Does Homeopathy Work in Pets?

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Many people in online forums will advise you to give your pet a homeopathic remedy and consult a holistic veterinarian rather than rely on conventional medicine.  This raises the key questions what is homeopathy, does homeopathy work in pets and what are the side effects of homeopathy?

To consider if homeopathy works or not we need to know what homeopathy is.  This treatment is around 200 years old and it is based on 2 main principles: like cures like and dilution makes a medication more potent.  A substance that is incorporated into a homeopathic remedy is based on either the substance that causes the disease or a substance that causes the same symptoms of the disease being treated. A standard concentration would be 30C which means the remedy has gone through a series of 30 dilutions of 1 part remedy with 99 parts water.

But does homeopathy work in pets? Well a number of organizations have looked at all of the research available and come up with their own conclusions:

The RCVS position statement on complementary medicine includes "we expect that treatments offered by veterinary surgeons are underpinned by a recognized evidence base or sound scientific principles. Veterinary surgeons should not make unproven claims about any treatments" It then goes on to say:  "Homeopathy exists without a recognised body of evidence for its use. Furthermore, it is not based on sound scientific principles. In order to protect animal welfare, we regard such treatments as being complementary rather than alternative to treatments for which there is a recognised evidence base or which are based in sound scientific principles."

A survey of UK vets also came out with the results that 83% of veterinary surgeons opposed homeopathy, with 78% of them believing that it should actually not be offered by registered vets.

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee in 2010 determined that homeopathic remedies perform no better than placebos, and that the principles on which homeopathy is based are "scientifically implausible"

The National Health Service in the UK has stopped funding all homeopathic treatment.

The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the country’s highest medical research body, conducted an extensive assessment of scientific evidence on the use of homeopathy in 2015 and determined that homeopathy is not an effective treatment for any health condition. It went on to warn that “people who choose homeopathy may put their health at risk if they reject or delay treatments for which there is good evidence.”

The European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC), an organisation representing the 29 national academies in Europe. issued a statement that: "homeopathy is implausible" elaborating that "there is no rigorous evidence to substantiate the use of homeopathy in veterinary medicine."

A big question to then answer is: are all of these these organisations, vets, doctors and scientists just slaves to the big pharmaceutical companies, are they all either naive or corrupt? Clearly the answer to this is no.

Of course too, there has been a lot of reaction to these statements among the homeopathic community.  Most will simply disagree with the conclusions and state that the evidence actually supports the use of homeopathy as an effective treatment.

Not sure? You might then ask what are the side effects of homeopathy in my pet?  What harm is there in trying homeopathy in my dog or cat?

Well, in one way there are no side effects as you are effectively giving water or a sugar pill.  In another though, homeopathy can be very dangerous.  This is because the use of homeopathy can delay the investigation of an illness or delay the starting of a treatment that has either a recognized evidence base or is underpinned with sound scientific principles.  In some cases, the delay due to homeopathy can be fatal.

Clearly, I feel that the use of homeopathy should not play a role in the treatment of our pets.  I believe that homeopathy doesn't work and it can have detrimental consequences.  There is also a cost involved in consulting with a homeopath and buying any remedy prescribed.  I believe this money could be used in a much better way.

Our Pets Health - vet advice for a healthier, happier life

Disclaimers: all opinions are my own, sponsors are acknowledged. Links in description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost.

The information provided on the Our Pets Health YouTube channel is not a substitute for the examination, assessment and advice given in person by a suitably qualified veterinary surgeon. The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute specific vet advice for any individual cat, dog or other animal of any species.
Рекомендации по теме

What do you think about homeopathy? Do you disagree with the conclusions or feel there is no harm in giving it a go? What about other "alternative" or "complimentary" therapies


My dog 2 yrs old suffered by kidney diseases . want to low the creatine and bun level. Is it possible with homoeopathic


Do you know what are most of the ingredients used in homeopathic remedies?


Very good - protect animals from that guesswork.


Sir I have a puppy and it is suffering from Rabis. One street dog had puppy is 105 f temperature. It is not taking any thing please help me. And suggest any medicine please


well if not homeopathy, can biochemic salts work for pets?


Sir my 1.5 year old pitbull male dog suffering from atopic or mange dermatitis last 10 months.. no drugs work on it .. only some relaxation..

Please suggest me homeopathic medicine..


Most important diagnosis is very important. In animals.second treat animal according to presenting symptoms and pathogenesis of disease and select remedy it really helps to reverse any kind of disease in animals.just do not believe what modern medicine says about homoeopathy. Every coin has two sides.they see only one side of coin and give judgment. I have seen most animals dying with allopathy suppose if not rightly treated.

If ur giving homoeopathy to animals consult good qualified homoeopath, and not self treat pet by becoming Google doctor.
Wrong medicine if selected won't act at all, and disease will progress and pet may right approach and selection of medicine is necessary


Well I hear what u say, but Even just the few Names below, put up pretty convincing arguments, These are the type of people natrupaths or holistic or "unconventional medicine people" listen too..
3.) FRED ALAN WOLF Ph.D.physisist, works in quantum physics and concioussness, Doctorate in theoretical physics
4.) JOHN HAGELIN Ph.D world-renowned quantum physicist, won a Kilby award for scientist who made major contributions to society.
5.) MORRIS GOODMAN Dubbed "The Miracle Man, "


" 1 of 7 Expert Bruce Lipton explains the biology of perception "
(Please try typing the above into you tube, PhD Biologist Bruce Lipton explains very well) .


Have you ever studied quantum physics or "epigenetics' ... I'm no expert, but what science we learn in books at school is 10 years behind, have u heard of Bruce Lipton he is a biologist expert in cellular biology PhD , who studied stem cell research and cloning human muscle cells and observing them in peatrea dishes to see changes and what makes the changes... You'd be STUNNED at wat he discovered...he did thid years before most of us ever heard of it.. He says he our perception and beliefs literally control out genes. I'd look him up if I were you, because they have the latest science cutting edge stuff. And this too is what holistic people get into.. There not just stupid you know


Yes I believe it does. I use it for dog


I already bought it smh ima still try it


Homeopathy worked for my cat and me.. People like you in the past tried to burn Galileo because they couldn't find any logic in the fact that the earth is moving. Half knowledge is much worse than ignorance...


Yes i have watched it work hundreds- maybe over a thousand times by now.
Nothing else matters.
It works.
Stay away from drops containing Any Type of Alcohol.
