My reaction to Robert Meyer Burnett’s Conflict-of-Interest-riddled assessment of Picard Season 3

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My reaction to RMB’s comments about Picard S3.

I would normally take the time to make a full-on video w/ OBS but I’m rather aggravated at the entire situation with someone that I otherwise generally have a high amount of respect for.
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Wait, what? YOU DO GET IT! So, why are you so different on Twitter? This video is spot on.


I said Picard season 2 is the worst Star Trek I've ever seen & Terry Matalas blocked me on his twitter. He's a sensitive wee soul. RMB & now Dave Cullen have said it's a return to form for Star Trek. We will soon see but I hope both of them haven't been compromised like the shill media have


Picard S1 was hateful towards the fans. Picard S2 was probably the most stunningly stupid show ever put to film (and that is saying a lot in a universe where She Hulk also exists). STD has been awful as well in terms of the virtue signaling, the SJW-ism, terrible writing and terrible acting. SNW had flashes of decency and the Tone was improved and being episodic helps. But it still has the Kurtzman millstone hung around its neck and you can see where he interferes with things.

Picard S3 was an improvement - to deny it is to be unrealistic. The pacing was better, the story did actually hang together and the characters from TNG felt like their TNG selves again. That said, it is too dark both tonally and literally, took too long to tell this story (really it could have been told in 3 fewer episodes) and worst of all failed to completely disconnect from Kurtzman Trek.
