Creating Space Force is 'a solution in search of a problem,' ex-Air Force chief says

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Former U.S. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James speaks to CBSN about why she believes creating a Space Force branch of the military is not a good idea. She also said she's in favor of the creation of a U.S. Space Command, which would draw from the armed forces.
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Not gonna lie, this is a sci-fi dream come true! Imagine little kids wanting to go to a space academy!! I'm geeking out just thinking about it!!!


space command will be launch on August 29th 2019

it's a reality


It's proactive reasoning.
It's not a matter of if but when there would be a conflict over space territory. It's better to be ready than to develop defense on the fly.


If nothing else a Space Force will put people to work and keep them working. A real boon for the US economy and likely many other countries that will benefit from work to support the effort. What is wrong with that? KAG 2020


This person, who is a bureaucrat, really doesn't understand that it's very important to have a military branch focused on a specific medium of operations. One that has a full understanding of fighting a conflict in that medium. Also that branch cannot be "shushed" by general officers who have no knowledge of that medium. That's why we have an Air Force as opposed to still having an Army Air Corp. This is why we have a Navy as opposed to an Army that rides in boats like the Romans did. The Navy has components of all three current branches, Traditional surface fleet, Marines and Naval aviators. They have these branches because the sea is the medium or medium adjacent in which all are expected operate.


How about they know something that we do not !


Insanity. Millions of problems on earth to be solved.


Once you think about it the Space Force does make sense. With all the satellites orbiting Planet Earth it would be nice to have someone up there to take care of the ones that might fall on our heads. Also with the number of countries that have satellites who can say what kind of weapons may be concealed inside them. Also it would be good to have someone to deal with asteroids and meteors. As for little green men, who knows? Question is will dems vote for it? My guess is no. Why not? Because they were not smart enough to think it up first. It would greatly increase the safety and security of America and give us a massive advantage over all the other nations on the planet. But dems don't care about America anymore. They will vote against the Space Force just because they don't want to give the current Administration a win. No, they want the current Administration to fail at all cost not caring that it will mean the failure of America as a whole. As usual they will obstruct and resist until Russia or China creates their own Space Force and assumes total world domination. Then as usual they will blame Trump when America is staring down the barrels of enemy weapons.


To shoot down opposition satellites? Satellite signal jamming? Laser missle defense? Where are we going from here? What is the goal of this?


Who are we going to be fighting in space?


Trump wants to waste money on a Space Force and wall on the southern border why not spend the money on fixing the VA, Medicade and Medicare and actually do some good.


WHY? Are we being attacked by men from Mars?


Do they know something we don't...


Earlier there was technical difficulties that stopped this design from appearing in the shop.


Typical Trump policy which adds to our debt and does not pay for it.


Basically this is a way to make a few ppl rich by selling fear to the public that becomes a need for countries to get permission to access space which then creates friction which creates wars that justifies this force. Yet currently astronauts from all over the world foes and allies alike work together peacefully and help each other out. Why is it that money isn’t invested on improved quality of life? And a focus on ppl realising that helping others is helping themselves and creating that cycle? This love of ways to make war by all is sad to me. 🙁 seems a cowardly option to live. And it’s everywhere by everyone. Sad!


Does nobody get that a bunch of our communications and military technology are in space, if one or more of those satalites is shot down or taken over it would be really bad


Where is that money coming from.first he said the military wasn't spending money on new ships and planes space force.what is NASA then.


i think Trump is trying to be like Kennedy. that is dealing with space.


Great way to waste/pilfer taxpayer money without showing where it all goes.
