Most DANGEROUS Birds On Earth

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The scariest, most dangerous birds in the world! From the brutal spurs of graceful waterfowl to the bone-dropping tactics of vultures

#10 Giant Petrel
Often referred to as Stinkers or Gluttons, the scavenging bird species near Antarctica have a nasty track record. Opportunistic to a fault, the Giant Petrel is known for not only feeding on the carcasses of deceased penguins and seals, but also laying an aggressive, boisterous claim to their food. Assuming a hostile stance with wings outstretched and eyes focused on any competitors, the Petrel scares away any that approach. Feeding on both land and sea, this carrion hunter also consumes fish, krill, and squid. This has caused them to become a pest among fishing vessels as the Petrel will follow these boats and pick at any meat remnants they can find. But just because they don’t often feed on live prey doesn’t mean they can’t threaten them. The giant Petrel has been seen assaulting emperor penguins, small seals, and even albatross, either blatantly attacking them or drowning them.
#9 Mute Swan
Renowned for its majestic beauty throughout its native region of Eurasia, the Mute Swan isn’t just another elegant waterfowl. Not one for small talk, this bird is often identified by its unique beak pattern and strange techniques of communication. Adults will use a mix of grunts, whistles and snorts to communicate with their young or threatening predators. As a swimming bird, they can typically swim away from any danger, but when push comes to shove, the mute swan shoves hard. Equipped with a large snapping bill and bony spurs hidden in their wings, they thrash their foes with brutal intensity. This is only compounded by their inherent territorial nature. One incident in 2012 demonstrated just how brutal they can be when a kayaker came under attack at a Chicago condominium’s pond. He was actually looking after the local mute swan population when a bothered swan knocked him out of his boat and proceeded to flail against him until he drowned.
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This feels more like a mission briefing on enemy intel.


The mans voice could make talking about kittens sound epic.


This guy's voice makes me want to learn about explosives, not birds


Swans usually represent love but they wake up and choose violence every day.


Seagulls are protected up here in Oregon. I had a small commercial fishing operation out of Charleston back in the 90s they tell a story about a camper who got arrested by fish and wildlife for killing and cooking a seagull. The guy that ate the seagull told the game warden that he was really hungry but they arrested him anyhow. Purely out of curiosity the game warden asked the guy what a seagull taste like. The camper said, somewhere between a spotted owl and a bald eagle.


Imagine walking and a turtle just comes flying out of the sky. 🤣


His voice is more dangerous than those birds in the video😂


This bloke did voice overs for every 80s action movie trailer.


Why does his voice make me wanna play metal gear, lol


This guys voice sounds like the movie preview guy voice. “One man, one plan, and he knew too much...”


3:31 “When a vulture dropped a turtle on his bald head.”

_This narrator voice is more scarier than the bird itself._


i swear this guy's voice is so intimidating he could scare off a horde of dinosaurs just by talking


Well I'm Australian, the cassowary is right where it should be on the list, given half a chance, it will open you up like a cheap tin of dog food mate, nuff said.


“The cassowary looks more like a dinosaur more than a bird”

You realize birds are dinosaurs


*talks about australian magpie
*shows european magpie


The most dangerous bird is the bird brain texting on the highway


I will vouch for how aggressive swans are. I was in northern Michigan in the summer of 1985, kayaking with my recent high school graduate buddies. We were on a river and I went up ahead around a bend to play a joke on them. My plan was to sneak into some cat tails in a swampy area near the bank and lunge out at them to scare them. As I started to back into the thick cat tails, two swans scared the HELL out of me by nearly pecking and thrashing me out of my boat. Luckily, I was aimed away from them and paddled super hard, which seemed to show them I meant them and their babies no harm. My buddies missed the whole thing but heard what had happened. I stay away from areas like that when kayaking. I verified that a man was actually, pathetically drowned near Chicago.


Big Bird is the most dangerous bird on Sesame Street


can you imagine studying a bird all your life just to be surprised by a beak through the chest?


when a gull swooped in to take his sausage 😂
