Peter King: Rand Paul makes America the enemy

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Rep. Peter King responds to Sen. Rand Paul's recent attacks against him on fiscal responsibility.
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Rand Paul surpasses you Peter King in knowledge. You are so full of ....


"Filled with "pawk""
I wish King would disappear, or at least try to control that insufferable New York accent of his.


When a hurricane or a natural disaster occurs, the price the government charges its citizens is astronomical.  That's why citizens take out insurance.  If I lose my home, I file a claim on my insurance company.  Every time a hurricane or ice storm blows through, governors declare "national emergency".  Why? Because they don't save money and want the Federal Government to bail them out.


Weiner 2016 for president slogan. " Weiner wont go Soft on the Hard issues!"


Anyone who supports either of these two need a mental evaluation ASAP!!!


Rand Paul 2016. If the Republicans want this guys vote they better start helping Rand Paul get elected or I can vote for Gary Johnson again.


How about we cut aid AND not send troops later! I mean, where is this assumption that we MUST involve our blood and treasure into other countries affairs? Our politicians take an oath to uphold and defend our constitution, our country NOT other people's countrys. And if you want to say that civil wars and WMDs in other countries are our problem because, well, there's always an abstract tie to us somehow, then I guess we should just get a jump on the problem and declare war on the world.


Peter King is a RINO. How else do you get elected in New York without being a liberal. He like Christie just wants to see the Republican party become more liberal, and that is why we keep losing. We haven't put up a nominee who is conservative enough to win since Bush.


My main point is just that interventionism brings down Empire.

It was the war in Afghanistan that brought down the Soviet Union, because their economy was shrinking, like America's today, bogged down in a war with the SAME country.

Afghanistan is the place where Empires go to die. Alexander died near there, the British Empire lost much in Afghanistan, the Soviet Empire collapsed, and now the American Empire....


Close your eyes, it almost sounds like Wiseau.


Capitalism always leads to crony capitalism. It is the nature of the mindset. Capital (money) is everything and labor (people) is nothing. Everyone for himself instead of all for one and one for all.

It is a sick system


Non-interventionism (isolationism is a pejorative term) is DIRECTLY connected to the well being of the country.

The $4 trillion spent on the wars in Afghanistan/Iraq is only the tip of the iceberg, the nearly 40, 000 directly wounded, and 200, 000 soldiers who developed mental illnesses, and 1, 000 with major amputations will cost another $6-7 trillion which HAS NOT BEEN put into the budget projections and WILL collapse the budget.

Needless wars cause needless death and wars harm the economy.


Peter King just said the NSA surveillance started 12 years ago.


Did he really say " want to bomb everything, is that what he thinks are military does ".


That doesn't mean capitalism is bad or shouldn't be practiced just because the most powerful in private and public industry link arms and circumvent the laws and constitution to ensure their perpetual reign. It's a perversion of something that works. Labor does mean something in a free market bc if you have no one to work for you than you have no product to sell to make you rich. If government keeps your competition funded thru 'free-money' then labor does mean nothing.


..responsibility. The problem we have is both sides keep expanding their favorite programs in government, and even the necessary parts of our federal government like the military, need to be scaled back to an affordable and reasonable level. Like many liberal programs with "good intentions" the repubs good intentions of trying to persuade and control the world around us to make us safer has only had the opposite effect of creating more problems for us and making us economically weaker.
