David Cameron on the 2010 General Election

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The Tory leader has passionately called on his party team to go out and fight for the electorate's vote saying change is needed.

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For goodness sake wake up everybody & don't vote the Conservatives in power. My Grandfather who died in the 60's said that empty heads put them in & empty bellies put them out. He hasn't been proved wrong yet. Lest we forget the last mess of the 1980's!


do not vote labour, do not vote conservative, if you want to see a real change in the way this country is run, you have to look elsewhere...


Here we are again, living in a country where the PM was not elected.
Democracy, what a laugh. We are all going to suffer for this big mistake.


yea! lets have 3/4 million unemployed, 2/3 year NHS waiting lists, record high interest rates, no NHS the people of this country forget so fast!


Oddly enough, my name is David Cambron... but I'm American of German descent.


@garb2274 The British banking system is rendered slightly irrelevant when it is a GLOBAL economical climate. a small minded person would conclude its the leaders of the effected countries who are at fault whereas most other people would think it could have happened to anybody.

The gold thing stupid as it was, I have heard that it was partly sold in preparation for the up and coming Iraq war true? i don't know.


What happened with the cedit crunch was 100% the fault of the banks. And i don't see how Brown could preempt something such as the cedit crunch. And before you say he "should of put in tough measures" why would you do that for something that appears to be working well? t we now know the problem was an age old banking system that let the banks do what they want. and in my opinion the test would of been how Brown got the country out of the pinch not how he got it in (because he didn't).


The Libs are benefiting from the 'protest vote' mentality. This is insane - the issue of greatest concern to the people of Britain today is immigration yet their objection manifests itself as suppport for a party that would massively amplify the problem we already have. A party that will grant amnesty to every sponger that wants to creep into this country and live of our taxes.
The BNP will not win this election but a protest vote for the BNP will send a very sobering message.


this country already fucked, whos fault is that
wouldn't say tory, it labour who got us in more mess than anyone else ever has

so we had poll tax etc
but what would you rather have now, government that clearly can't run the country let business go to the wall, millions out of work
or would you rather give someone else a chance

the 80's when i was kid i found it much better wonderful country that i use to be able to call great
but what is it now

think best thing we can do now is vote tories


How were you affected by the mess of the Mid 80's under Tory Rule? Did you find that your pocket money was reduced?


We were in for a ride! And its still going


Why are they clapping? THEY should all be LAUGHING!!!


he said "modern conservative ways". Isn't both things contrary to each other?


Anyway if we vote for labour or the libs we will lose our freedom and we will lose our page 3 girls in the sun
and that mustn't happen
so i say vote for the tories and save our freedom and save our page 3 beauties


Only vote conservative if you have a short memory and forget how bad things were before 1997. I'm saddened that the British people have believed Cameron's media-led bottomless policies.


@jewlzorjay And anyway what has how Germany and France coped got to do with it being Browns fault or not? all that means is there banks were less corrupt than the UKs banks at most! the fact that so many other countries felt the pinch at all is clear evidence that it took everyone by surprise. So are you saying Brown is to blame for all these countries or all the political leaders of these countries are to blame? because that just shows that it could of been anybody.


@butifulfelicity Too right these Public Service sroungers of the hard earning tax payers, should be reduced by a third, and perhaps instead they could be employed to sweep up their local streets or do some shelf filling at their local Tesco's.


I'm an American Republican and i'm wondering how the conservative party differs from the labor party. Not that i couldn't Google the info its just ide rather have a few real opinions.


Not British and not impressed with any of the prospective govrnement, a choice of lesser evils so basically a choice for the british people of how to bleed out the slowest.
Cameron's borrowing of Obama's campaign platitudes are disconcerting.
Brown is the face of a beleaguered and uninspiring Labour party and the so called Liberal Democrats are just a less powerful Labour.


The government has not cut public spending deeply enough. There are not enough rich people to reduce the deficit even if we tax them, so if spending is not cut then regressive taxes like VAT must be raised. That is proof that the cuts are too timid.
