Repotting a 200 Year Old Christmas Cactus! 😱🌵😍 // Garden Answer

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Garden Answer
580 S Oregon St
Ontario, Oregon 97914
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I just want to say THANK YOU for doing this. As far as we know this plant is my the original from my great great grandmother, Selma; I have several grown from her cuttings. She's doing great since you've done this. We are so grateful for your willingness to even do this and keep Selma thriving; she's practically a family member!


I'm a 68 year old woman caring for the Christmas Cactus originally owned by my great grandmother. It looks just like the one you repotted! Enormous in size and woody in places. I'm sure it's a similar age. I'm so grateful for your video as mine has not been repotted in 40 years ( give or take). It goes outside in the Spring and comes in the weekend deer hunting season begins (the first weekend in October). It blooms several times a year and it is a beautiful fuscia color. Thanks again.


I know this exact Scenario. My grandmother gave me one of her 50+ year old Christmas cactus about 5 years ago. I consider myself lucky; she re-potted hers every few years. Older Christmas cactuses are more common than you think. With proper care they can out last some of the oldest trees! Grandmas rules: Only water from the top if it’s suffering or has just been transplanted. Always water from the bottom. Once a week if outside and once every two-three weeks if in doors. They also like indirect sunlight. Once it starts to form bloom heads cut down on watering. Once it’s done blooming try to let them fall off or be totally wilted before removing. She has never fertilized hers that I know of. If your Christmas cactus starts to grow roots on its branches, that means you aren’t watering often enough. I hope more people realize how wonderfully long lasting these plants can be!


My father passed away in 88 and he had a shamrock with tiny white trumpet shaped blooms with orange tubers. He loved that plant and me and my siblings all have pieces and have grown many babies off them over the years. It's amazing to have sentiments towards a plant when it was a favorite of a most loved person that has passed.


Oh my! I would have been a nervous wreck repotting that “monster.” I was on the edge of my seat hoping you could get it out of the pot without breaking anything off. But of course you did it with such grace! You teach us all so much more than just gardening…..persistence, positivity, and a “can do” attitude are among many! Thank you once again for all you do to shine a bright light on us all and for making this a better world!


Wow! I thought my Christmas cactus was old. It was my grandma's plant. It is over 100 yrs old. It fell off the table it's on about 2 years ago. I never cried so hard. It bounced back and looks fabulous now. I love it so much. 💗


You repotted that 200 year old beauty like a boss girl! I love how gentle and respectful you were with the plant yet you confidently did the job. Well done! Very fun to watch 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I have seen big Christmas cactus before but NEVER that big. That baby is huge and whoever is caring for that plant is doing an awesome job.


Rambo wielding the garden knife is absolutely my new favorite graphic. Bravo to either Ken or Aaron, whoever came up with that! Made my day! I have some poison ivy to tackle this week, and I'm already plotting to send the photo to my husband when I'm heading out for battle.


I inherited my mom's christmas cactus. It's now about 60 years old. I've had it for 27 years and have never repotted it because I had no clue how to go about it. It has not been repotted for a least 40 years and is showing signs of stress. Thank you for this video.


These plants are wonderful and this specimen is an assolute stunner. Could I get you to promise to show the plant again when it is in flower, I know its not yours and that might be difficult, but even a photo would be great...Steve...🙂


The customer is so lucky to have you two tend to this difficult job! Your respect to the plant is what stood out to me. Well done and I really enjoy your videos!


mine is 70 plus years, original root ball and some clippings for smaller plants. It's hard to repot but I put some of that landscaping screening and lay it in the pot. That way I can just lift up the edges of the fabric to repot to larger pot


My gram passed young in 1970, and my mother took her Christmas cactus. I’ve had it now for five years. 🥰🌺


I repotted an older Christmas cactus a couple of years ago that my Grandmother gifted me when I was 16. I am 63 now. She had it for many years before me, so I don’t actually know how old it is. I was a nervous wreck, but after watching an older video that you posted about their care, I attempted it, and it was a success. I cried when a few of the older woody branches broke off, but I hardened them off and repotted them back in with the original plant, and it’s been doing well. I used Espoma cactus soil and use their cactus fertilizer, too. It hasn’t bloomed since repotting, but it didn’t bloom from the time I got it until I was 31, so there’s hope! Thank you for giving us the gumption to try things that scare us initially.


I love having my morning coffee with "the garden lady" (as my kids call you). Your knowledge has rubbed off on my soon-to-be second grader. We homeschool and a lot of her science right now is about plants. Because I watch your videos, and have since started a garden, she's flying through the plant category of her schooling. It's almost too easy as she quickly labels parts of a seedling and light requirements 😆

You've been a big help in her education and mine.

Thank you for all that you do.


I have the mother plant that was my husbands grandmothers. we have had it 51 years and he remembers it in the parlor when he was a kid. I have made 3 more plants from cutting from the mother plant which are also huge. they go outside in the summer and into an unheated bedroom in the winter. just one of those plants you cant get rid of.


Precarious project, live 200 year old family heirloom, Laura breaks out the folding chair 😂 I could instantly hear every adult from my childhood, “Do not stand on that folding chair!” Laura got it done in expert fashion. Such a fun video. I actually have 3 holiday cactus from a plant lot my husband bought me from an estate sale. Not nearly this big or lush but definitely old with thick, woody stems. I’ve kept them a year and half and considered passing them onto someone else but this video gives me renewed energy for them. As always, many thanks, Laura.


Wow, that’s the biggest Christmas cactus I have ever seen! They have taken such good care of it! You were brave to handle this one.


Interesting FACT :
Laura in a Q&A once was asked about having her own Christmas cactus - - she said she didn't care to own one...

Mine is only 30 yrs old, it's magnificent in pink blooms in October. Older branches break off, it's normal, that's how it spreads. Easiest gift to break off a few branches pop it in a beautiful new pot and they bloom in the first year for your friend or loved one.

Two of my friends' dogs passed away and I painted custom pots with their names on them. When they bloom every year it reminds them fondly of their fur baby.
