Who's LYING? Fact checking Hilary Crowder's statement about Steven Crowder and their divorce.

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Nobody talking about how Hilary deleted thousands of hours of that camera footage after the fact of the court ordering it to be turned in for evidence 😂😂😂


Why are we dragging peoples personal lives through the internet? Just because Steven commented about it in a video doesn't mean it should be open season. His personal life is not my business and it's not anyone else's. We have real issues going on in this country and putting any focus on this feels like tabloid, checkout counter type headline drama and I'd must rather we build each other up than tear each other down. Let them work it out on their own. It's a private issues involving the personal lives of people who should be given the decency and support to get through a very difficult time without adding to the stress. It's none of our business. People have a right to do whatever story they want on there channels but this is not good for anyone.


Having had a collapse once I can tell you there's nothing elective about it 🤯
The doctor who performed surgery on me said I was lucky I didn't die.


I'm reserving judgement for now. There is always two sides to the story. She was acting weird when she sais he must tell people how abusive he is. It seems a bit like a set up.


He kept the divorce private for over two years and only made a statement when the divorce proceedings were made public. He could be a control freak but using his statement as evidence of that seems flawed.


Crowder's initial surgary was ellective. He had a chest defformity called pectus excavatum. Many people live with that defformity without getting surgary, because there are risks with the surgary and it is expensive. His lung collapse was a complication of the initial elective surgary to correct his chest deformity and place a bar into his chest, basically.


I've seen so many takes on this, and I still go back to imagine if my spouse and I had our worst moments filmed and put out there for everyone to see with no context. We'd both look like no good piece's of trash.


you can file a divorce without hiring an attorney
you can hire an attorney without filing a divorce


14 mins in, so don't know if this stuff will be mentioned by the end but...

1. Crowder said in that first video talking about the divorce that the only reason he was making the video was because other people had spilled the beans and it had become a topic of gossip that he felt he needed to address. If it represented some attempt to reestablish control, it wasn't control over his wife but over the gossip narrative.

2. The surgery he got was for a collapsing chest, which can lead to both breathing problems and heart damage. It's not clear if he was yet experiencing those systems, but the surgery would have become necessary if he were, so dismissing the surgery as "elective" simply because it was done before an emergency arose seems dishonest.

3. If you look at the timestamp in the video, there are several long cuts, which is likely why some of the conversation doesn't seem to make any sense. It's not clear whether these cuts were the result of intentional edits or motion detection on the Ring camera.

4. The references to "discipline" were pretty clearly made in the context of one _having_ discipline, not in the context one _being_ disciplined by someone else.

5. The statement claims that Crowder was the first to hire a divorce attorney. It doesn't say that Crowder was the one who filed for divorce. It's easy to imagine a scenario where Hilary said she was going to divorce him and he quickly hired a divorce lawyer to protect his assets.

6. That bit at the end of the video where it claim Crowder said, "I'll F you up" isn't actually captured on video, but even if it really happened, I would point out that unless a guy is already willing to hit a woman, that phrase is likely not an indication that he's about to start. In some fights with my wife years ago, when she was being particularly nasty, I made similar comments to her, but the comment was never a threat that I was going to hit her, it was warning that if she didn't watch what she was saying, I was going to give her a test of her own medicine and be just as nasty to her as she was being to me to teach her a lesson.

7. Regarding the Dave Landau stuff and the bit about being sent home and not paid for the day if he was more than 5 mins late to set, we only have one side of that story, but the first questions I had when I heard it were, Why would Crowder have that clause for Landau? Did he have it for everyone else? Did he always have that clause for Landau? Is it possible that there was a history there of Landau being unreliable that caused problems for the show? I don't know the answer to any of these questions, but they seem like the obvious ones to ask.


She was supposedly refusing to give the dogs their med because she was worried the meds were toxic to pregnant women. Rather than give them the meds himself instead he was insisting that she just wear gloves and get it done. Allegedly


Elective surgery doesn't mean its not needed. Its means its not emergency (urgent). He books date when he wants that surgery. He could have taken it. Months after his children were due or before. Also his wife didn't say Crowder filed for divorce first. She said Crowder started consulting lawyer first.


Not exactly elective surgery...Elective is a misnomer they(hospitals) label all same day surgeries as elective because they are not emergent and are scheduled. Elective does not mean un-needed treatment. the word elective historically in healthcare has kept insurance companies from paying for necessary treatment of life threatening conditions or new procedures that have not been proven. (think breast reconstruction post mastectomy)


maybe he deliberately wanted to have the surgery before the birth of tweens. That makes sense to me. The amount of time and attention the mom and the 2 babies require.. - who would have the time to get an important surgery after the birth. People don’t even have time for sleep.


There are 3 sides to this, his side, her side, and then the truth.
Both parties tend to distort the truth. On purpose or not, we all do it.


I don't think that was the thrust of his video. He was letting people know that his divorce wasn't for public consumption. He specifically said that. It wasn't a control issue. Disagree.


Hang on im lost on why her filing makes her the liar??

Also the lung collapse was a complication to the previous elective surgery to his ribcage i believe it was..


Lots of IFs there. No one knows what went on inside that house. Speculating on why and what his behaviors indicate is asinine. STOP IT!


If you and the doctors know what surgery you will be getting, they call that elective surgery.
I had a cesarean with my first baby ( due to other medical issues) my doctor and I agreed, certain day and time, and on my notes it says elective surgery..


It wasn't lung. His chest was caving in. But it may have been a surgery that he would need in the future and he decided to do it "now" instead. So by chosing that, which could have been put off safely, he was not with his wife while she was delivering twins


I saw the video. The way he was speaking at first, seemed like he was purposely being petty in an attempt to prove a point. The longer he talked, the more it seemed like he was just being a controlling jerk. I’m still reserving judgment. I’m not sure that clip I saw was the whole story. I can say, he didn’t come off as a very nice guy, he really didn’t.
