Organizing The Evidence With Reference Management Software

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Reference management software helps me store, organize, search, share, and synchronize journal articles. Various reference managers usually provide some plugin for Word or Pages to generate citations within a research manuscript you might be writing too! Although I use Bookends for my Apple-based workflow, there are plenty of options (free and paid). Here are a few popular ones:

Drop me a comment below with questions and suggestions!

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Hi Rishi, reaching out from the land down under and emergency medicine / family medicine. Really enjoyed this presentation: as I have been seeking a way to use my iPad pro for research paper annotations and reference management to get manuscripts ready for submission. I am definately going to try your suggestions.


Hi! Thanks for the video. It’s really helpful, finally a good app that I could use on my iPad. How do you cite on iPad though? The microsoft word is so limited IMO.


Great video, really enjoy your content! I find Mendeley decent and pretty Mac friendly. I'm interested to know what led you to switch from Mendeley to Bookends?


I've been using reference management software for years, so I'm familiar with the benefits. But if you could show more of how Bookends works, that would be great. There are not so many videos about bookends out there and I'd like to know more about how it works (or doesn't work) in different areas like importing from other reference managers (you mentioned that you came from Endnote or Zotero), does it import everything or is some stuff lost? What is it like to read and annotate in Bookends? What can I do with my annotations? etc.
