Florida Couple Finds Sunken Treasure Worth $957 Million!

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Real pieces of 8! Over 40 TONS of solid Gold! and countless priceless artifacts were found by diving for buried or sunken treasure by Mel Fisher. Mainly from a single boat, this Florida man, made almost a Billion Dollars, and the single biggest treasure find in the world!

One unrelenting search at the hands of one determined man revealed, at the time, the greatest discovery of lost treasure in history. His name? Mel Fisher.

Imagine finding half a billion dollars worth of gold, silver, and jewels in the middle of the ocean. What would you do with that kind of cash? That’s what ex-chicken farmer Mel Fisher had to ask himself after he stumbled across the Nuestra Señora de Atocha. As much as people tried to steal it - including the government - he managed to hold onto his fortune.

Since then, he’s been dubbed the World's Greatest Treasure Hunter. So, how’d he do it, and what’d he find exactly? Let’s dive in and find out.

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Cool stuff, lucky dude. Tried hard and it paid off. Love these vids.


imagine finding 1billion dollars worth of treasure and then someone tells you, "yea ill allow you to keep some of it" like they doing you a favor or something... Government be stealing errything they can get their hands on.


I live 5 miles away from the Mel Fisher one on Cape Cod Massachusetts and for 19 years I was swimming in the summer with my friends over 800 million dollars worth of gold and Jewelry and didn't know it!!!! That is a kick in the ass for ya....


Interesting story I have about this, there are more than 2 museums that have been opened with this treasure.

There is a museum on the top floor of Sea Shell City in Fenwick Delaware(Near Ocean City MD)called DiscoverSea Shipwreck Museum.
Dale (green shorts 4:53) runs the museum and owns a portion of this treasure. My sister and I were homeschooled for a few years and one of my moms homeschool friends was dales sister.
My moms friend scheduled a homeschool field trip and we got the opportunity to see some of the collection up close.

He first brought out a gold bar that weighed several pounds of solid gold. Were talking $50, 000 in gold and we were passing it around.
He then brought out pieces of eight to show to us and I found that more fascinating as 5th grade me thought that was the coolest thing.
After he puts the pieces of eight away, he brings out a bottle that still had preserved rum in it that they had found in the wreck.

He pours a quarter of a shot and one of the homeschool moms tried it and it was like drinking moonshine because it burnt so bad. That little sip would have costed $300 if he was to sell it.
There is an interesting article I found called "The Day I Drank 282 year old rum" that shows dale letting another woman try the rum.

The last thing he brought out was the chain seen at 3:57. It was more than 15 feet long and was made for one of the queens of england, but it obviously never made it there.

if you are ever vacationing near Ocean City Maryland or are driving through, check the hours for his museum and there are a lot of cool artifacts including a camera recovered from the titanic with 3 photos that were able to be developed with the help of kodak.


The way the state of Florida went against him to steal the treasure is part of the very reasons we go to war with people. Dont step on our things!


I have been to his museum in Florida its a really cool place. A lot of the things he found are on display including one of the gold bars.


I am lucky enough to have personally handled a solid gold bar (around 6" x 1.25" x 3/4") salvaged from the Atocha by Mel Fisher. A touch of history... Mel Fisher displayed many of his treasures from the Atocha at a Mall in Guam about 2 decades ago and happened to be there to view and feel them.


Then theres me getting excited over finding a 50p


Me finding a dollar:money money money money


I think he did the right thing keeping most of the artifacts. Many of what he discovered is irreplaceable pieces of history. With inflation right now gold and metals will keep rising along with the numismatic value of the coins due to historical significance


My Dad brought my 2 brothers and I down to Key West right after Mel Fisher brought the majority of the treasure up from the water. The walls of the Mel Fisher museum were lined 4 stacks high with the 90 pound silver bars. They had a gold bar incased in plexiglass so you could actually pick it up and hold it in your hand. My Dad said at that moment I could rip that out of the wall right now. It was still there when my wife and I went down there 15 years after my 1st visit. Since then someone ripped that gold bar from the wall and stole it. Wasn't my Dad he had been deceased for years before it happened. My Dad before dying had managed to purchase an actual Gold Cross from the shipwreck. Of which my stepmother still owns to this day. To see all that silver there was amazing but it's NOT there anymore. All that silver has been melted down for the majority of it. Some of those giant silver chunks still exists to this day.


I actually got 2 pieces of what was found from that treasure hoard, a half Reale "cob", and a 4 Reale, cost me a fortune to get but it's worth it getting something from this amazing discovery


This guy shows that you never, ever give up! Corruption is present in all aspects of govt!!


Bruh if dude found it, why aint they let him keep it. Understandable if the owner of the treasures descendents come after it but tf did the gov have to do with that?


I'm gonna join a treasure hunting diving team. 😁😅


Nobody should be able to say you cant keep it. Because of this people will just find stuff and keep it themselves. Melt it down, put their own stamp on it, peddle some here and there, get insurance, leave it to loved ones. Govts today want everyone poor.


He hardly stumbled across it. He had been looking for it for 30 years!


Guess What's on my bucketlist now.
Find as much gold, jewls, and artifacts as i can before i die!!
Thanks for this amazing video.


My husband and I were there the day Mel found the MOTHER LOAD!!!! It was our last day of vacation and we were making our last round before we were to leave and we’re right outside Mel’s building when they came bursting out of the door screaming, “ We found it, we found the Mother Load”! We weren’t quite sure what all the hoopla was about until we were driving home listening to the radio, then and only then did we realize our very close brush with fame. I wanted to turn around and go back but alas, work was calling us home. ☺️


