Secretary Jeh Johnson | Trump's Foreign Policy is NOT Preferable to Obama's (6/6) | Oxford Union

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This House Prefers Trump's Foreign Policy to Obama's.

Jeh Johnson closes the case for the Opposition, as the sixth speaker of six in the debate.

Secretary Jeh Johnson is the former General Counsel of the Department of Defense. He went on to serve as the fourth US Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama administration. He is now a partner at Paul Weiss.

ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Oxford Union is the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. Since 1823, the Union has been promoting debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.
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Only the first speaker actually addressed the question


It amazes me that the opposition with 2 prestigious members of the Obama administration couldn't mount a better attack of Trump or better defense of Obama. This debate is a great example of why history will see Obama as a terrible President while Trump will be Mt Rushmore worthy.


It took this guy 13 minutes to say "ORANGE MAN BAD, I MISS BARRY." Not once compared foreign policies.


Jeh Johnson is beyond pathetic in his debate skills, quite funny but please this is Oxford not a primary school debate


: "after that point not one person affected by the Ebola virus entered our country"

Ignores what happened before. Despite having plenty of time to prepare, the Obama administration didn't. For example, Newark airport had to jury rig an isolation facility for a nurse returning from working with Ebola patients. For example, in New Orleans, a hospital didn't have even basic procedures for handling a suspected Ebola victim -- they put info into his computer chart despite that long having been known to be error-prone. For surgery, competent hospitals put bands and markings on your body. And when that Ebola victim returned to hospital, the nurses didn't have adequate instruction in the tricks and complexities of the protective gear and two of them got infected. I would have expected doctors and nurses experienced in this to have been sent to New Orleans to mentor and supervise the local nurses.
Classic Obama Administration: failure to prepare for the obvious and slow to respond when it hit.


What a depressing argument, I guess Oxford is overrated.


Student reaction summed up: Orange man bad hurr durr!


Literally every opposition member's point: What is Trump's foreign policy? There is no foreign policy!!1


Secretary Johnson seems to be a charismatic speaker but there was little substance to his argument


I expected better argumentS from a former cabinet officer. That was primarily emotional. Good job on saying the good points of Obama’s policies in a couple areas, but you completely missed concrete examples of why similar, or any foreign policy of the Trump Admin policies are worse. Yes you posited that there is no foreign policy but one only needs to listen to the last two State of the Union addresses to refute that position. I always like to hear real proposition and opposition arguments to challenge my own thoughts. Sadly 1/3 of the proposition and 100% of the opposition failed to do so in this debate.


As an American I don’t feel as if any nation on earth is making my life any better here. But America makes other people’s lives better in other nations


it's amazing how sanctimonious one can sound when they simply assume the worst intention of their opponent and apply that filter to any and all actions. Must be liberating, it also allows you the great relief of never having to doubt you own righteousness.


Why does the lady in the red dress NOT clap and applauded him..?🤔


Seriously, who votes dislike on a speech like this?


Made no factual position or factual opposition


So what cocktail of substances is this man on?


In ones own country, it is the rich that is not impacted by the taxing and giving away money it can not afford, if one man in the country starves then your failing to do right by your own people, charity at home, when all is well then do more for others. Like a charity it recieves donations to help, people who give can afford to give. When governments are giving on top of the charity but steal or tax from its people to give away, when many are unable to afford food or afford holidays it is pure ignorance of those who rule the country. Shameful. Your looking at your own countries where they are not in good shape and yet fail to fix your own countries needs then your doing harm to more people, who need to pay for roof over their heads, but you can't grasp that hardship because you got lots and feel guilty so you think the country is rich, when it is in a hideous mess. Disgrace to your own country.


Man this is pathetic. He sounds like a news anchor playing the hits.


Great Orator. Ebola example shows his true colors: what is everyone else doing. What sort of reasoning is that? How many people were diagnosed with Ebola after arriving in USA? 2. And on this is what he bases his opinion? No substance, either to his decision on his handling of what could have been a serious crisis, or to his speech.


Didn't bother watching the debates since I was more interested in the comments on each video instead, and it's gone all exactly as I expected. Strange how predictable threads on videos like these have become. Almost frightening how straight away personal attacks on debaters are made in comparison to other debate topics.
