CONTRARY PASSAGES Lesson 9 - Sabbath school of 19 november 2022

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Peter says, “Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have”. Paul adds, “Preach the Word of God. Preach it when it is easy and people want to listen and when it is hard and people do not want to listen. Preach the Good News all the time. Use the Word of God to show people they are wrong. Use the Word of God to help them do right. You must be willing to wait for people to understand what you teach as you teach them. The time will come when people will not listen to the truth. They will look for teachers who will tell them only what they want to hear”.
When we study difficult verses, we should do what Jesus did. “Jesus always said what people needed to hear. But Jesus always shared the truth with them in love.
Jesus was never mean. He never said a nasty word to anyone. Jesus never hurt anyone’s feelings on purpose.
This week, we will study verses that people use to teach the false idea that a person’s spirit continues to live after he or she dies.
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