Awesome Animations for your Xamarin.Forms apps with Lottie

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Let's have a look at how we can use Lottie to add great animations to our Xamarin.Forms app quickly and easily. In this episode we will see how to install Lottie into your app, where to find great animations pre-built and ready to use and also I tell you about some caveats you need to watch our for.

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⏱ Timestamps
0:00 Intro
0:37 Introduction to Lottie
1:58 Lottie Library for Xamarin
2:32 Sample App
3:10 Install Lottie Nuget Package
4:18 Watch Out! Do You Need Init Code?
5:10 Note: Add Another NuGet for Android!
6:10 Implement Our Animation
7:04 Add the Animation JSON to Your Projects
8:29 AnimationView Properties
10:06 Running Sample App on iOS
10:26 Implement Play/Pause Buttons and Explore Other Properties and Events
11:30 Running Sample App on Android
11:55 Outro

#xamarinforms #animations #lottie #xamarin
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Hey Gerald, thanks for the video :)

After playing around with Lottie today I have little update:
With the current version (4.0.8) it's now enough to just add it to your Xamarin.Forms project without the need to add something to your android project specifically. It's now also possible to use the .json files from the XF project by adding it as EmbeddedResource and setting your AnimationView's AnimationSource to EmbeddedResource as well.

Side note: I had to set to some value (e.g. "images") to get android to work


Are you using animations in your app today? With Lottie or maybe with the built-in animation support from Xamarin.Forms? How do you use them?


WOWOWOWOW thanks for this man!, very helpful, i'm new in xamarin forms and this is what my app is lacking. thanks for this quick tutorial. Maybe you could discuss push notifications next if possible?. hihihi


Thanks, it helped a lot. Implemented in 5 minutes.


Our customers really like Lottie animations. Developers can use it in very simple way and there are lot of free samples of json in the internet. And maybe for the future you can show some interesting samples with XF build-in animations🧐. Thank you for the video☺️


In Core project. Create Resources folder, add work.json, set to embedded resource. In xaml "" and it works without needing it in the ios or android project!


Is it possible to use Lottie, or is there some other way to add an animation to the XF splash screens? Particularly for iOS.


Dear Gerald, I am using shell(with fly out menu) framework
I know to add content (label/image view ...) in Xamarin.IOS ' "LaunchScreen.storyboard" to customize my splash screen
But in Xamarin.Drid project, I can't see the layout file (even the "layout folder" )for MainActivity
How can I customize my xamarin.from Droid MainActivity splash screen ?
Thanks million


Dear sir Gerald, I've been trying to do this in xamarin forms but when i compile in Android I can't see the lottie animation, In IOS everything works fine. Any suggestions?
