3 Months of Learning Game Development

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Game dev artists I recommend:

s o c i a l s ☕

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d e s c r i p t i o n 🔥
00:00 - intro
00:41 - how I got into game dev
01:14 - choosing a game engine
01:38 - the struggle with side projects
03:10 - my experience with Unity
06:00 - other problems and my game dev experience
07:51 - should you try game dev?
08:01 - do I recommend Unity?
08:29 - how do you learn?
09:01 - staying consistent?
09:35 - has game dev ruined the magic?
10:00 - outro

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A little over 3 months ago I decided to try game development for the first time. In the past, I never really was interested in game dev or game design. I've always loved playing video games, but I was hesitant to try game development as I thought it might ruin the magic of video games overall.
This video is less of a devlog, and more of a reflection on my experience developing a game so far.

But the inevitable YouTube algorithm started to recommend game dev channels, and I was hooked. To start off, I had to decide on a game engine. Some popular game engines are Unity, Unreal, Godot, Gamemaker, Construct, and RPGMaker. I really like C# as a programming language, and many of the tutorials I began watching were using Unity, so I felt Unity was a solid initial choice.

I also decided to focus on developing a 2D game similar to Stardew Valley, because I thought making a 3D game may be a little more complex than my free time would support.

One thing I usually struggle with when it comes to software engineering side projects, is that I start a lot of projects, but I don't finish a lot of projects (mostly due to waning interest). I didn't want that to happen with game development, so I decided to only work on it when I want to. To hopefully avoid burnout, and not make game dev and design feel like a chore or job.

Creating art for game development is also a hurdle. I've tried pixel art and let me tell you, it did not go well. Therefore I decided to pay and support really talented pixel artists, instead of dreading creating terrible looking sprites. You can find the link to their itch pages above!

Overall, game development has been the most fun software engineering side project I've ever worked on. Indie game dev is more satisfying as its very visual and tangible (similar to web dev).
And in general, I recommend anyone interested in game development or game design, at least try it out. I think Unity is a great engine, but there are a lot of other engines out there to try as well.

And remember, if you are doing this for fun, don't make it another job (unless you want to)!


This video was sponsored by Datacamp.

c r e d i t s 🎵

d i s c l a i m e r
I do not claim to own any or all of the pictures/footage that may be shown in this video.
All of my opinions are entirely my own and do not represent any company I work for or am affiliated with.
Any financial topics discussed are not financial advice.
Рекомендации по теме

I really can agree with "It increased my appreciation for those games". Since ive got into game dev i know hoooow much work for exaple AAA games like Red dead 2 are.


I just finished my first month of learning game dev with unity, and seeing this motivates me and excites me to see just how much I can learn in the next 2 months. Thanks for this video!


I'm not sure how I got recommended this from the Youtube Algorithm™, but I'm glad I did. After mindlessly eating half a box of cheez-its and finishing the video I was surprised to see the view count. The editing was great and I was thoroughly intrigued. I haven't seen any other of your videos but I hope you get one that blows up. You seem to be going in the right direction though, because I got recommended this video despite sparingly watching tech content. Best of luck.


Pre-optimisation is my biggest weakness as a sw engineer, it kills a lot of passion and motivation for projects if it’s not perfect. It’s very hard to correct!


Thank you for making this. I fall into the trap of scheduling too, I’ve recently adopted your method of just working on it when I want to, it makes the Dev much more enjoyable! Using Monogame instead of Unity tho! Amazing video!😁


I don’t know how I stumbled upon your channel, but I’m glad I did! You have some awesome, natural, content my friend! I’ll be looking forward to more videos from your channel. 🤘🏽😎


The most important thing when you start developing indie games is to start with short projects, be aware of your possibilities and your time. Then, when you already have more skills and experience, you can increase your aspirations and do bigger projects or associate with more people and share the work.


Feature creep is definitely something I've struggled a lot with and It made me realize why game designers are valued so much


As a teenager, I was heavily into web development. Both frontend & backend. I usually gave up on my projects too, and jumped to another. It was hard to stay focused on one project.


Great video. I just started 2 months ago with no programming or coding experience. This shows the importance of knowing how to code. Very impressive to see this amount of progress in such a short amount of time. The setting time thing is so relatable. I'm so ADHD, that I find working on it when I am feeling it, I make so much more progress.


This video resonates very much with me and therefore it's quite motivating to see how you're making progress. I appreciate you making this video a lot man, thanks!


Great vid! And thanks for sharing your experiences to the world. I'm still a noob in this programming world, but i have a hunch that i might need to check on your channel in the future, so definitely deserve a subscribe. 👊


Thank you for this video. It was extremely helpful and gave me a lot to think about. I am starting to learn coding and really want to make games, so this advice and plain and simple video was so encouraging and real.


I appreciate you calling out avoiding burn out and that it is OK to not have to work on a side project every day. Have learned this over the years myself!


Wow! I can’t believe you don’t have more subscribers! Your filmmaking and game development skills are amazing! Well done!


Hey man, thanks for sharing your journey. I can totally relate to that feeling about side projects.


I love seeing your journey. keep it up!


Really interesting to see someone coming at this from the Software development. Especially your talking points about scope and feature creep. Both are very important to take note of but they get brushed over a lot of the time. Even by developers with experience. Fascinating video.


thanks for makings this video. i know nothing about game dev but just putting all the footages together and come up with this video is hard enough for me. i enjoy your sharing really.


Sometimes being an organized individual has its cons when it comes to increased task anxiety in not being able to keep a rigid schedule. Sounds like many others here in the comments can relate as well! Just gotta go with the flow and see the results build up over time.
