Flurevites and Active Longevity System ACLON

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NEVER-BEFORE, BREAKTHROUGH info about Flurevits, healing nano-food products and MIND BLOWING new generation nano-cosmetic line (with healing properties as well) that has no analogs anywhere in the world. There is already thousands of testimonies about successful recoveries from "incurable diseases" such as cancers ( testimonies from oncologist from Kyrgyzstan ( recoveries from brain tumours in infants and children)) Hepatitis, diabetes, prostate, gastrointestinal tract heart problems, parasites, tuberculosis, kidneys, thyroid gland problems, mastopathy, erectile dysfunction, allergies, a stroke and much more. Products with Flurevites deliver also rejuvenation and human longevity up to 100 years and more. Due to unique technologies of creating this product, this product became declassified after being for several decades the top secret of Military bio-medicine of the largest in the world country. Doctor Igor Yamskov, one of the co-founders of nano technologies, related to extracting bio-regulative signal molecules was granted by the Kremlin the medal for improving the health of the nation.
Flurevites - the result of the long-term researchers that aimed at finding the mechanisms and substances which are carrying out regulation of an organism as a biological system.


Ontoreparin cosmetics is new generation rejuvenation technology, that rejuvenates and heal the skin problems on a cellular level, unlike all existing cosmetic products that masking the local problems of skin or skin aging. Unlike all known cosmetics Ontoreparin type of cosmetics not just moisturizing and softens epidermis, its has an informational impact on deeper layers of the skin, including on mimic muscles.
Ontoreparin rejuvenation technology activating the hidden reserves of cells of the skin, removing the cause of aging, jump-start the cells to recall deactivated cellular memory and the functioning of the cells in order to produce the own full-fledged collagen and the proteins of connective tissues, it's resulting in slowing down the aging process.
The Flurevit compounds of Ontopeparin cosmeceutical products that extracted from various tissues of animals have high biological activity, and this activity at low concentration causes their absolute safety in, especially comparing to stem cells, that used as the basis of many cosmetic products.
Ontoreparin cosmeceutical products contain
1) complex of bio-organic information substances,
2) the electromagnetic activator – typical for young cellular structures and unique germanium organic Astragerm, that sets a rhythm to tissues.
The nanoliposomes complex plays a role of micro-transport of active agents, helping to deliver all these substances into the cells of the skin.
Certain nano technology is used to place Flurevites and Astragerm into Nanoliposomes (microscopic balls with a diameter of 20-50 nanometers) .
The role of nanoliposomes is to open and deliver Astragerm and Flurevites into deepest layers of the skin.
There are NO analogs of such cosmeceutical product that have such favorable effect on a skin anywhere in the World.
Cosmeceutical products is a cosmetic that has medicinal properties.
Ontoreparinovy cosmetics get into deep skin layers, bring underlying muscles into a tone. Extracts from natural products accelerate process without harming an organism.
