Roland Martin Fact Checks Hillary Clinton's 'Basket Of Deplorables' Comments

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton continue their war of words as the nation draws closer to the 2016 presidential election.
Clinton, who is still leading in national polls despite losing ground to the GOP presidential nominee, is currently embroiled in a controversy over a series of comments she made about Trump supporters.
After reading a series of polls detailing the views of Trump supporters, Roland Martin said, "That sounds pretty damn deplorable to me."
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Clinton, who is still leading in national polls despite losing ground to the GOP presidential nominee, is currently embroiled in a controversy over a series of comments she made about Trump supporters.
After reading a series of polls detailing the views of Trump supporters, Roland Martin said, "That sounds pretty damn deplorable to me."
Watch NewsOne Now every weekday morning starting at 7AM ET on TV One.
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