What is the 'WORD' in John 1:1?

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There's a lot of debate regarding the WORD mentioned in John 1:1...

So here's the REAL meaning of the Word EXPLAINED.

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I am indian i like your truth message's only one god, good message


How can you be with someone and also be that someone like Harry was with Joe and Harry was Joe, to a Trinitarian that makes perfect sense


1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.


Jesus is not God - Deal with it.

No where in the Bible does Jesus' claim to be God

John 17:3 where Jesus states, “Now this is eternal life; that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”

Even Jesus Himself agrees that there is only one true God, which is not Himself, since He refers to Himself as separate and distinct from the “true God.”

There is no trinity, rapture, triune or alter calls in the Bible either - just more false religion.

If you hate God's name and his people, it means that you are wicked!

Psalms 37:20
For the wicked themselves will perish, And the enemies of Jehovah will be like the preciousness of pastures;

They must come to their end. In smoke they must come to their end.


If Jesus did not preexist the things that were made through him as a person, why did he say "before Abraham was, I am"?


Very well said.Very Good explanation👍👏👏


Philippians 2:6-7 also speak of a pre-existent Christ who was "in the form of God" and "emptied himself" to become man.


i dont think this is logical implication about jesus as God as it stated in john 1;1....the simply fact is that jesus is the son of God ..that means he is God because he is the begotten son of God...he is the true God because he is the son of a true God...he was with the father before the world was..john 17;5 gen 1:26 is a qualifyng verse thatjesus was with God...he was begotten by the father in the eternity psalm 2:7:proverb 8:22-31 different identity from his father...when the bible speaks there is onlly one God it simply refers to the father...the explaination is being emphasize by paul in corinthian 8;6...


Interesting then in Hebrews 1:8? Unto the son he says oh God thy throne is forever


John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . All things were made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made.”

Jesus (the Word before his Incarnation) is revealed to be “God” and the Creator of all things that were created. Genesis 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning God created . . .” The conclusion is inescapable: Jesus is God!


He forgot or skip to explain about "the Word was God" 😅


In John 1:1 is uses 2 different words for God, theos and theon, the question is why? Theos means God but theon means godly or divine as this video points out. If you look up the word Theon, it's used as a boys name in Greek and means godly not God.

If the two words are identical, why use 2 different words for God in the same verse?


In z bible we get Father son and hollysprit in one
