Legends of Sparta

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In this Fan of History special, we talk about the origins of the Spartans.
Who were they?
Why were they so different from other greeks?
Was there really a king Menelaus who lost his wife to a Troytan prince?
Who was Lycurgus and did he really come up with everything in Sparta?
Why were there two kings?

Find out more about the origins of Sparta and all the events of the Spartan city state before the first Messenian war (which probably started at 740BC).

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This was made by a fan of history, not a scientist. The Fan of History wants to learn and he is happy to be corrected.

Music: "Tudor Theme" by urmymuse.

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Your accent works well my man, you make great videos. Don't watch too often but when I do, they're good! Keep up the work. Interesting stuff, watched timeline of world history, was really something.


At 18:20 I meant the Apella and not the Agoge on line 2. I.e. The Apella is the assembly of the Citizens. The Ephors still oversee the Agoge, which is the training regiment for spartan youth.


I really enjoyed your videos. They are well made. Being a history buff I've read a lot about ancient Greece, especially Sparta.  Actually my interest was piqued when I started building a Greco-Roman world in the game Minecraft. I wanted to know more about the buildings, the purpose of them and so forth.  This began my research on this topic and the reading of many books.  I enjoyed all that I learned. I found a one book on everyday life about ancient Greece and Spartan woman to be very informative because the authors wrote about the everyday people that made up the backbone of society. This has led to another book (recently published) that I'm reading about the Amazon society, which included the famous warrior women of ancient times.


HEY FAN OF HISTORY. You got a few things wrong in this and the subject is a little more complex that how you stated it before. You are going to need access to a few peer reviewed journals like eahm, architecture and so on and a few books too but I'll get into that a little later when I go into further citations. Make sure you check what you say at 1:20 3:30 4:20 7:55 and 16:43. So to begin this I hope you have a pen and paper because you might want to take notes.

Deez nutz
Didn't really have anything to say but I did want to see if I could get a laugh out of you. It's an amazing series so far that I absolutely love even though I am a mechanical engineering major.


Haha I knew you were swede within the first 10 seconds! ;)


Sounds like a cross between the coup d'etat of the Ayatolla of Iran and the Soviet revolution in Russia. Yeeesh!


the Spartans were Danites and they were People of Color like all the Tribes of Israel are.. you can also read about this in the book of Josephus as well as Jasher and the bible
