The BRUTAL Execution Of The Abbot Of Glastonbury Abbey

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During the reign of King Henry VIII around 70,000 executions occurred his Kingdom in England. But one of the most shocking things that the notorious Tudor monarch did alongside his close advisor Thomas Cromwell was the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Cromwell and the King ordered the closure of thousands of monasteries, abbeys, monastic houses and religious houses and they then stole the land, buildings and wealth of these organisations. But there was one Abbey which was left standing, and that was Glastonbury Abbey. It was overseen and controlled by Abbot Richard Whiting who had been appointed by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey.

Glastonbury Abbey under Abbot Whiting was one of the most profitable in the country, and Cromwell attempted to shut it down a number of times but he could not find a reason to do so. But then Cromwell discovered allegedly evidence that found Abbot Richard Whiting guilty of treason and he was sent to the Tower of London. Richard Whiting was then taken to Glastonbury where he was briefly tried before he was sentenced to death. He was brutally hanged, drawn and quartered on Glastonbury Tor and was around the age of 80 when he was executed.

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Henry was pretty much centered around skirt chasing, eating and executing.


Fair to say that Henry and Cromwell are looking up not down


Henry VIII was as brutal as Stalin or Ivan the Terrible.


It takes a pretty lowdown, desperate man to rob a church, any church. And when it's a king? The lowest of the low. If you think it's hot in England today, it's much hotter where Henry is.


Another amazing video. I love how he explains it all. Just brilliant


Actually, there's not much good to say about the reign of Henry VIII.


I knew that there were many executions during Henry's time but 70, 000! What a tyrant!


Very interesting story I hadn't heard. Henry was not a good man.


Thank you sir - your work on these programs is excellent!


The nursery rhyme of "Little Jack Horner who pulled out a plumb" was all about this time. After the dissolution of Glastonbury Abby, one of the king's men was charged with taking the deeds of various properties owned by the Abby to London. He stole a document and kept it. Once, Henry the eighth died he claimed the village of Nunny. As Shakespeare said it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.


Yep, those who sup with the devil will eventually get consumed themselves.. Henry VIII, the British Taliban of the period..😏


He gained huge income from taking religious properties and soon lost it all on military expenditures. So what was his gain after all?


I like the remarks 'Henry stole riches and wealth from abbey's and monasteries' or words to that effect. And where exactly did those religious institutions get this wealth from?


The Tudors were an old Welsh family and held estates on Anglesea long before Henry VIIIs father (Henry VII) claimed the throne of England. His father in turn was Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond a descendant of Tudors of Penmynydd all descended from Tudur Hen who died in 1311. Reading between the lines they were pretty ruthless in those times, if you weren't you stood the risk of being killed yourself. Henry VIII was made of the same genes, it boded ill for anyone who stood in his path! When the Monasteries were dissolved Henry gave his Welsh allies valuable former Monastic estates and also to English allies who supported him. That might seem generous but Henry had previously sold off the (gold) plate, the glass and the lead from the roofs, and in some cases the stone. Some Priory churches were sold intact to the townspeople. Monks who went quietly were actually paid a pension and the last Prior of Christchurch became the Vicar. But Abbots who held out, like the Abbot of Glastonbury, could expect to be murdered. God alone help anyone who went against him, and there was nobody else but God to help, the others dare not. The way you might die in those times was agonising, and very, very, final. It served as a reminder to be very very careful.


With so many executions who was Henry ruling when not skirt chasing or filling his gut or pockets??


All Henry's life consisted of was chasing women scoffing his face & executing everyone he wanted as like a sick unhinged hobby


You do a very good job on your videos but you never talk about the executioners who do all the torture to the people they kill they must be insane thanks I enjoy your videos


Thanks for the information. I really enjoy the visuals you provide.


If the video includes scholarly sources at the end, it would greatly help people in doing further research and verifying claims.


There is something strangly serene and fascinating about super green meadows with ruins that have still the basic shapes left where the windows and door would have been and the Sun shining during Golden Hour..
