Back Washing Your Pool Filter

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One thing that can be easily overlooked when it comes to your pool is back washing your filter.
It is important to back wash your filter every 4 to 5 weeks, or when your pressure gauge shows you it's time to have it back washed.
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In the off season your pool is not used as much, there's less vegetation, and the water is colder - some of the primary reasons back washing is often overlooked.
To explain what back washing is, we're going to use the example of a home vacuum cleaner. While vacuuming your home, the vacuum bag gets full of dirt and debris. When this happens, it's time to change the bag or empty the dirt and debris, so your vacuum picks up the dirt more efficiently.
Watch the video on youtube:
Your pool filter filters out the dirt from your swimming pool water. The dirt that is built up needs to be emptied out. This is done by back washing. Some consequences of not back washing on a regular basis are:
1. Swimming pool equipment won't run as efficiently
2. Inefficiency can lead to bigger maintenance and repair problems in the future
A reminder as we enter into spring and summer season... back wash your filter regularly if you have a DE or sand filter. Cartridges do not need to be back washed, but should be cleaned regularly, normally every 8-10 months.
Coming soon - check out some of our other videos on how to clean a DE, sand filter, and cartridge filter on a regular basis.
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If you have any questions about back washing your swimming pool filter, give us a call at (480) 495-2334.
Backwash Pool Filter