Read a Weaving Draft for a Table Loom

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This one is for my table loom & direct tie-up friends!
One of the biggest tools in weaving is the pattern draft. Once you understand how to read a draft, the world is your oyster! You will have all the information you need to create a limitless number of beautiful weaving patterns - without a kit, without someone else giving you instructions, completely on your own! It's kind of like getting your driver's license. Freedom is yours!
But, back in episode 49, "Reading a Weaving Draft", I taught the process from the perspective of a floor loom with the capability of tying 1 treadle to multiple shafts. And while that is valuable, it doesn't help those working on a direct tie-up loom (aka, a table loom).
So today, I'm connecting the dots! Join me as I walk you through the process of understanding your table loom, and understanding a weaving draft so you can create beautiful, interesting patterns, all the live-long day! Enjoy!
One of the biggest tools in weaving is the pattern draft. Once you understand how to read a draft, the world is your oyster! You will have all the information you need to create a limitless number of beautiful weaving patterns - without a kit, without someone else giving you instructions, completely on your own! It's kind of like getting your driver's license. Freedom is yours!
But, back in episode 49, "Reading a Weaving Draft", I taught the process from the perspective of a floor loom with the capability of tying 1 treadle to multiple shafts. And while that is valuable, it doesn't help those working on a direct tie-up loom (aka, a table loom).
So today, I'm connecting the dots! Join me as I walk you through the process of understanding your table loom, and understanding a weaving draft so you can create beautiful, interesting patterns, all the live-long day! Enjoy!
How to Read Weaving Drafts
How To Read A Weaving Pattern Draft
Reading a Weaving Draft
Reading a Weaving Draft
Read a Weaving Draft for a Table Loom
How to read a Rigid Heddle weaving draft
How to Read a Weaving Draft Without Foot Treadles | Tutorial for Beginners
Understanding Weaving Drafts
Reading a Weaving Draft Class
Reading and writing Weaving Drafts for a Rigid Heddle Loom
How to Read a Weaving Draft: Demystifying the Process (I Hope)
How to read a weaving draft
Reading Weaving Patterns
Reading a Weaving Draft & Using iWeaveit
Reading A Weaving Draft
Xs and Os (Weaving Draft Mystery)
Reading a Weaving Draft and Finishing the Weaving Series on my 4-Shaft Leclerc Dorothy Loom
Key Weaving Pattern Terms (Threading & Treadling)
Weaving Drafts Explained
Converting weaving drafts to your rigid heddle loom - Class preview
Reading a Weaving Draft Class!
Reading ship's draft.
Weaving Books
Gecko: A New Free Tablet Weaving Draft