House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the debt ceiling

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She took him to school and he hates her for it
He’s hoping the people aren’t astute enough or care enough to see what he’s trying to do


McCarthy is so out of his depth... debt ceiling is a "child with a credit card". Dude is not gonna last long.


Not raising the debt ceiling is not the same as not increasing a credit card limit. The country already spent the money. Congress already approved the spending and tax cuts


He's lying and she checks his ass


Good job by the anchor to actually ask follow up questions!


McCarthy is being disingenuous. He knows perfectly well that his analogy isn't true. It is not like refusing to increase the limit of the credit card for your kid.
Your kid already spent the money, what you're doing is receiving the statement and refusing to pay.
See what that does to your credit.
Republicans are playing with the full faith and credit of the United States.


Remember McCarthy has no power within his caucus.


Here’s a Great Place to Start.
1, Cut Congress and Senate’s and the Supreme Court salary by 2/3’s.
Thank you Sarah


"It's like giving a child a credit card?" Really - in this analogy - the Parents (congress) approved the spending. And then they're shocked by the credit card bill???? Budgets are forward-looking, and DEBT Is looking at the past. This guy (the speaker ) is out of his league. Crazy!!


McCarthy doesn’t sound like he knows what he’s doing! Bunch of side stepping out his mouth


Pentagon's missing over 200 billion, liked the Anchorwoman's follow-ups to Kevin. She made him lose his composure like John Stewart made the deputy secretary of deffense lose hers.


That interviewer... the blonde lady [sorry don't know your name] is on a different level to most... rare to see such fast intelligence on display. My hat tipped Madame 🎉


We're getting close... Expect to see the SP500 sink 10% just before. That's when I will buy and then the debt ceiling will be raised just like every time.


That’s another Republican that should go to jail like trump corruption


El-Erian is correct. We needed a better growth model and policy implementation. Now we're just pumping stocks. Great for those who own stocks, but it's never been enough to grow the economy. Only widened wealth gap.


Were is the rebuttal? Why does the video stop abruptly? Thet should have posted the whole segment.


Limit military expenses including international military training and exercises that is unnecessary and has nothing to do for the best interests of all American TAXPAYERS. Do not include America to war of others unless it is to protect American people and it's Interests. Bring home all the troops that are in other countries that not necessarily in benefit for the Americans. If America is attack or other countries ask for help, that's when America may help other countries but not to have a base or military exercises. America if wants to help other countries, provide them their tools to protect their own sovereignty but not to make them be American dependent country. Leave countries that only provoking or increasing tensions of war. Stop Expending. A lot of American needs help on the highest record on inflation and higher interest rates and a lot dying homeless. We don't need to put bases on other countries. Other country don't put other bases on others. Imagine if we have bases here of others, does America would allow it? No...right? isn't what America is doing is violating others sovereignty even if that country allow it?


"As we did economic changes" Which were a complete failure. There were Two stock market crashes, extremely high unemployment, and a recession.


Keep trying to convince the American public that cutting taxes for billionaires helps the average household. If they don't know history (which shows it doesn't work again and again) they'll realize it doesn't when their rich cousin buys a second home with his tax breaks and they continue to work 40 hours a week and continue to decide between food in the fridge or paying the mortgage. Look into KM's early life, he wouldn't know what the average household budget looked like if he was smacked in the face with it. He's been a carrier politician his entire adult life. Give us all the same lobbying money and gifts you receive, give us the same stock tips you and McConnell and Pelosi use to insider trade, hell give me a small business that comes with an already established customer base (like his did as a kid) and then I'll listen to your "plan" for the economy.


The republican reform plan for taking care of the debt ceiling is with same plan they had to replace medicare/Medicaid and Obama care. Non existent.
