Synchronicity: The Meaning and Quantum Origins of Seven Types of Synchronicities

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Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences or improbabilities sent to you from behind the veil of reality. Find out what they mean and what causes them.
Here are some specific examples of each type of synchronicity:
➡ Precursor Synch: Reading the phrase "down the alley" in a book just as you overhear someone else say it, seeing a news segment about a pet raccoon in Idaho nicknamed The Bandit and an hour later a van pulls in front of you in traffic decal'ed in big letters "The Bandit" with a picture of a Raccoon as the business mascot, finding an old notebook about your golfing notes which you abandoned a decade ago and just then an email comes in asking if you have any golfing tips to share, refrigerator lightulb goes out the same day two lightbulbs go out at work. So basically random stuff aligning. The typical kind of synchronicity.
➡ Deviation Synch: seeing three separate car accidents in the span of two blocks on a non-busy street, noticing a patch of grass that looks like a crab and just as you turn the corner there's an actual crab walking across the sidewalk when you've never seen one in the area before, making a last minute decision to go somewhere and you get nothing but red lights, broken railroad crossing signals blocking traffic and you finally get there and they're closed that day due to an emergency. Just improbable things that happen as a result of an improbable decision to do something.
➡ Expansion Synch: Same as Precursor Synch but often more elegant and may carry symbolic meaning. Hummingbird shows up outside the window and you go outside to take a look and there's double rainbow and just then a truck drives by with number 1111 on it, and this during a time when your mind's been blasted open by new realizations and learnings of a spiritual nature. Not always symbolic, though, but definitely elegant and improbable. Differs from precursor synchs in that they accompany transformation rather than precede anything bad happening.
➡ Message Synch: symbolic numbers, recurring omens or signs, house roof leaks and then car roof starts leaking too and bag of food in fridge leaks and makes a mess which indicates something deeper going on, etc.
➡ Manifestation Synch: you're thinking to yourself it would be nice to have a mirror and one with a green border because green is the color of the heart chakra, and then your neighbor moves out that same day and leaves behind a green bordered mirror outside for anyone to take. I didn't make that one up.
➡ Artificial Synch: You get your eBay order in the mail and open it only to find your order must have been switched with another because you received some white underwear instead of the baseball hat you ordered, and then you notice a U-Haul truck parked outside with a big Utah decal on it, and then overnight someone places a Book of Mormon on your doorstep and it all makes sense now. You think this must be a message from God and consider joining the Mormons. Intuitively you're not sure about this, but if "that's what God wants" then you give in despite inner uneasiness. Your freewill has been manipulated without you realizing it.
➡ Opportunity Synch: You get a check for $400 in the mail due to some class action lawsuit settlement you weren't aware of, that night your car's alternator dies and it ends up being a $392 repair and at the shop you get hungry and nearby there's a burger place with an $8 combo special. Or someone at the grocery checkout comments on something you're wearing, it starts a conversation, turns out he's head of a company looking to hire the very position you're good at, so you apply for the job and get it, and at a work party you meet a friend of a coworker and this friend ends up being your soul mate.
Here are some specific examples of each type of synchronicity:
➡ Precursor Synch: Reading the phrase "down the alley" in a book just as you overhear someone else say it, seeing a news segment about a pet raccoon in Idaho nicknamed The Bandit and an hour later a van pulls in front of you in traffic decal'ed in big letters "The Bandit" with a picture of a Raccoon as the business mascot, finding an old notebook about your golfing notes which you abandoned a decade ago and just then an email comes in asking if you have any golfing tips to share, refrigerator lightulb goes out the same day two lightbulbs go out at work. So basically random stuff aligning. The typical kind of synchronicity.
➡ Deviation Synch: seeing three separate car accidents in the span of two blocks on a non-busy street, noticing a patch of grass that looks like a crab and just as you turn the corner there's an actual crab walking across the sidewalk when you've never seen one in the area before, making a last minute decision to go somewhere and you get nothing but red lights, broken railroad crossing signals blocking traffic and you finally get there and they're closed that day due to an emergency. Just improbable things that happen as a result of an improbable decision to do something.
➡ Expansion Synch: Same as Precursor Synch but often more elegant and may carry symbolic meaning. Hummingbird shows up outside the window and you go outside to take a look and there's double rainbow and just then a truck drives by with number 1111 on it, and this during a time when your mind's been blasted open by new realizations and learnings of a spiritual nature. Not always symbolic, though, but definitely elegant and improbable. Differs from precursor synchs in that they accompany transformation rather than precede anything bad happening.
➡ Message Synch: symbolic numbers, recurring omens or signs, house roof leaks and then car roof starts leaking too and bag of food in fridge leaks and makes a mess which indicates something deeper going on, etc.
➡ Manifestation Synch: you're thinking to yourself it would be nice to have a mirror and one with a green border because green is the color of the heart chakra, and then your neighbor moves out that same day and leaves behind a green bordered mirror outside for anyone to take. I didn't make that one up.
➡ Artificial Synch: You get your eBay order in the mail and open it only to find your order must have been switched with another because you received some white underwear instead of the baseball hat you ordered, and then you notice a U-Haul truck parked outside with a big Utah decal on it, and then overnight someone places a Book of Mormon on your doorstep and it all makes sense now. You think this must be a message from God and consider joining the Mormons. Intuitively you're not sure about this, but if "that's what God wants" then you give in despite inner uneasiness. Your freewill has been manipulated without you realizing it.
➡ Opportunity Synch: You get a check for $400 in the mail due to some class action lawsuit settlement you weren't aware of, that night your car's alternator dies and it ends up being a $392 repair and at the shop you get hungry and nearby there's a burger place with an $8 combo special. Or someone at the grocery checkout comments on something you're wearing, it starts a conversation, turns out he's head of a company looking to hire the very position you're good at, so you apply for the job and get it, and at a work party you meet a friend of a coworker and this friend ends up being your soul mate.