Spirit Animals (What Is Your Spirit Animal and How To Find Your Spirit Animal)

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What is a Spirt Animal? What are Totem and Shadow Animals? Teal Swan helps us understand and find our spirit animals in this episode on our spiritual relationship with the animal world and what we have to learn from it. We can learn through our relationships and our spirit animals will help guide us through our lives with their medicine and traits.

Spirit Animal Meditation

Video Referenced:

Fragmentation (The Worldwide Disease): 6:27


Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of the Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:



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I love this woman. Her energy is lovely. I have noticed how much she has healed over the years and her energy is becoming increasingly calming and soothing.


Just yesterday I asked Teal in my thoughts to put a video about spirit animal. And today my wish comes true.


I've never been drawn to animals. Except birds. I love looking at the sky and all things that fly. Loved the part where Teal said... Recognize yourself in nature. And recognize nature in yourself.


This helps bring animal rights to a new level. We need to see all animals in a new light. I like this video! It is a shame that snakes are so despised. They are one of my favorite animals.


My spirit animal is a spider. This I know. I have always been fond of spiders and they have (except for in one situation) always been kind and respectful of me. I go out of my way to save spiders from being killed, and when they are killed... I feel it on a soulful level.

I am "too much" for many people, just as spiders are too much for the average person too. I do a lot of work towards creating things in the hope that they will yield future results, much like a spider weaves a web to catch food. I usually catch what I aim to catch... even if it takes time.

I can be a pest and can be a bit clingy, just as a spider and its webs can stick to your face in the morning on the way out to the car. Most people see me as weird and they don't take the time to actually get to know me... I am off-kilter, but I have a good heart and always mean well. However, I also have a nasty habit of killing almost every relationship I start by injecting too much (love, trust, help, information, etc.) into my fellow humans.

This is all over-sharing, perhaps. But I am excited to have finally "connected the dots." Thank you. Teal! ♥


I did the spirit animal meditation from your website and apparently my spirit animal is a giant squid? It honestly makes perfect sense lmao


Ok is nobody going to talk about the " I like turtles" picture haha.


I did a meditation years ago to find my spirit animal. How accurately I did this I couldn't say . I was surprised, and slightly shocked to receive a very vivid vision of a wild pig.
After watching this video I find myself warming to the pig
Thank. you 💚


Your words make me feel comfortable and safe. Thank you Teal. I will read your new book this year.


I am an animal lover, even insects. One totems that I recognize are the Bees and spiders. I recognize my spirits animals an are Woolf, hummingbird, Hawk, dolphin, bear and the family animal is the Gazelle. Dogs, cats, horses followed me all the time I am close to them. And I have had the 3 of them as companion. I also have trees as companios like the pickan tree and mulberry tree. Thank you for sharing this information. 🙏🙏


I bought her Spirit Animal Meditation, it's worth it, though I'm confused since 2 different animals came to me.
At the point when your spirit animal is supposed to be hidden in darkness and unknown, I already saw a beetle (I think it was scarab), then it disappeared. When my spirit animal was supposed to be revealed, I saw a cougar.
Now I don't know what to make of it. The cougar was the major animal who standed in the light, but that beetle was there first, appeared in the darkness and then was gone. I'm afraid I subconsciously rejected it and called for a "cooler" animal. On the other hand, the symbolism of cougar fits my personality more.
I just wanted to share this experience. To find your animal is not always so straightforward.


You can really tell by looking at Teal Swan's eyes that shes seen, heard, felt and dealt with a lot of shit. And shes made peace with God damn all of it.

WP Teal Swan. W.P.


Mine is an arctic tern, I was surprised when I asked and I got a bird eye view of flying above the ocean, I felt and suddenly knew that it was the Atlantic ocean, and also, I have always feel super attracted to the polar regions. I never thought my spirit animal would be a bird. Haha, but i like it. I wish there was more information about them.
And the animal I fear the most on this planet, that shows up in my nightmares since I'm a girl, and that once showed up in my safe haven while doing a completion process, is the orca.


During a rough period in my life, I was visited by a 3 legged red fox on many occasions in totally opposite parts of the city. Her presence brought me faith and beauty. One of the more prominent mystical experiences in my life. It’s been years now since I’ve seen that fox or any fox. but I’ve also had many run ins with some pretty rare exotic animals that I never would of thought would be in the city.


Wow, my negative imprint is abandonment and my favorite (totem) animal IS the deer! You were spot on with that! :)


My protector is a black panther, she had been with me since childhood in the form of a "bombay panther" (breed of black cats), just that I didn't know it had other meaning than my love for cats. This summer, when I finally realized it, I started crying like crazy because for years, I have a black plush panther near my bed and never knew why I chose her over all the toys I have. That night she came in my dreams and after that psychic attacks started... she didn't like to protect me, she wanted me to be able to protect myself. So I learned psychic combat under her care.
After a while I dreamed that, while fighting a demon, I was in the same time a woman and a black panther, but I already knew that my spirit animal was a feline because cats are my life. When people see me, they think of cats :))))
And my shadow animal must be a spider because I have an irrational fear of spiders, even if no one in my family ever acted with fear, so I didn't learn it from them. I thought it must be some trauma from another life but never found its root... Lately I felt compelled towards spiders, I fantasize about talking with tarantulas and touching them, and day after day they feel more friendly, even fluffy and cuddly Once I decided to get over my fear and I was able to hold a small spider in my hand! It actually was very soft, not chitinous and disgusting...


I just bought and downloaded the spirit guide meditation. So excited to connect. Thank you for this. Sending you love and blessings.


Dear Teal, I've seen so many of your videos yet this one really touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing it with such a deep insight. For many years I've misidentified my shadow totem animal for my spirit animal even though the latter was gently letting me know about its existence throughout my life. I was also eagerly accepting what you call the totem animals for my spirit animal, not taking into account that the spirit animal does not change. I did not expect this message to be so clearly felt this morning while drinking a cacao. But here it is. My totem animals are: horse, a dog, a cat, a mouse, and a wolf. My shadow totem animal is a tiger. And my spirit animal is a white deer. Thank you once more and have a good week. Namaste.


Idk how many times I can say, I love you, Teal Swan, but I LOVE YOU, TEAL SWAN!


great! yeah, I was messing all my animals in one category - totem animals (calling them spirit animals), and I had too many. now I've got really clear and it makes a prefect sense to me! thanks Teal! when I think I know everything, Teal is the only one who will throw at me something extra fascinating and new. <3 it!
