C++ 11/14 Features Tutorial

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Here are some tips and features of the new C++ 11 and C++ 14 standard. If you like this C++ programming tutorials I will add more parts in the future.

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I show the features:

* [01:14] Auto specifier
* [02:20] Range based for loops
* [02:53] Strongly typed enums
* [03:57] Deprecated attribute
* [04:37] Constructor inheritance
* [05:36] Initializer lists

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Please tell me if you want to learn more about C++ or other programming languages. Thx for your comments, likes and subs!


Great tutorial! Would love to see some more c++ videos in the future


Why does the vector return a pointer to the person after you've put a person in? Is there a way to create a copy of the "person" in the vector so that you don't have to worry about changing Person p if you change something about the vector?


I hope Mark won't be mad at Jay for making half the money :|


:-/ Was disappointed as hell at the lack of comments in your code and pedantic textbook style. It's super bland to be honest my friend... it's helpful, yes. It's just off...
Ok that was just in the beginning, you do gain momentum; guess you were getting the new style of auto out of the way.
As a seasoned C++ dude who was proficient in templates + pointers etc of C++98 standard by 13yo - the ability for implicitly of auto feels sooo dirty... it's like Javascript almost.
