Theocracy, Theonomy, & Poisonous Pietism

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A theonomic state is better than a theocratic state because it does not require a fallible human representative to enforce God's law. A theonomic legal system can be implemented in republics, monarchies, and kritarchies. It is also compatible with the American Constitution.


It sounds like Bahnsen appealed to experience rather than Scripture also. No Christian disagrees that neutrality is a myth. The issue is, “what does the Bible mandate the NT Church to do?” Until a biblical case can be made, theonomists will keep preaching things that all premillennialists will respond to heartily with an, “Amen!!!”
Appealing to experience and emotion will not win Christians devoted to Sola Scriptura to your position. If I’m wrong for opposing Dominionism, then I need to be shown from Scripture!


The distinction postmillennialism or preterists make between ecclesiocracy and theocracy undermines their view that the imminent “kingdom of God” at the first advent was Christ’s millennial reign. This is affirmed in Revelation 20:6, where Christ’s millennial reign is portrayed as an ecclesiocracy. But there was no actual theocracy until America, a Protestant nation. The preterist’s fancy that this age, the kingdom of God, is a theocracy leads to the only logical conclusion that Christ’s reign is the coming age. In truth, the chief ordained powers “that be” of this age were predominately blasphemous ecclesiocracies until the momentous event in which Protestantism ascended and wounded the papacy some 200 years ago. This challenges the preterist dogma on temporal markers. How can Christ’s reign be identified with this age of blasphemous priests trying to run the kingdoms that ascended out of the fall of Rome or secular merchants manipulating “the kings of the earth, ” as preterists do?


Brother, get a mic that reaches to your mouth I'm worried for your posture 😂


How does the separation of duties of the temporal and spiritual mean church and state were separate? They were both operative over the one people and both divinely instituted to the exclusion of rivals. Isn't it better to say they are both complementary aspects of the one state?


There should also be a change in the wording of the Constitution itself. The Founding Fathers, in their fear of being held hostage to a state sponsored church unwittingly left the door open for the progressives and liberals to literally run roughshod over the rights of Christians in this country during the late twentieth century, enacting repressive and unjust decrees denying freedom of religious expression that the Founding Fathers would never have wished or deemed possible. There is one remedy to this situation, one that had they forseen the repression of religious liberty taking place today in our country they might have instilled into the wording of the Constitution. Whether or not this would have been the case, the situation today has only one remedy if Christians are to enjoy the freedoms envisioned by our Father's when they founded this country.

The Constitution should be amended to read: "We the people, for the glory of Christ and His Kingdom, in order to form a more perfect union . . .". Only through such a provision may America be "born again" from being a secular country to becoming what she was meant to be, a Christian nation established for the glory of Christ Jesus and His Kingdom. America will either become a Christian nation that will tolerate other religions (but not all, those religions that have shown open hostility to the Christian faith in a historic and contemporary setting would not be tolerated, just as we do not tolerate bomb throwing anarchists), or America will become a totally secular nation that will at first tolerate and then eventually persecute Christians for their exclusivity regarding Christ's role in salvation, which is an offence to secularists. One of these two destinies awaits us.


The Levites carried out the Temple Worship as well as helped the Kings carry out the Worship of God. The High Priest would enquirer if the Lord for the King with Urim and Thummim as to what whether to go to War or not. Read the Kings of Israel, who were called to lead the People to worship God and live holy lives. The Levites who did not have any land would read the Word of God, and teach the people throughout the land. There was no civil law. There was no separation of Church and state. Pietism, the care of being Holy, and to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly before your God, the God of Israel was encouraged for all. When Israel fell into times of spiritual darkness, spiritual adultery God would call, and deal with the King to return to the Lord, through Prophets. They were often rejected, persecuted, killed including the last prophet John the Baptist. The Law came through Moses grace and truth through Jesus Christ.
Christians are called to piety, living for Jesus Christ, prayer, worship, preaching the Gospel,
Overcoming evil with good, living to please God, applying it to one’s life in sanctification and encouraging one another.


Three articles from The Instrument of Government, a landmark document in the establishment of constitutional law, instituted in 1653 in England under Cromwell when he assumed the position of Lord Protector over the realm, would do much to insure religious liberty in this land, and in fact I believe that they should be added to a revised version of our Constitution to insure the religious rights of Christians, with the added provision that these liberties would be ensured for Catholics as well. These three articles read:

XXXV. That the Christian religion, as contained in the Scriptures [no extra biblical cults are meant to be included], be held forth and recommended as the public profession of these nations [England, Ireland and Scotland]; and that, as soon as may be, a provision, less subject to scruple and contention, and more certain than the present, be made for the encouragement and maintenance of able and painful teachers, for the instructing [of] the people, and for discovery and confutation of error * (see note), hereby, and whatever is contrary to sound doctrine; and until such provision be made, the present maintenance shall not be taken away or impeached.
XXXVI. That to the public profession held forth none shall be compelled by penalties or otherwise; but that endeavours be used to win them by sound doctrine and the example of a good conversation.
XXXVII. That such as profess faith in God by Jesus Christ (though differing in judgment from the doctrine, worship or discipline publicly held forth) shall not be restrained from, but shall be protected in, the profession of the faith and exercise of their religion; so as they abuse not this liberty to the civil injury of others and to the actual disturbance of the public peace on their parts: provided this liberty be not extended to ["Popery or Prelacy, etc . . ."; this part relating to the Papacy would not be included, Catholics would enjoy the full rights as other Orthodox Christians; this was inserted after a century of Protestant/Catholic wars that tore the Empire apart] nor to such as, under the profession of Christ, hold forth and practice licentiousness.
(Such a provision in Article XXXV, "for the instructing [of] the people, and for discovery and confutation of error" might be of invaluable aid to refuting the heresy of evolution, which is currently being taught and funded by federal money in universities and by government sponsored museums and media outlets; let the evolutionists have their say, let them have their day in court, but let it be balanced with the truth-Bible believing Christians pay taxes as well-with the evidence that exposes the fraudulent nature of their claims, since the only way that they can continue their charade is to have a monopoly on the educational and media outlets, with only one side presented, theirs. There should in fact be government sponsored national debates, for all to hear on nationwide television, with the creationist scientists on one side, and the evolutionists on the other, and then let the public decide which side has the truth, instead of the one sided indoctrination that most citizens receive in the media and educational institutions run by the evolutionists themselves. Our country has been hijacked by secular unbelievers who represent their erroneous opinions as though it is the truth, and patriotic Americans must take decisive steps to take America back.)
