3 minutes of Cucumber Tips & Tricks to Max Yields all Summer

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A quick cucumber video for those who have established cucumber plants and want to max the yield to have cucumbers all summer long. Clipping the leaves below the fruit and taking the high suckers off will give pests less places to hide, will allow sunlight in to grow the lower suckers, and will increase your yields. For more detailed cucumber video, see this one
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Thanks for the tips and tricks. I started my first cucumber plant this year.


Thank you for sharing these helpful tips. I’m really enjoying your channel.


Where are you getting your seeds from?


Good time of day, sir. Thanks for more good tips :) Succession planting throughtout the season is so important! I usually do 2 rounds of cucumbers but we are forecast a warm season here so I think I will also try for a 3rd like you say. Best wishes


👍👍, making me want to try growing cucumbers now


I had two small cucumbers on my plants I went out to trim the plants back and the cucumbers were gone. I have racoons that terrorize my house, either it was them or that neighborhood kid again. I didn't grow cucumbers last year, however, she got a good amount of my tomatoes. It made me mad at first, then I made her start pulling weeds for tomatoes. Since I had a captive audience, I might as well teach the little devil child something, her parent was never around. I thought my green beans were done for, nope got a good amount again. I struggle growing okra, it's finally coming up, but, it's only an inch tall, doesn't even have the real leaves on it yet. Planted 20 seeds got 6 to show their heads. Thanks for the video.


Are you using Sevin for the squash borers and if so aren't you poisoning the bees that pollinate your cukes and your other veggies?


Awesome 👍the name of your channel is a little wordy. Why not make it simply "the back yarden"..? Sometimes making up words can be confusing, or annoying, but I dont think this is one of those instances.


Three minutes of video, two and a half minutes of ads 😮😢😮😢😮. f j b 😊
