How To Update the Sonoff Dongle E to Ember firmware

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Learn how to update the Sonoff Dongle E to Ember firmware for better compatibility with Zigbee devices. This tutorial will guide you through the process step by step, so you can integrate it with your Home Assistant and Zigbee2mqtt setup seamlessly.

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:58 Downloading the Ember firmware
00:01:31 Flashing the Sonoff Dongle-E with the Ember Firmware
00:02:26 Edit the Zigbee2MQTT Configuration to work with the Ember firmware

#homeassistant #sonoff #sonoffdonglee #zigbee #firmware #ember #tutorial #smarthome #homeautomation
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The ember firmware is only needed for the Sonoff Dongle E. There's no Ember firmware needed for the Sonoff Dongle-P. If you experience issues starting Zigbee2MQTT after updating the firmware, then delete the Zigbee2MQTT backup file and try starting it again.


Danke! After trying for any days, the latest firmware was finally installed with your video. Merry Christmas


I followed the tutorial step by step and was able to install v7.4.4.0, which was the version recommended in the pop-up.
It works perfectly with the dongle: Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2 - dongle E and after updating Zigbee2MQTT to 2.0.
Many thanks.


Thank you for this video. I was doubting if I needed to rebuild my full Zigbee network, your video helped me to convince me a rebuild was not needed. Now I was able to update it within 10 minutes!


You're an absolute life saver sir. I'm running HASS OS in Virtualbox, and everything that could have gone wrong absolutely did. I spent about 3 hours today trying to get Z2MQTT setup today and you saved me. The only thing that wasn't in your video that I had to do, was open the dongle up and hold the boot button before I plugged it into my PC. Other than that, you got me up and running, and I'm a little to excited about being able to add Zigbee devices locally 🤣


Finally! Success!
I have tried the hardware method opening the dongle and trying to set it into the bootloader mode, but it succeeded only once and when I had the upload file ready, I couldn't repeat the dongles mode change.
Then I tried the Python methods without success, lot of software installings but no success after all.
Even with this method I had to change the PC's port driver from universal to VCP in order to make the connection.
Conclusion: Even if the device seems to connect to the PC COM port normally, it doesn't guarantee anything.


Tried installing the latest firmware a few times a few weeks ago and the update kept putting the dongle into a "bricked" state. I followed every step exactly as you explained except I didn't use my usb extension, I plugged it straight into my Win11 PC. This time, using the usb extension, it worked perfectly. Thanks!


I found it super scary to do it, but thanks to you I was able to also install v7.4.4.0. Thanks!!!


Each time i need something weird to work, i found your video on the top list of youtube... Thank you !!! <3


Remember to check the z2m startup logs that you are running ember driver, I have seen a few cases where it still is loading ezsp ever we have ember in the config file.


Great video, exactly what I needed to fix my Zigbee2MQTT error after updating to v2.0!


This video showed up in my recommended video list, and I'm glad it did.
I did update my Dongle-E to Ember, but then decided to switch it over to RCP to use it as a Thread Border Router instead.
I don't use HA for my zigbee network, so I figured I may as well put my otherwise unused dongle to use as a TBR.


I've went through this process some weeks ago. For me the firmware flash webpage didn't seem to work. It started connecting to the device, hung for a couple of minutes and stopped with the message that it couldn't connect. The console logs in the browser where vague and I tried a couple of things to fix it. In the end I used an old guide of yours on how to flash the dongle and that worked like a charm!


Bedankt voor je expertise en hulpvaardigheid, plotseling had ik een probleem vanmorgen dat ik geen enkele actor nog kon controleren, enkel sensoren werkten nog. Deze video bracht de oplossing ! Bedankt !


Great Video ! It took me a little bit to get the windoes drives corrct. Needed to down grade to after seeing the note on the fimware flasher site for the dongle-E. But after taking care of that everything was a breeze. Thanks again for all the good content you put out!


Worked like a breeze, thanks for the clear instructions !


Das hat sehr gut funktioniert. Durch Zufall bin ich auf dieser Seite gelandet. Das war eine große Hilfe. Vielen Dank.


Great video. Fixed my issue with crashing home assistant constantly due to the old EZSP adapter.


Thanks, not quite a monkey manual yet; I didn't realize at first that i have to press <save> after I edited the config file. I learned something again; that I can also think for myself


Great video - worked exactly as described!
You've saved me hours of work and frustration!
Thank You!
