Dressing my loom without a cross, weaving and finishing up the Iridescent Rainbow warp

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In this video, I'm sharing how to dress the loom without a cross, weaving and finishing up the Iridescent Rainbow warp. This weaving tutorial is a great way to practice your weaving skills and create beautiful pieces of cloth!

If you're a weaver looking to experiment with new techniques, or just want to learn more about dressing a loom, be sure to watch this video. Weaving is a timeless art and this weaving tutorial will help you learn new techniques of this ancient craft!

Рекомендации по теме

Wow, you're super organized and detail/production-oriented


Thank you so much for showing us and greetings from Germany. I'm trying to learn your method so I can use it in my amateur workshop.

Liebe Grüße,


As this is your most recent weaving specific video, I thought I would just leave this comment here. I have a suggestion for a weaving video topic and you are probably very qualified to tackle it. I am curious about the economics of dying versus just buying already dyed threads. Now, obviously in your case you dye because you need to to create the thread you use, but if someone were going to go the route of buying undyed thread and was dying solid colors or more randomly varigated colors themselves, how cost effective is that compared to just buying commercial. Perhaps use 8/2 cotton, something that most weavers probably use somewhat regularly, as an example.


Forty meter warp? That's huge! And you just simply measured another 40 meters again? Wow, that's a lot of work! Do you have a huge warping board? How many yards go into one wrap?


Thanks for your video. I have the same problem warping my back beam. The 2" units wind on at different lengths. Can you tell me how you solved your issue please?


Would it be silly for me to upgrade my artistat leclerc (4 shaft) by adding a sectional warping beam? 🙈


That looks like a LeClerc tension box, is that right? How many dents are the combs you have with it? Judging from what is for sale, the densest comb available is 15 dent/inch. So if you put more threads than the dents available down into the comb and then tape it up so that the threads are spaced out again, I assume that this is not a problem with your method? Thanks!


Do you count heddles or just start in the middle of the draft?
