5 Incredible Types of Armor

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What do you think is more important in war - to kill as many enemies as possible or to stay alive? Logic says to kill as many enemies as possible, but your instincts will make you worry about your own safety first. Therefore, throughout history, people have gone to great lengths to protect themselves in battle, creating many unique and unusual pieces of armor.
For example, the earliest known armor used by humans was made from animal skins and was used as far back as 40,000 years ago. The hides were usually treated with tannins or other natural substances to make them more durable and resistant to water. Prehistoric hunters usually wore this type of armor to protect themselves from animal attacks and other dangers.
But when people began to fight other people, the hides alone were no longer enough. Spears and arrows easily pierced rudemtary armor. The man had to think up other ways to protect himself. In the absence of easy-to-melt metals, some isolated nations came up with such sophisticated armor that even the game "Skyrim" armor designer could envy their imagination.
Now we'll tell you how people on various islands used to make helmets out of fish and why rifles couldn't even pierce body armor made of coins by Alaskan people. And what armor is considered the pinnacle of evolution?
What do you think is more important in war - to kill as many enemies as possible or to stay alive? Logic says to kill as many enemies as possible, but your instincts will make you worry about your own safety first. Therefore, throughout history, people have gone to great lengths to protect themselves in battle, creating many unique and unusual pieces of armor.
For example, the earliest known armor used by humans was made from animal skins and was used as far back as 40,000 years ago. The hides were usually treated with tannins or other natural substances to make them more durable and resistant to water. Prehistoric hunters usually wore this type of armor to protect themselves from animal attacks and other dangers.
But when people began to fight other people, the hides alone were no longer enough. Spears and arrows easily pierced rudemtary armor. The man had to think up other ways to protect himself. In the absence of easy-to-melt metals, some isolated nations came up with such sophisticated armor that even the game "Skyrim" armor designer could envy their imagination.
Now we'll tell you how people on various islands used to make helmets out of fish and why rifles couldn't even pierce body armor made of coins by Alaskan people. And what armor is considered the pinnacle of evolution?