Top 3 Historical errors in the Quran

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@AdamElmasriEnglish  Only have time for the first one. Samiri. Very weak argument that you can use to fool one who does not know. It is completely rational that it is a tribal name that existed before the city. Which is very common and obvious. Many cities are founded after tribes, or famous surnames of leaders of the time. I suppose no Fatimids or Abbasids ever existed before the dynasties that bear their names... This leap to historical confusion is very dubious and ends up proving more your desperation than knowledge. Names are rarely given in the Quran, and when they are it's for a very specific reason. Much of which is beyond your will to research. God knows best for me, as for you I think it is a test for you and those who follow...


muslim recites quran, ex-muslim has understood quran.


Einstein said:
“Logic can take you from point A to point B.
Imagination can take you to where you wish to be”.


Maryam is called Harun's sister, because Maryam is the sister of a descendant of the Prophet Harun, namely Elizabeth. The Bible states that Zakariya and his wife, Elizabeth were descendants of Aaron from the tribe of Levi.

Luke 1:5 In the time of Herod, the king of Judea was a priest named Zakariya from the group of Abijah. His wife also came from Aaron's descendants, her name was Elizabeth.

From this verse, some Bible scholars state that Maryam was a Levite, or at least half Levite.

The Qur'an calls Maryam the "sister of Harun" because the word "sister" can be used to refer to a more distant and extensive kinship and descent relationship.


Dear Adam As you always makes us excited with your in depth research and exposing the facts, thank you very much and please continue in this exciting exploration in revealing the truth and only the truth


Thank you Adam for this Channel. More power to you 💪


Scientific, Moral, Historical, Theological, Rational... You name it and the koran has those types of mistakes.


Islam is a copy of judaism basically, but for arabic speakers


1: samaritans existed way before samaria was established.

2: People were called with the names of prophets and righteous people who had gone before them, as an example even today in some arab cultures you call your uncle (ex: joe) „brother joe“ and grandfathers „fathers“. Moreover it is clear that you are waiting for the prophet to say „i was wrong“ instead of considering the possibility of him telling the truth. Very biased argument.

3: it was rhetorical, pharaoh was mocking the message of moses.

4(bonus) : referring to other religious books to „debunk“ another doesn’t make any sense and is misleading.


I just stumbled upon this channel. This is very very interesting and informative. Thank you 👍


Let me try to refute:
1) Samiria is not only the name of a city which was built by the Jewish king Omri, but also the name of the region, so it is possible that the name of the region has existed way before the founding of Samaria City
2) Imran in arabic and Joachim in Hebrew have the very same etymology, “someone who stands up or rises” a name that signifies a prosperous dwelling blessed by God. So Imran here does not necessarily refer to Amram, but a literal translation. Regarding Maryam being the sister of Aaron while also being the mother of Jesus. It is the same expression as Muhammad son of Adam, or in the bible: Elizabeth daughter of Aaron (which she is not) (Luke 1:5) or Jesus the son of David (which he isn’t) (Matthew 21:9)
3) Haman, like Pharaoh, is not the very name of the person, but a title Firaun is Pharaoh, while Haman is Ha-Aman (high priest of Amun)


Muslims cannot use the excuse that Adam Elmasri does not understand Arabic. Adam's channel should have at least one million subscribers.


love your channel! thanks for what you do


Five things that Muslims cannot and will never answer:

1. The word "al-Masih" (Messiah) means "the anointed" in Hebrew, and it always meant "the savior" in Jewish history. If Jesus is al-Masih, whom did Jesus save from what by how?

2. "I challenge you to show me one verse from the Bible that Jesus clearly states Himself as God."
Challenge accepted.
Isaiah 44:6 (God says): "... I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me."
Revelation 22:13 (Jesus says): "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

3. If the Bible is corrupt, where in the Quran does it say that? If the Bible is corrupt, why do you find evidence of Muhammad from a corrupt book? If the Bible is corrupt, why does Allah give the same authority to it as the Quran (Surah 9:111), and order Muhammad to "ask the people of scripture about what I have revealed to you"? (10:94)

4. God in the Bible calls the temple "My House" and Allah in the Quran calls the Kabaah "My House." If infinite God comes into the finite building, does He cease to be limitless? If God enters the building, does God stop being everywhere (omnipresence)? Who is God inside the building, and who is God outside the building? (Now change "the building" with "a human form" and read it again.)

5. The Quran was not preserved perfectly.
5-1. You do not have the original Quran, which is a compilation of bark, leaves, leather, and stones that Zayd ibn Thabit collected.
5-2. Many people who memorized the Quran died during the war.
5-3. People fought and even killed each other because of different recitations.
5-4. When Zayd compiled the Quran, there were two verses that only one man remembered. But the Quran teaches that you need at least two men for valid testimony.
5-5. Ibn Masud didn't like the Quran which was compiled by Zayd and even said, "It is deceitful."
5-6. Aysha reported that there were more than 200 verses in Surah 33, but now you have only 73 verses.
5-7. Zayd compiled "one" version, but you have "seven" Qiraats and even more versions of the Quran that read and mean differently. Even though you do not believe in any Hadith narration above, this fact can solely disprove the perfect preservation of the Quran because nowhere in the Quran says about dialects.
5-8. If the Quran is preserved by memorization and recitation, shouldn't Zayd, Ibn Masud, or other companions remember the whole Quran without asking other people, without looking for written materials, without disagreeing with each other? Even the closest companions of Muhammad didn't memorize the Quran perfectly.


I had heard many times about the mariam one but remaining errors I am hearing for the first time... You are really thourough.. I love it...keep it up brother


The Samiri is a nickname. Ibn `Abbas is reported to have said: "As-Samiri was a man from the people of Bajarma, a people who worshipped cows.. ..his name was Musa bin Zafar.'' That's one opinion. A more telling explanation is provided by Qatadah, who said: "He was from the village of Samarra.'', as reported by Ibn Kathir.

Sāmarrāʾ just so happens to be an ancient place in Iraq that already existed in prehistory. It is a World Heritage Site on UNESCO's list. It was situated just north-west of where ancient Sumeria once existed. And again; Samarra and Sumer are very similar names. In ancient times, there existed the city of Samarra there, and the modern city equivalent with the same name still exists there. This makes sense to me, as the Euphrates drainage basin was likely home to a species of water buffalo, and bulls played a major role in several regional religion's symbolisms. See the Biblical Behemoth, for instance. And the Golden Calf was named "Bahmut", according to Al-Hasan Al-Basri. What this guy was doing, traveling with the Israelites; I do not know. Perhaps he (and some others of his clan) ended up in Egypt and vacated when the Israelites left; tagging along with them.

But this is not necessarily referring to the Biblical Samaritans, nor to the geographical region of Sameria in Israel (šō-mə-rō-wn in 1 Kings 13:32), but to some person from a place called Samarra. Samaritans are not from Samarra (in Iraq), despite the similar sounding name, and "the Samiri" was not from Sameria (in Palestine). Names and/or place names can be similar, even without there being a direct linguistic connection. "Kim" for example, is a Western name, but it's also Korean. They share no connection. So the mistake in this criticism here is in assuming that the name "Kim" can only refer to Koreans, or that a "Samiri" must refer to the Israelite Samaritans. Also, the Biblical "shemer", according to 1 Kings 16:24 was named so after the original owner of the hill, proving that the name was already in use, even according to the Bible. The ancient Mesopotamian Royal title "King of Sumer and Akkad" was still being used around the time of Moses(as). In the Akkadian language, for example, the Assyrian King Tukulti-Ninurta I called himself; šar māt Šumeri u Akkadi (1243–1207 BC).

What this means is that the name "The Samiri", describing an individual from a place called Samarra, isn't necessarily anachronistic, as it's clear that the name itself was used long before the events discussed in the Qur'an, and afterwards as well, and that there were several geographical places that used the name (or a very similar form thereof). To claim that this is a mistake, is to ignore these facts, and blindly insist on the erroneous assumption that "The Samiri" could only refer to the Israelite Samaritans.


About the Christians of Najran, this is what Wikipedia says: "In the 7th century, Christians of Najran interacted with the Islamic prophet Muhammad, who allowed them to worship in his mosque. There is evidence that the community continued to thrive until the 9th century; the community no longer exists today."

I wonder how the community ceased to exist. Might have been evaporation.


poor reserch, let me correct you.
1. Samiri in the Quran 20:85 was not tribe.
Samiri or the Samiri (Arabic: الْسَّامِريّ) is a phrase used by the Quran to refer to a rebellious follower of Moses who created the golden calf and attempted to lead the Hebrews into idolatry. According to the twentieth chapter of the Quran, Samiri created the calf while Moses was away for 40 days on Mount Sinai, receiving the Ten Commandments.[1] In contrast to the account given in the Hebrew Bible, the Quran does not blame Aaron for the calf’s creation.

2. The Arabic word used in Surah 19:28 is "يَـٰٓأُخْتَ" (ya'ukhta) which is translated to "O sister" This "O sister" doesn't mean "the literal sister"; it means "descendant".
Surah 19:28
O sister [i.e., descendant] of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor was your mother unchaste."
— Saheeh International

3. talking about surah 28:38
And Pharaoh said, "O eminent ones, I have not known you to have a god other than me. Then ignite for me, O Hāmān, [a fire] upon the clay and make for me a tower that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I do think he is among the liars."
— Saheeh International

In another translation, "brick and clay" is mentioned, which is not incorrect because the Quran doesn't mention water. Does that mean water wasn't used? Quran doesn't need to mention the whole process of making that tower; Quran just says that Pheroh wants to build the tower, and so he gives the order "ignite for me, O Hāmān, [a fire] upon the clay." Haman knows what to do next, so later on, if Haman uses rocks, stones, or other things, that doesn't matter.

Lots of people come to disprove the Quran, but they fail like you did here.


Here's my favourite historical error in the Quran

Then opened We the gates of heaven with pouring water And caused the earth to gush forth springs, so that the waters met for a predestined purpose.
Quran 54:11-12

At length, behold! there came Our command, and the fountains of the earth gushed forth! We said: "Embark therein, of each kind two, male and female, and your family - except those against whom the word has already gone forth, - and the Believers." but only a few believed with him.
Quran 11:40

The son replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain: it will save me from the water." Noah said: "This day nothing can save, from the command of Allah, any but those on whom He hath mercy! "And the waves came between them, and the son was among those overwhelmed in the Flood.
Quran 11:43

And Noah, said: "O my Lord! Leave not of the Unbelievers, a single one on earth!
Quran 71:26

At length, behold! there came Our command, and the fountains of the earth gushed forth! We said: "Embark therein, of each kind two, male and female, and your family - except those against whom the word has already gone forth, - and the Believers." but only a few believed with him.
Quran 11:40

The Quran contains a version of the worldwide-flood story widespread in ancient near-Eastern mythology and most famously found in the Bible and the epic of Gilgamesh a non Abrahamic polytheistic Literature‌ Since every piece of geological, meteorological, archaeology evidence suggests such a flood never took place, some modern Muslim scholars have reinterpreted the account in the Quran as referring to a more limited, local flood. Several elements in the tale, however, militate against this rereading. this story waters are released from both of them. Another such detail is the storage of "two of each kind" of animal aboard the ship, since it is not clear what purpose this would serve if the flood were local. Similarly, the purpose of the boat itself appears unclear in this reading - as with the ample warning time that Noah was given, he and his family could have simply evacuated the area that was to be flooded. The relevant passage also states plainly that nothing, not even a tall mountain, could save an individual from drowning on that day except for Allah - this seems to contradict the idea that individuals and animals could have escaped the flood simply by evacuating the flooded area. Noah is recorded praying to God, "O my Lord! Leave not of the Unbelievers [kuffar], a single one on Earth!" - the flood is an answer to this prayer, which likewise suggests that the flood described is a global flood that drowns all those not chosen by Allah to persist aboard the ark.

So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false!


The excuse he made up about Mariam was not on the spot. He went away and came back with that excuse after a few day. This is something I heard from a learned atheist.
