Synchronicity: The Meaning and Quantum Origins of Seven Types of Synchronicities

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Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences or improbabilities sent to you from behind the veil of reality. Find out what they mean and what causes them.

Here are some specific examples of each type of synchronicity:

➡ Precursor Synch: Reading the phrase "down the alley" in a book just as you overhear someone else say it, seeing a news segment about a pet raccoon in Idaho nicknamed The Bandit and an hour later a van pulls in front of you in traffic decal'ed in big letters "The Bandit" with a picture of a Raccoon as the business mascot, finding an old notebook about your golfing notes which you abandoned a decade ago and just then an email comes in asking if you have any golfing tips to share, refrigerator lightulb goes out the same day two lightbulbs go out at work. So basically random stuff aligning. The typical kind of synchronicity.

➡ Deviation Synch: seeing three separate car accidents in the span of two blocks on a non-busy street, noticing a patch of grass that looks like a crab and just as you turn the corner there's an actual crab walking across the sidewalk when you've never seen one in the area before, making a last minute decision to go somewhere and you get nothing but red lights, broken railroad crossing signals blocking traffic and you finally get there and they're closed that day due to an emergency. Just improbable things that happen as a result of an improbable decision to do something.

➡ Expansion Synch: Same as Precursor Synch but often more elegant and may carry symbolic meaning. Hummingbird shows up outside the window and you go outside to take a look and there's double rainbow and just then a truck drives by with number 1111 on it, and this during a time when your mind's been blasted open by new realizations and learnings of a spiritual nature. Not always symbolic, though, but definitely elegant and improbable. Differs from precursor synchs in that they accompany transformation rather than precede anything bad happening.

➡ Message Synch: symbolic numbers, recurring omens or signs, house roof leaks and then car roof starts leaking too and bag of food in fridge leaks and makes a mess which indicates something deeper going on, etc.

➡ Manifestation Synch: you're thinking to yourself it would be nice to have a mirror and one with a green border because green is the color of the heart chakra, and then your neighbor moves out that same day and leaves behind a green bordered mirror outside for anyone to take. I didn't make that one up.

➡ Artificial Synch: You get your eBay order in the mail and open it only to find your order must have been switched with another because you received some white underwear instead of the baseball hat you ordered, and then you notice a U-Haul truck parked outside with a big Utah decal on it, and then overnight someone places a Book of Mormon on your doorstep and it all makes sense now. You think this must be a message from God and consider joining the Mormons. Intuitively you're not sure about this, but if "that's what God wants" then you give in despite inner uneasiness. Your freewill has been manipulated without you realizing it.

➡ Opportunity Synch: You get a check for $400 in the mail due to some class action lawsuit settlement you weren't aware of, that night your car's alternator dies and it ends up being a $392 repair and at the shop you get hungry and nearby there's a burger place with an $8 combo special. Or someone at the grocery checkout comments on something you're wearing, it starts a conversation, turns out he's head of a company looking to hire the very position you're good at, so you apply for the job and get it, and at a work party you meet a friend of a coworker and this friend ends up being your soul mate.
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Here are some specific examples of each type of synchronicity:

➡ Precursor Synch: Reading the phrase "down the alley" in a book just as you overhear someone else say it, seeing a news segment about a pet raccoon in Idaho nicknamed The Bandit and an hour later a van pulls in front of you in traffic decal'ed in big letters "The Bandit" with a picture of a Raccoon as the business mascot, finding an old notebook about your golfing notes which you abandoned a decade ago and just then an email comes in asking if you have any golfing tips to share, refrigerator lightulb goes out the same day two lightbulbs go out at work. So basically random stuff aligning. The typical kind of synchronicity.

➡ Deviation Synch: Seeing three separate car accidents in the span of two blocks on a non-busy street, noticing a patch of grass that looks like a crab and just as you turn the corner there's an actual crab walking across the sidewalk when you've never seen one in the area before, making a last minute decision to go somewhere and you get nothing but red lights, broken railroad crossing signals blocking traffic and you finally get there and they're closed that day due to an emergency. Just improbable things that happen as a result of an improbable decision to do something.

➡ Expansion Synch: Same as Precursor Synch but often more elegant and may carry symbolic meaning. Hummingbird shows up outside the window and you go outside to take a look and there's double rainbow and just then a truck drives by with number 1111 on it, and this during a time when your mind's been blasted open by new realizations and learnings of a spiritual nature. Not always symbolic, though, but definitely elegant and improbable. Differs from precursor synchs in that they accompany transformation rather than precede anything bad happening.

➡ Message Synch: Symbolic numbers, recurring omens or signs, house roof leaks and then car roof starts leaking too and bag of food in fridge leaks and makes a mess which indicates something deeper going on, etc.

➡ Manifestation Synch: You're thinking to yourself it would be nice to have a mirror and one with a green border because green is the color of the heart chakra, and then your neighbor moves out that same day and leaves behind a green bordered mirror outside for anyone to take. I didn't make that one up.

➡ Artificial Synch: You get your eBay order in the mail and open it only to find your order must have been switched with another because you received some white underwear instead of the baseball hat you ordered, and then you notice a U-Haul truck parked outside with a big Utah decal on it, and then overnight someone places a Book of Mormon on your doorstep and it all makes sense now. You think this must be a message from God and consider joining the Mormons. Intuitively you're not sure about this, but if "that's what God wants" then you give in despite inner uneasiness. Your freewill has been manipulated without you realizing it.

➡ Opportunity Synch: You get a check for $400 in the mail due to some class action lawsuit settlement you weren't aware of, that night your car's alternator dies and it ends up being a $392 repair and at the shop you get hungry and nearby there's a burger place with an $8 combo special. Or someone at the grocery checkout comments on something you're wearing, it starts a conversation, turns out he's head of a company looking to hire the very position you're good at, so you apply for the job and get it, and at a work party you meet a friend of a coworker and this friend ends up being your soul mate.


I’m guessing most of us here are the ones that don’t really show up to the family gatherings and spend most of the time “alone” enjoying life


This is EVERYTHING love and attention to what you are paying attention to.


Last year I was driving down the street in Mexico. I stopped at the red light and was right behind a bus. It was the afternoon after a long day so I wasn´t paying attention to anything. Anyways, there was a weird song on the radio in spanish that said "El amor es eterno. Viaja, se transforma y siempre regresa a ti". The translation is " Love is eternal. It travels, transforms and always comes back to you." It was a strange song and I had never heard it before or after this day. Now, the freaky part comes when my 15 year old daughter says: "Mom, look at the back of the bus. It had a Sticker that said the exact same thing as the song. "Love is eternal. It travels, transforms and always comes back to you." I tried to get my phone out to snap a picture of the bus, but it left before I could find my phone. That was such a strange synchronicity and I carry the message close to my heart. I loved it!


I don't remember his mentioning the Einstein quote, "Coincidences are Gods way of staying anonymous". Fine educational presentation. Thank you.


"did I create it or predict it?!"


Not a day goes by without synch in my life. Thank u for this video.


13:31 That experiment is known as the Delayed Choice experiment and among the most eerie in QM. In one example of the test, a large galaxy sits in between the Earth and an extremely distant quasar, billions of light years away. The gravity of the intervening galaxy causes the light from the quasar to "lens" around it, splitting the image into 2 or more copies. An observer on Earth can then attempt to re-combine the images using a converging lens. The two sources of light will then combine to produce a series of alternating lines, called an "interference pattern". If the observer tries to detect the individual light sources before they hit the converging lens, the pattern will disappear. It seems that depending on the type of measurement taken, the observer can force light emitted BILLIONS of years ago to behave as either a particle or a wave, effectively changing a "choice" that should have been established when the photons were first emitted. This concept is known as "retrocausality" and the implications are somewhat disturbing.


Fully endorse the speaker on this touchy topic of Synchronism that is often considered as irrational. I have myself made several scientific experiments on this topic. All my grateful thanks reserved for the speaker.


Bro you literally just rearranged how I thought about something that has happened in my past in both a sleep state and an awake state. This blew my mind


Thanks for the categories of synchs. In all my research on the subject, I've never come across them. I will be more organized in documenting mine now. This is probably the best video I have seen on synchronicity!


I just found this channel, absolutely love Tom's take on the metaphysical realms 🎉


Shepherd's pie.... Today at work we had a half hour conversation about shepherd's pie... I got home and my cousin had made... Shepherd's pie. Not allowed to carry the cell phone at work. And she took out chicken yesterday said we're having stir-fry.. she said around noon she changed her mind.. the exact same time we were talking about it at work


I experience synchronicities daily and it has been an exhausting few years. Highly rewarding in my personal, spiritual and mental wellbeing, but very, very exhausting.


I work as a waitress at a restaurant and I had a very wise older man sit at my table and it was an instant connection. He said he had never been to the restaurant before and he is a world traveler. He said he could see my soul. He shared his life experiences with me and we talked a lot about Jung and synchronicities and what we have in common. We knew that our simple exchange was nothing to be ignored. I even shed a few tears with how meaningful our talk was. Now we keep in touch through email. So now I am here to learn more about synchronicities.


Thank you for Being! For Speaking beautifully! For Articulating on Our Behalf!!! You are a Special Interpreter.


This video should have many more views than it does. Thank you for helping me in my journey 💚🙏🏾🤙🏾


@19:58 - @29:15 This is so important. SO Important. It is the KEY. Meditate on it, don't force it. If it's in you naturally, you know who you are, that twinkle in you eyes, that space you protected for the child inside, you already KNOW the so called "secret". It's been taught time and time again, laughter makes you fly and lies make your nose grow. It's just when you hear the message the right way that it finally clicks, then the real fun begins. Those who seek it, who seek power, will be corrupted by it. God loves his CHILDREN.


I get the recurring numbers all the time. Ive had many encounters with synchronicity, some more memorable than others, but I’ll never forget the synchronicity I experienced with my father less than 2 weeks ago.
I saw a bunch of UFO’s and some other crazy stuff in the sky on 12-11-18. I also showed them to my dad and brother on that night. I’d seen one about 10 years before. I’d been looking up ever since but hadn’t witnessed another, until that night. I knew how rare it was and was excited that I got to show my family. Also, when we get into this crazy stuff, it’s nice to have other people confirm that what you saw is what you saw.
Well, that brings me to 10-16-19. I haven’t seen any legit sky phenomenon since the previous December, nor had my father. Then, just after dusk, my father & I were outside throwing trash in our big dumpster & TALKING ABOUT NOT SEEING ANY UFO’s in a while, when I look up and voila! It was moving directly over our heads. Looked like a Star. Same type of UFO’s we witnessed the previous December. We watched it nearly disappear into the starscape to the south, but then it turned right around and came back, finally vanishing from sight somewhere to the east. Meditating on this and trying to figure out exactly how the universe set up this opportunity synchronicity(I believe this is the proper classification) has been fun, lol.
Also, I think you kind of mentioned it, but one thing that I KNOW increases one’s chances of experiencing synchronicity is to be spontaneous or unpredictable when an opportunity presents itself. It can be something dumb like taking a different route home from work, skipping a meal, eating 2 meals, anything that breaks your normal routine(if you have one). Less routine, more spontaneity.


7:24 explains a lot, and is exactly what I was thinking, but I’ve never heard anyone else say it
