Ranking All 26 Long Guns in Remnant 2 [Tier List]

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Tags: Remnant, from the ashes, remnant 2, full auto, critical strike, build, loadout, nightmare, apocalypse, survivor, hardcore, boss, rings, amulet, weapon, chicago typewriter, lmg, nightfall, bleed, vampire, loadout, crescent moon bow, deceit, sniper, apocalypse, handler, summoner, meme, fire, tier list, long guns, best weapon,
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I'm pretty sure someone already told you this but to get the actual dmg for aphileon you need to shoot the black hole and. There is a spam build for it and it's really good


Happy seeing plasma cutter at A-tier, that gun is just really comfortable to use.


A good way around the mod gimmick for the deceit is to use a thrown melee weapon


Update for any one watching: The Arbalist has been fixed in the recent update, the shots will no longer bounce off an enemy with out damaging them.
Making it a VERY strong weapon, especially when you up your AOE range and drop the hammer (or swords in this case) and clear a whole room in an instant. And now that your shots always land, its WAY more fun to use.


I enjoyed your concise style and honesty in this tier list vid. Whilst not everyone appears to agree with you in the comments thats beside the point. This was YOUR tier list and there's value in hearing that from a guy who is only 12 hours into the game and still usinf the AS10.


Coach gun with the Extender mutator is really nice, 3 shots compared to 2 is a pretty big difference.


The Huntmaster M1 slaps with the right crit build and you don’t really have to even try with the hunter class. Carried me through my first play through once I found the right pistol combo. Mostly agree with your list keep up the good work


I got nightfall at pretty much the start of my game as Losomn was my first biome and after beating the game I haven’t found a replacement. I tried Deceit and it felt too gimmicky for my taste. I think S tier is fair. It’s one of the only long guns I’ve seen that doesn’t seem to require a specific build to be effective and the mod is just ridiculous.


I haven’t played Apocalypse so maybe that’s why it’s different but the Aphelion on Nightmare is a mob clearing machine. Throw the Bandit mutator on there and you can shoot for a long time because each time one of your projectiles hits an enemy there is a 30% chance to refund that round to the magazine, and it hits multiple enemies at once AND pierces them to potentially hit more enemies behind them. I maxed it and I haven’t found a better trash clear long gun. But again, maybe it’s damage is just awful on apocalypse, but it’s pretty reasonable on Nightmare. Not a good boss DPS weapon though I do admit that.


I had high hopes for sagittarius but it fires so slow and the reticle is hard for me to find in the heat of battle.(late to this game).


I ended up Losom as my first world, got the Deceit from the boss (it was obvious that guy was totally lying) and have yet to find anything better. That gun is just fantastic.


Great job on the video and ranking. Saved me a lot of time trying every weapon out. Also I like how you kept everything to the point and short.


Blackmaw should really be A-tier. I'm still running that gun over other weapons because of just how easy it is to use and how powerful it is. Especially since you can slap whatever weapon mod you want on it


Not gonna lie. Blackmaw at B Tier is crazy. It’s the most consistent and strongest ar, especially for a huge build


Void amulet and the mutator that makes next shot after reload do X% more make the coach kind of a monster.


the aphelion was my go to, love that gun but i do agree it needs some more damage, i mainly used it with bandit, so that grouped up enemies it was great


The savior in D tier is just disrespectful. Use the bow mutator and the archers crest and its a beauty. Great for mob clearing and is competitive on bosses as well.


New to the game and on the struggle bus at level 6 with Faelin using the Huntmaster. Thank you. Subbed.


Are you sure Archers Crest works on the Crossbow? You sure it doesn't just speed up the "draw speed" on bows (and savior) for weapons that need to hold the trigger before releasing?


Sporebloom with Bandit mutator? Oh boy, gambling for dmg is always fun!
Better put that gun in A-tier
