5 EASY Ways to Pass the CELPIP Exam! 5th is a No-Brainer! Tips and Tricks for the CELPIP Test.

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TRANSCRIPT CONTINUED: recently made a video 10 ways to fail your CELPIP exam but now I'm going to talk about five ways five main things you need to pass yourself of exam if you looked at the previous video just don't do any of those 10 things do the opposite but here I'm gonna summarize five main things that are very important for yourself of exam before you attempt it because let's face it it's not easy if you're looking for a 7 8 or below it might be but most people look for a 9 for their immigration for their education and that is a very hard score to get so the first thing you want to ensure is having the right practice material having free resources there are plenty you can see them on our channel on our YouTube channel you see videos on writing listening speaking reading everything is also mentioned in our blog too but the most detailed version of all templates of all modules and every single strategy do's and don'ts what examiner is like what students usually do all these details are mentioned in our course in the description check it out it's right now at a huge discount we include mock tests as well that reflect the real exam so if you don't have the right preparation material you don't know what you're in for when you go to the exam you will be shot so make sure to use the right practice resources feel free to use the free CELPIP resources on our Channel but also if you really want to guarantee your mark check out our course and buy it talking about guarantees it comes with a money back guarantee in case you fail or in case you don't see any Improvement let's talk about Point number two self assessment a lot of you don't want to invest in a teacher or if you don't want to if you don't have time to do the classes you need to make sure you self-assess it's pretty simple when you do reading and listening and you use our mock tests or anyone else's mock tests make sure you look at the answers not only the incorrect ones but also the correct ones check why the incorrect ones happen how can you avoid that the next time and I don't just mean just look at it it's really something about understanding for example if you had the incorrect answer because your vocab was weak you need to make a vocab plan you need to work on your vocabulary for the next two or three weeks if your correction happened because you were not fast enough you need to work on your reading speed for example uh or if your mistake happened when you were speaking you listen to yourself you're not pausing you're saying too many ums you need to take deep breaths so for each mistake that you have you need to develop a strategy how can I fix it in the next day if it's a short one or if it's something complex give yourself a two to three week plan on how to fix it so really diagnosing your mistakes is important writing is simple you go on grammarly that will tell you your grammar mistakes you check thesaurus.com that will help you correct or improve your vocabulary level for different words and also you check it yourself you proofread every time you write when we talk about speaking you want to put a quarter next to your mouth whenever you speak listen to it and test yourself as an examiner is your English good enough of course you might not be the best person to evaluate yourself it's always better to have a teacher or some feedback but if you don't have that resource you can at least have some idea of how you're performing be critical of your fluctuations your emphasis your English overall are using pauses good connectors are you finishing on time are you addressing all the points and have you responded to the question ask yourself these questions and evaluate yourself reading listening is easy you have the answers with you check them but make sure you check the incorrect ones and correct ones and figure out how you can improve the incorrect ones the next time strategy number three is having a two to three ratio what I mean by this is if you have three weeks you should dedicate two weeks to writing and speaking one week to reading and listening simple as that so you spend two-thirds of your time working on writing and speaking and one third of your time working on reading and listening this is because writing and speaking are the hardest modules in the exam most people have to give the exam again and again because of the one reason because of the same reason I wanted a nine but I got that in writing and listening in fact I got in 11 but in writing and speaking I got a seven I got an eight this is a very common complaint so you want to dedicate more time in practicing writing and speaking that's where most people fail that's where CELPIP is very difficult I've been getting a lot of uh emails with people telling me they have been failing in Reading as well and then we help them of course you can also email us if you need any help we'll be able to give you a proper plan it's not always the course it's sometimes life coaching as well so it depends but reading would probably be the next big thing I would focus on however the two to three rate ratio Remains the Same two-thirds of your time goes to writing and speaking one-third goes to Reading and listening practice it this way and if you have a few months two months go to reading sorry writing and speaking and one month goes to the rest that would really set you up nicely if you have that much time in fact I wanted to include this as an additional tip make sure you have enough time before your exam but if you saw my video about 10 things not to do 10 ways to fail Let's help a big exam you've probably already heard about this now strategy number four is working on a vocabulary and complex sentences selfie is not all about uh everything being complex you don't need to make every single word or sentence complex or Advanced but most of them you need to typically you need a structure of complex and simple sentences combined but you could say 70 percent should be everything complex vocabulary the worse the complex sentences so you can check it out online you can Google it you can go to our blog you can see my videos I have covered this in detail how to write complex sentences and how to do Advanced vocab you cannot write basic sentences like forward sentences you cannot say this is good or I really appreciate it even that is considered basic complex sentences are a lot there's something like considering the impact of the industry is in global warming comma efforts have to be made in order to improve and bring about significant enhancements to our systems whatever you know what I mean it's long that's a complex sentence and when you talk about vocab instead of good you need to say magnificent instead of harm you need to say detrim and instead of big you need to say gigantic everything needs to be dialed up in terms of vocab and complex sentences in cell pip or LC will fail okay uh this stuff needs time usually because vocab lists can be huge there are thousands of words to learn but if you go to our blog it's again in the description uh type 400 best CELPIP paperworks we actually have a concise list for you if you do need the best list it's 800 words and that is paid in our course you can check out the course Link in the description as well but going with the vocab list is the best approach there has never been a better approach than a vocab list but it's just hard and it's long and people get tired and they quit along the way so please don't do that you have to invest that time and memorize vocab so far in all my years of teaching I haven't been able to come up with a better strategy this is just the best strategy it's very outdated but it's still the same strategy after years and years everybody says the same thing there is nothing better you have to learn vocab with a vocab list so incorporate that in your learning as well and your fifth strategy should be not overlooking grammar okay again grammarly is a very very fancy tool I always promote that um they're not they don't sponsor us but their service is great you know you download that and whenever you write your grammar mistakes will be shown to you they are better than the spell check on Microsoft Word much better okay so you see the grammarly suggestions and also you can use that in speaking whatever you speak record it then write it and you will see if you're making grammar mistakes this is significant because grammar is huge in CELPIP if you make more than two to three mistakes in grammar you can forget a nine in writing you can forget A9 in speaking and that's why I wanted to make a fifth point on grammar because even I myself have not had I haven't been able to emphasize this too much and a lot of people ignore this too but it is huge grammar is a huge reason why people fail so making sure you have the right grammar uh if you need to if you're really weak in grammar we also have an English course that you can check on our website if you need to take a course if you need to just do YouTube videos or just tutorials on grammar alone do that if you're fairly Advanced you just need to write and speak and the speaking also you can write on grammarly just transcribe it so you can see for yourself what grammar mistakes you're making if you're intermediate or above you will be able to understand fairly easily what are the mistakes you're making and you don't need a grammar tutorial or classes especially for that but not working on it will ensure your failures so make sure you don't ignore grammar and this would be our fifth point so I hope this video helped you make sure to do these five things before the exam and there's a lot more things you want to do explore our videos check out our blog a lot more resources that will tell you exactly what you need to be equipped for the exam good luck and please subscribe share and like thank you very much


Im going to take my CELPIP September 8
