Great Physicists: Louis-Victor de Broglie

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The Man Who Discovered the Wave Nature of Matter

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He's a real hero of mine. Despite all the geniuses of the time, it took a graduate student to see what now seems obvious. Hats off to the French student who saw what the "experts" could not!


His entire family tree is full of famous characters who left their mark on French history.


Wow.... such great points and so much to think about... wave nature of matter... waves in harmony, harmonics... outside the box thinking always provides nourishment for ideas and progress... great video!


De Broglie's advisor was Langevin. As the idea seemed weird to him, he asked his friend Einstein. At that time, Einstein, Schrödinger and Planck were struggling with the quantum theory of mono-atomic gaz, with the inputof Bose. Einstein was enthusiastic about the work of De Broglie, because it explained the strange statistics. Then he cited it in his next article, and touched a word to Schrödinger. So undulatory mechanics was born.


The family de Broglie is mentioned by Marcel Proust in his famous novel _In Search of Lost Time._


We don't need to say we don't know how harmony of phases arise. It comes natural in both John Williamson and Thad Roberts description of matter as a structuring of a photon/gravitational wave into one stable geometry. Matter is confined light, and light is unbounded matter, so there is no difference - de Broglie just did not know why at the time.


John Clauser name checks De Broglie’s “Non linear wave mechanics” as a source of great clarification in understanding quantum mechanics. His AIP interview is very revealing. Might be of interest for you Prof


When I found out how to actually say his name as opposed to just guessing it (very wrongly of course) I ran off and lit a candle to his memory in my local Priory...


I want to hear more about your stance on Brohm's pilot wave theory. I enjoy your way of explaining these complicated topics and I would love to see your analysis of Pilot Wave theory.


The personal rule is the Gold-Silver Rule(s), a somewhat reduced interpretation of equivalence and unity that sets up the 3 maths laws, ( a bit vaugely defined), so being in total agreement with de Broglie is a serious criticism of alternatives that do not begin to reason from the same obvious wave composition mechanism, which is a version of Euler's e-Pi-i sync-duration function or anybody's experience in Nature.

Also not being "good with words" usually means less than self promoting because a proper proportioning of self esteem is required for "Scientific Analysis and Detachment", it is a matter of Principle, not a debating opinion position. (Sciencing goes against human nature)

So e-Pi-i Reciproction-recirculation, harmonic Fluxion-Integral 0-1-2-ness superposition identification Calculus vertices in vector-value Timing-spacing vortices manifestation is what de Broglie said, from another corresponding POV, put in Perspective.


Interpretation of Einstein's 'Photo-electric effect' was wrong in 1905 and remains mostly mis-taught today. Photo-electric effect is used to justify a failed particle/wave 'duality' notion of matter. It is said that photons 'knock-out' electrons from atoms, thus proving/imputing a 'particle-nature' to those photons and/or electrons. However, whether the photon knocks the electron out of the atom is entirely a wave process, and has nothing whatsoever to do with particles. Electrons inhabit 'orbitals' defined by Schrodinger's WAVE-equation and it is that WAVE-equation that defines the energy needed to knock electrons out. Therefore there are no particles, only waves.

It was deBroglie's hesitant observation, largely rejected to this very day, that revealed these truths. In the whole known universe, there isn't a single particle, there are only waves. Yes sometimes physics problems can be more easily solved by particle assumptions, but they always have wave-solutions; the reverse can not be said. Just like the apple falling from its branch can be more easily solved by a Newtonian approximation to relativity, so-too particle solutions are approximations to wave-equation solutions.


I believe the Copenhagen Agreement has led physics down a blind alley for over 100 years now.


A little known fact, but clear from that photographic portrait of de Broglie, is that he conceived of the Uncertainty Principle long before Heisenberg; Louis was bald and hairy at the same time.


Dr unzicker, what is your take on the ads/CFT correspondence and it's implications towards quantum gravity


any specific reason for your disagreements with debroglie-bohm? a video on this would be most interesting


this fascinating video made me search for and study the critical insight about h, angular orbital momentum, etc. Isnt angular orbital momentum as referred to in this equation different from imposing a transverse force on a moving electron, which causes photon emission due to acceleration/deceleration of the electron in a transverse direction.? I still think that real world data show that a transverse deceleration of a moving electron causes the photon emission, notwithstanding any orbital/angular momentum the electron may have. When using mv in the de broglie equation, do we use the tangential velocity vector and ignore the position vector? Are photon energies to/from an atom described purely in terms of electron velocity changes?


I reckon the answer is to be found in black holes and the atomic nucleus. Both are stable until the internal de Broglie wave function extends the probability of existing without the finite potential barriers, then the probability of explosion/decay become more probale than stability. Think the elecronic component Tunnel Diode.


Duality of light, electrons, atoms, and large molecules. Carbon fullerene molecules pass through both slits in the "double slit experiment" despite their relatively large size.
Bacteria are living organisms not possible, but viruses, the adaptation of viruses strains to antibiotics is the interference of waves in Nature. Broglie-Bohm's non-locality can be applied to living organisms in the philosophical sense.


Has anyone ever noticed that if you put Mars at the Jupiter-Sun L5 point the following happens:
1. It stays there indefinitely until it falls towards Jupiter
2. It tends to miss due to the increased velocity increasing the distance to Sun, thus it loops in a parabola on the outside
3. It runs out of velocity around 4.8 AU and starts orbiting the Sun with high eccentricity
4. It can get to its current orbit by adjusting the impact parameter since the energy is right
5. Mercury and Venus do not have the mass, making the impact parameter less than their radius
6. Thus it could only pass Earth at at low altitude to get to its current orbit
This predicts three things: Holes in Mars from Jupiter, A large raised area on Mars from Earth, A 15, 000 km raised strip on Earth from Mars
Check, check, check


We are all interested in fundamental physics. it`s where it becomes clear the fundament is still beyond us. No matter ever little we personally know, it is nice to know that. Innit for the chase.
