“I’m Not Calling You A Liar” - Dragon Age 2 - Orchestral Arrangement by Inon Zur

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"I'm Not Calling You A Liar" by Florence + The Machine
Orchestral Arrangement by Inon Zur
From BioWare’s Dragon Age 2
© 2011 Electronic Arts Music

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I really wish this version of Florence's 'Im Not Calling You a Liar' was more widely available it is so so good. I can only imagine it is caught up in silly licensing nonsense.


Been replaying DA II in 2024, 'tis was a masterful sketch if a so great game


I love this version, but It also reminds me often of the credits of this game...Dragon Age and Mass Effect games allways left me with the bittersweet feeling that I'm saying goodby to some real good friends When I finish them... It's sort depresing at times TBH


The thing I loved about DA2 was the morally grey decisions you had to make constantly. It's different from DAO and DAI and I love it.


Inon Zur must come back for the next Dragon Age game. It is just not the same without his Music.


DA2 had a gore, macabre and sentimental story and this song just fits Hawke so much. S/he cared for all of the companions.
I’m not calling you a thief - Isabela
I’m not calling you a liar - Merrill / Anders
I’m not calling you a ghost - Fenris / Anders


Because of the lockdown I replayed the Dragon Age Trilogy.
All of them are good in my opinion, they all taste different but the depth of the characters stays excellent.

But I must say that Hawke has a special place in my heart because of him/her sad story. Even more when I met her in Inquisition where I saw her so depressed, disillusioned and sad. It was like she wanted to end her life after all theses events and I saw the trip to the Fade like if it was the moment when her story should end. A sort of suicidal last stand that should close her life book.

So listening again to this version of the song... damn feels.


Been replaying da2. This song still makes me want to cry for Hawke..


Dragon age 2 I think is one of my most nostalgic games. I really loved the family dynamic. The struggle to maintain stability in a deteriorating situation. The messy line between good and evil, both sides having good and bad eggs. It is a beautiful tragedy.

A shame it had such rushed development and budget cuts...


all the anders/hawke feelings this song gives me, even after years....still big tears


Getting flashbacks to the first time I heard this and thinking “Oh shit, did I get the bad ending? What did I do wrong?” but god damn hearing this again makes me wanna replay DA2, what a brilliant game


Despite what everyone says, DA2 is my favorite game in the series, and it had my favorite cast of companions.


Florence and the machine my favorite band and dragon age theme love it


I like this version getter than the original. That way it perfectly blends with the dragon age II sound effects and theme just makes me tear up. DA2 wasn't as good as Origins, sure, but it still holds a place in my heart.


GODS like this soundtrack still fucks me up, Dragon Age 2 has to be the most emotional game I've played and probably will always be. It has it flaws, the writing and game itself, but the characters are to well-written to focus on the negative


thank god, been looking for a good quality version of this for a long time. The most memorable video game credits song tbh


This is just so much better that the original Florence version.


Both inquisition and origins have major decisions where you "know" what's right and wrong and you can always do the right thing.
In origins you can be a monster of a person, yes, but you kinda need to be roleplaying too make "evil" decisions. Save the elves and cure the werewolves, destroy the anvil so it can't be used to enlave people as it's bound to be, save both Connor and Isolde, save the remaining mages at the tower... Except for deciding who will be the king of Orzammar, there's always an intermediate, ethical path that seems the rigtheous one.
In inquisition you just can't be evil, a stupid jerk at most.

To the point: playing Dragon age 2 had me looking at the screen for minutes figuring out what i should do. There are truly grey decisions as the game makes an actual effort to show the good and bad sides in every faction. I found that amazing, honestly.
I hope for remaster, with polished maps and better game mechanics (fuck the enemies falling of sky at my back), cause this plot is fricking amazing, loved it back to back.


Первая часть зашла своей эпичностью, на тебе ложится судьба мира и ты скитаешься в поисках соратников, пока тебе на спину дышит Мор и Архидемон. От первой сцены до сих пор мурашки по коже. За это и люблю первую часть.

В этой же части ты решаешь более приземлённые проблемы. Здесь нет добра и зла, есть выгода. Порой трудный выбор приходилось делать во время прохождения, даже если вроде выбрал оптимальное решение, в душе оставалось горечь. Вот за это и люблю вторую часть.


Coming back to sob over this game lmao. ✌️
