Northern Mariana Islands travel vlog | Flying to Rota for a day

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During our stay in the Northern Mariana Islands we had the opportunity to fly to Rota for a day where we watched the triathlon events as part of the Pacific Mini Games. This was my first time flying with a small plane, only a half an hour trip from Saipan to Rota with the Star Marianas Airline.

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Watching your videos dear friend im from manila philippines.


Amazing sister ❤ . My dream is to visit this island


A dream is a message from God to you and you have to meditate on it to understand it. For example: the urge to urinate or have a bowel movement is to be on the path of sin. And if you are naked in a dream, you must know that you are acting outside of God's will.
Read the message of Prophet Kacou Philippe for your salvation


1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 



And in this great religious confusion, have you ever seen a religious leader say to his people, "Today let us pray to God!" Oh God, we want to be saved but in this religious confusion on earth, we are afraid. If possible, send us a prophet to lead us to You." They will not do it because it goes against their interests and whoever does it will be their enemy.
Read the message of Prophet Kacou Philippe for your salvation


A prophet is a man come from God with a new Message to judge and condemn the religions of the whole world and to gather the sons of God from all nations and tongues and races and religions of the earth to lead them into liberation final before his death. But the sons of Satan will always remain Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists, Jains, Sikhs and Taoists until the final destruction of the earth. Their god is money and their paradise is the earth. The police and the states protect them. They need neither God nor a prophet.

Read the message of Prophet Kacou Philippe for your salvation


Kacou Philippe did not die on the cross of Calvary for you but it is him, Kacou Philippe, who has the words of eternal life and the keys of the kingdom of the Heavens for your Salvation in this generation.


It is a prophet who comes after a prophet, and Hosea 12:14 says: “And by a prophet Jehovah brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.” And even in the history of the Church, after Prophet Polycarp was killed in 167, the Church had another prophet. And nowhere in all history is there any mention of some disciples of Polycarp telling old memories. And no one could come and ask people to believe in dead Polycarp as the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians do today. Whether Jesus is God or not, whether Moses is a true or false prophet, whether Mahomet is a true or false prophet, this is not important, this does not concern me. Everything they accomplished was for those of their time. Moses did not found Judaism, Jesus Christ did not found Christianity and Mahomet did not found Islam.


🔴👉Kc.146:61 Do you know that if you do not believe in Prophet Kacou Philippe, you will go to hell after your death? If anyone here does not know, I am just informing.


ou have chosen the way of religions and holy books to go to hell, but I move forward with the children of God. In 2004, an imam came to see me. That is the only time I saw him. He claimed to have seen a great prophet in a dream and that prophet was called Fitilah and when that prophet turned around, it was me. This imam had come to see me dressed in white with his rosary and the whole appearance of a pious imam. But before he followed me, he wanted me to become a Muslim. Oh, really?! Does a doctor have to become a leper before he treats lepers? When God sends a prophet on the earth, should this prophet become a Buddhist before Buddhists believe in him? Does this prophet have to become a Christian before Christians follow him? Does this prophet have to become a Hindu before all Hindus follow him? And everything this prophet does must be in conformity with the Torah, the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita and with all the holy books of the religions of the earth? Shouldn’t this prophet stand on behalf of God and condemn all the systems of the earth for the Salvation of the children of God? Are your religions superior to the Word of God? And you Muslim, so if heaven doesn't look like Mecca, you won't enter it? So, the words of a prophet must be in conformity with the Torah, the Bible, the Quran and the Veda, otherwise he is a false prophet? You are demons and you will all go to hell with your religions and holy books. I am speaking by a divine mandate transmitted by an angel on April 24, 1993. Reject me and be pious, be good and kind, be in the truth, be full of love and peace, help the poor but you will all go to hell with that but those who are destined for eternal life among you will come to me.
Extract from Kacou 149: Preaching on Islam (Read also Kacou 131, Kacou 136, Kacou 144, Kacou 145)
Download the official Prophet Kacou Philippe application on Play Store and App Store


In the past, you were in those abominable things and you did not know it. And the midnight Cry has come to fight that to set you free. It is sad to see that merchants whom the Lord Jesus had whipped and cast out of the temple in Matthew 21 are reproducing the same scenes today. And people who call themselves Christians agree with that and give them money.
