjac deers and their call is very eerie


It's commonly thought now that Glastonbury Tor (hill) was once entirely surrounded by water in the 6th Century time of Arthur before the land was eventually terra-formed & drained in the Medieval period for crop-planting. If true the Tor most certainly would've looked like an island in the middle of a lake back then.


Before watching it, i hope flat earth would be mentioned as well as Rupes Nigra!


most myths/stories are based on a real thing. but things got twisted/added etc everytime it was told by someone else over the centuries. and off course they didnt had a word/knowledge for all the things. for example: a modern day lighter in 1500 would be called magic. someone with a flamethrower would mostlikely be called a god that could shoot fire in ancient times. simple "modern" day things that would be magic/godly in those days


Tesla said there’s no such thing as gravity or electrons…. He wrote papers on them……


Could be Tir na Nog, "Land of the young " Irish mythology pretty famous story one of the first we learn growing up.


Always interesting! Watch each new one as they drop, Thank You!


The Black Rock story was very intriguing...
Great work, as always! ❤


"white man's land"? Based


What Plato speaks of as Atlantis was a populated, organized and technologically advanced North America with resources work population


I love it. You changed the thumbnail so that the chia pancake people wouldn't get excited.


Thank you for your videos I always appreciate them


Many memories of our ancient forefathers went back in time to much older sagas and legends from all that islands that existed in the Atlantic and Mediterraneum, when the sealevel was up to 160 meters lower... This was in the period of ca. 12800 to 11600 years before us, when comet-debris caused the biblical flood and huge cataclysms in this Younger Dryas age... Former known isles sank under this terrific Tsunamis. At the northwestcoast of France you still see stonerows going into the sea... The Northsea didn't exist before this Megaflood, it were inhabited plains with grasland, rivers, and lakes with Mammuts... And on ancient maps of the Aegean sea you see many isles that are now under water... Imagine how many ruins should be found there...

We need hundreds of brave divers for all that research work at the submerged continent shelfs. Like Franck Goddio, James Ballard.
