This Video Will Give You Goosebumps - Real Journeys To The Afterlife (NDE)

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Powerful and profound explanations and stories on NDE, death, the afterlife, and life's final mystery. Featuring Dr. Eben Alexander, Anita Moorjani. Mellen-Thomas Benedict, and Peter Fenwick

"I'm not the first person to have discovered evidence that consciousness exists beyond the body. Brief, wonderful glimpses of this realm are as old as human history."
- Eben Alexander

#afterlife #T&H #nde

Speaker: Anita Moorjani
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Speaker: Dr. Eben Alexander
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Interviewed by: Pastor Randy Phillips

Speaker: Mellen-Thomas Benedict

Speaker: Peter Fenwick
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Produced and Edited by T&H
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T&H is on a mission to share inspiring wisdom. The goal is to have you pause, think, and reflect. Many of our videos revolve around the extraordinary teachings of Alan Watts that we produce with permission from the Alan Watts Electronic University.

T&H also films and releases original interviews with iconic people who have experienced successes, while also persevering through life's highs and lows. We look forward to sharing more of these perspectives and insights.

Our hope with these videos is to push your thinking. As Alan Watts said “No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.” – Alan Watts.
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My wife passed away at age 42, 4-14-23. My Beautiful wife left behind myself and 2 small children. I am in so much pain of missing her. I pray everyday for signs and that she made itto heaven. Thanks for this video.


Dying/transition is beyond anything we can comprehend.
I had an NDE @27 now 60+.
I'm terminal now and I have 2 to 3 months left.

I know where I am going. He loves us so much.
This last part is becoming beyond beautiful.
Everything is falling in place.
So, much love.

Even though we do have hard times.
But it is temporary.
I will be back to pure love and no lower vibrations, are not there. No negative.
Only Pure Love he loves us so much.
Not to much longer.

I love you all.❤️
Stay Focused, no drifting 😊


We are Spiritual beings having a human experience


My near death experience came during my bout with spinal encephalitis in 2002. My body lie in a hospital bed as my soul went on a month long spiritual journey where I was lead by an Angel and shown my past and future. At the end of the journey, I was asked if I wanted to stay or go. As I said, "Stay", I awakened from the month long coma. I stayed to be a guide and strength for my children in these horrid times to come. And that's all I have to say about that. *I've always been a fearless, helping, loving person. What I learned from my journey is to simply be..., less trusting in man, more watchful in spirit and constantly prayerful.


When I was young I had a drug overdose I died went to the gates of heaven saw my deceased mom Jesus was there and a huge tall angel. I wanted to stay but was told no not like this and I asked but why I want to stay I felt so loved there got a answer I have to care for my son. I got pushed back with a force by the angel and woke up in hospital with my dad calling me back. After my father passed away I tried drinking lots of tablets but I woke up the next day. I realised that I must give up trying my time will come one day nothing I do will work. And I am clean for many years now😢🙏


I was pronounce dead over 20 yrs ago I overdose and was DOA when arriving at the hospital my experience was one of pure love for all living beings I have a beautiful family who I love more then myself but I did not want to return from were I went the love was soooo beautiful I could hear the wind and was flying but I knew I was not with my body after returning to life I experience both my kidneys had failed and had a small chance of surviving 33days in the hospital and dialysis every morning my recovery was several experience with God explaining to me I needed to complete my task in life today I am healthy and have touch several lives and help others to find God


"My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave." - Dr. Eben Alexander


I hope and pray when my time comes I can see my mother most of all to say sorry to her, for not taking her advice had I listened to her I would not taken the path that led me to the terrible life I have now.


I lost a son 16 years ago and another son last year. Both boys were in their 20s. The pain does not leave ever. It lessens, and you learn how to live with it, but to say it goes away is not true. These stories help to lesson the fear a bit for me. Knowing they are in a better place is healing.


At 68, I am ready to go if I am worthy. I believe God is within us and every conscious moment is precious. We should be ourselves authentic, truthful, kind, and caring. Peace to all.🕊🍀🌹.


I agree we are spiritual beings we came to the earth plane to have a human experience which is the hardest school because here there is good an evil to trust an have faith in our almighty God we r not alone we have angels watching over us that I believe ❤ and we are all connected ❤


A place I loved so much, I've been there, where communication need no words, everyone is connected telepathically


... these stories are spot on!!! I "almost died" Nov 17, 2008 from a GSW through my glad I got another chance to LIVE this beautiful crazy life 🙌✨️🩷


Such an important message, i wish more people could accept it 🙏🏼🌍


I am so very sorry for what you and your family is going through. I will pray for your peace of mind. I have studied (gerontology) aging, the death process (thanatology) and NDEs since the 70’s as they became available. Know that your loved ones are in the next realm and watch over you. My husband has given me signs, one was a white feather that had no logical explanation alone in an empty house.


i was in a coma and heard everything too .. i heard the term that i was in a catatonic state .. it is so real ..never even knew that word ..after losing my son April 17th this year .. I do feel we will meet again ..this is not the end ..only the beginning <3 He said he was getting a new space suit, , he understood so much more through he will always be in touch ..frequencies .. keep us Connected ..


Orbs of beautiful divine energy...cells of light....which is what our real ESSENCE is..✨✨✨✨


Everyone goes somewhere different. You have your own experience. It is your alone. ❤


I have experienced this out of body experience and travelling to heaven without death. On many occasions I have been able to look down onto my body and ask myself 'what am I doing?' to which i heard answers! Nothing has ever been the same since... wish I could do it on command.


my mother noeline died in september around the my birthday 2019. i havent stopped thinking about her since.
in november 2019 i had a dream of her. She was happy in that dream. it made me happy to see her happy. the next day i felt a weight off my shoulders but the weight of grief continued and still dominates my life to this day.
I have had countless dreams of her since then but that initial dream felt different.

WIll i see her again. I hope so
