What is a Speech Disorder? (Apraxia of Speech and Dysarthria)

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This week we cover what goes on behind the scenes of speech disorders. Often this is the most talked about type of problem that speech therapists help, but it is much more complicated than most think.
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My problem is that I know what I want to say, but I can't put it into words a lot of the time. Basically, I find myself lost for words- literally. My memory with word recall is garbage as is my verbal communication. Most people around me just think I'm soft spoken and shy, but the reason why I don't talk so much is because it's too much work to keep a conversation flowing because of my 'blanks'. I have no idea what's causing this...


Speaking verbally: ❌
Speaking mentally:✔️


The sentence in my brain: ABCD
The sentence when I speak:AGKD


I can read a book fluently, can sing too but i stuck the first word whenever i start to communicate.


I’m a grown man. I’m sitting here ready to cry. After all these years i feel like someone understands what I’ve been suffering with. I have what seems to be a serious issue with speech. When I talk I am almost ALWAYS misunderstood.. people hear one thing when I’ve said something totally different. I need help…please.


I've had a problem with speaking extremely fast and use run on sentences all the time. It has caused me to have a great deal of anxiety when I have to talk. I was bullied alot when I was younger even in my early adult life so I am super self concious when I have to speak which seems to make everything 10x worse. Looking for some type of practice to help me slow down and pronounce the words fully. To all in the comments dealing with any type of issue or disorder, You Are Beautiful 🌻


I have what my siblings call baby voice. I want to say something and it comes out differently in pronunciation. Kinda stutter too. People think im nervous but i talk like that


Most heartbreaking is when friends are talking about something funny or any other discussion ..and u also want to speak about ur opinion but u can't speak


I've found my people in these comments!


appreciate what u r doing..btw ur speech is very clear and nice


My problem is I know my speech but I can't say :(


I have had spazmotic dysphonia for my entire adult life. It came from nowhere when i was 19. I've struggled and now am accepting of my unique voice at 57. Blessings to all who really get what it's like to have an invisible disability


It's so so frustrating when you really want to say something and it wont really come out right and you keep repeating yourself trying to correct yourself and people just look at you like you're crazy I always want to cry when I'm having a conversation and I know I'm not making sense because of how they stare or how they just wait till I finish to say "what?! I didn't understand you at all" with a very mean/confused face expression 💔 when I told my doctor about my speech she did the same thing! Just stared


Is it possible to acquire a speech disorder from simply the lack of talking?

If someone were to stop talking for an extended time, years say, would it be possible for them to develop a speech disorder?

Use it or lose it?

I'm curious because I find it harder and harder to articulate my thoughts after long periods of silentness.


I find myself swallowing words, because it seems as if my tongue is heavy or has swollen


I have this problem. I can't speak properly. When I start to speak l feel l have no more oxygen in my inside. I have to put more energy but also I cant talk properly


Hi I have a speech that when I say something it doesn’t come out like I thought it would and when I say something it come out fast


I don’t have any type of speech impediment but my best friend that I I have know since the age of 4 years old and have grown up with has one and he overcame it by the age of 14 and he is now working in his doctrine in college. Never give up y’all


I'm glad I found this vid cuz I've realized lately that my stutter may just be apraxia of speech (or idk if they're the same thing I'm just learning) as it is in fact "knowing what I want to say" but my mouth saying otherwise. Which have become pretty funny moments with my friends when I talk sometimes and I laugh with them but am actually kinda worried about it now. Thanks for the info though!


My biggest struggle is the word “everything” it’s like my tongue swells up and my teeth get bigger I always say “erything” or “erevyfing” and I honestly get so frustrated
