Pokemon TCG Pocket IS A VERY BROKEN GAME (Unfortunately)

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Pokemon TCG Pocket Review / Pokemon Pocket rant. The best decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket immediately show to be problematic for many different reasons. Articuno EX, Starmie EX, Pikachu EX and other cards are way too powerful. Pokemon Pocket's balance is unacceptable with the small list of cards and simplified format making these issues immediately apparent to anyone playing the game for the first time. Building a Pokemon TCG Pocket deck can also be slow, frustrating, and unrewarding. Pokemon TCG Pocket battles don't have ranked yet so you will go against someone that played the beta and already has a full meta EX deck.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Review

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Thank you god, a voice of reason... half of these guys on reddit are like, "All tcgs have these problems"... I'm like, not to anywhere near the same degree... RNG is absolutely hideous in this game and the sheer amount of things subject to it are mind boggling


Losing to someone in turn one because they use misty and flip 4 heads is the dumbest shit the game is a joke


The game looked good, but after playing enough of it and with the many many many problems... I have to say this game is trash.


The battle system was definitely an afterthought for this app. The primary focus is to fuel people's need to open card packs to complete the collection and have the Pokemon company make money ASAP.


This game is the most frustrating phone game i have ever played, its to a point where im about to throw my phone out of the window or snap it in half.

Since i dont use real money for this, most of the pokemon I end up with is pokemon that has to evolve throughout turns, but those lv 50 and 35 is one shoting my pokemon one after another, and dont even have time to gather energi or do anything to survive. You feel hopeless in these battles.

And when I see someone using a celebi, I just quit the match, its so humiliating getting your 60hp pokemon defeated by its 400+ damage.

Seeing the coin flip thing just botheres the shit out of me, cuz its usually 90% the time you are being defeated.

This game should have some nerfs to its rules or change concept


I beleave the ex cards where launched to early, making every other card unable to compete


Game is trash way to much rng in the battles it boils down to the 3 free energy decks Mewtwo Moltres and misty make the game tilting as fuck to play


Misty is in the game because I am convinced that it is impossible to roll a head ever.


To be honest, I think Gen 1 Tcg is more interesting to play than Pocket. Mostly because Pokemon have more than a single move and those moves actually had effects to them.


Seems like the game would be a lot better without EX cards


Played 50 games and lost every single match because anytime I even try to build up everyone just uses basic stage EXs and they just wipe the floor with me


My favorite is losing to an aerodactyl who flips heads 4 times in a row, making it impossible for me to even attempt to play the game. The RNG is just wayy too prevelant and it makes every game feel like a massive coin toss.


I’m enjoying the game but the rng feels rigged when playing against the Starmie Ex Expert Solo battle, the Bot you play against gets 2x Starmie EX’s, 2x Articuno EX’s and 2x Misty support cards, on their own they’re good cards but altogether it’s not even challenging it’s just completely unfair and unbalanced, also the bot always gets a good first hand/draft which’s end up with you getting blasted on turn 4-7 by a Starmie EX with 10+ plus energy while you’re still trying to evolve your bench and active card. I understand its an “Expert” level battle but it just feels impossible to do anything against that insanely overpowered Deck


My only gripe is that the exp gain isnt different between beginner and "trading card game player"


You should be able to trade in cards for points towards others.


This is how I feel about the game, largely unbalanced due to EX cards. I wish they add matchmaking for non EX card decks and make deck building fun.


This game is such a joke. I don't really understand the point of 1v1 battle at all. Each element has a weakness but there's no way to really exploit it because who you play against isn't deterministic at all. As a result, there's no real point in building a deck around trying to counter another deck. This might make sense with a draft or best of mode where you bring more than one deck but no such thing exists and requiring multiple decks would just raise the barrier to entry.

Right now the top decks are mewtwo ex and pikachu ex and this is because both decks rely on ex Pokemon that don't need to evolve. You have an inherent advantage going into any match against a deck that requires evolution because you can basically attack after two turns. Also any Pokemon that has 3 evolutions is mostly useless against these decks because there are very few defensive Pokemon that can stall enough to get a T3 Pokemon against a turn 1 ex. Also it's really stupid that every deck needs professor's research and pokeball. Even with these cards, I can't tell you how many times I've lost the game because I just didn't get good rng on my card draws. There's no Mulligan, not really any other card that augments drawing.

They can add a ranked mode, and a bunch of other modes but honestly it's not going to change the weaknesses of this game. It's just not a good TCG at all.


Potential fixes to Misty:

1. “You cannot play this card on your first turn.”
No Donk.
2. “Target a Water Pokémon, flip 2 coins, you can attach a number of Water Energy up to the number of Heads flipped. If you attach 2 energy in this way, Pokémon with Target’s name cannot evolve or attack.”
No donk, one turn of counterplay, and encourage people to not play mono-Articuno ex.


Yeaaaah, I'm glad you made this video. I felt like I was going insane. This game is ridiculously broken. I don't like playing battle mode, so I might just treat it as a collecting game that I spend 5 mins a day on.


Remember use the first 14 packs to reroll for 4+ ex cards with supporters
