Planning for Sustainable Financing - Webinar 5: Resource Mapping and Mobilization

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The WHO Community of Planners: Planning for Sustainable Financing webinar series aims to assist countries in developing successful national plans or proposals on sustainable financing for health emergencies PPR, particularly focusing on the current Pandemic Fund Second Call for proposals.

The audience for these webinars consists of planning experts, programme managers, proposal writers, or grant writers who support governments in developing sound plans or proposals for sustainable financing, and individuals who contribute to the proposal development process. This audience may include WHO Country Offices, Ministries of Health, multi-country teams, among others.

The specific objectives for this webinar include: (1) identifying opportunities for co-financing, co-investment, and resource mobilization in the development of country plans/proposals; (2) demonstrating the utilization of costed plans to inform resource mapping and mobilization in country plans/proposals; (3) outlining the investor landscape for a One Health approach and its alignment with the health sector.
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