5 Genius Studying Tips! - How To Pass Exams Effortlessly

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The BEST 5 Genius Studying Tips! - How To Pass Tests Effortlessly

How To Get Better Grades In School - 5 Genius Studying Tips

How To Be Good In School - Smart Studying Tips

How To Finally Get Good In School - Revision Advice By A Student

How To Pass School Easily Without Effort

How To Pass Exams Effortlessly Without Effort

How To Pass Tests Without Studying

How To Pass Tests Without Revision

How To Pass Exams Without Studying

How To Pass Exams Without Revision Easy

How To Get An A Without Effort

How To Do Homework/Revision Fast And Effortlessly

How To Pass Exams Without Effort

How To Do School Work Fast And Without Effort
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Whos watching with me With a 14/50 Score🤔


Dear, God
I want to same personality how to became Smart and MORE INTERLLIENT person.
How to pass exam perfectly and succed. God will help me make goal and success. I became smartent person and INTERLLIENT.
My College. My Job.
Jesus name Amen!


Thanks ive been doing this and only got A+ in all my tests and exams i got 100%in all subjects


I got good grades in all my classes but math


#1. Be attentive in class

Come on man, I give exams tomorrow.


I watching this because my classmates are bullying me cause I'm dumb i wan't to prove that i can do or i can be a genius someday but not now i will review untill i can do my Job in school :)


Let's be honest here we are all master procrastinators :')


I get A and B’s bit trying to get more A’s to get more money!


Who else is getting a 43% or 50% or 60% I know I am oof


What I have done I’m in 10th grade and I get stuff done early that’s is due in like a month and then I’m done with that and then I can focus on other things like homework and get that done in study hall. If there is stuff left over there is not that much to do at home. I rarely have any homework then. Also use quizlet because you can get a practice test really helps me with vocab and have got 100 on all of them and doing it for question too. In my AP CS class I found a video showing test answeres of it so I write the questions and answere down and study that so I know what the answers will be. I think cheating is a good thing because in life you will cheat. If you are trying to find something out you will look it up not try and remember it and then just are just oh well guess I will have to accept defeat. People just look the stuff up! Everything will be much easier. Just get stuff done. While other people are talking and giggling on I’m over there doing the work. This leaves time for me at home to do what I want to focus on future goals and educate on that stuff! Keep school stuff at school and future goals out of school! I’m also trying to get college stuff done too like AP classes and get lots of credit now so I can sit back senior year and leave early. I’m going for CS degree so I got a AP Computer Science class. Everything is easy but tests come and it is really hard. Actually have one tomorrow but I watched the video now I’m ready!


Got 97% for technology after watching this video so many times Thanks I didn't even need to right down so many words on every page


if you want to understand something then think only of understanding not of boring not of finishing that is what u should do avoid and ignore every external and internal distractions


Okaythe only thing is that I didn't know wat to do in my exams but thanks for your help


"every person is not good at everything"-ihooo not until when it comes to Tine(name changed)
This girl in my stream, grade 10.. she only get 90% in all subjects.. always A*. She is always number 1. When we go to sports she is in school team. She be always number 1 in marathons, athletes EVERYTHING


I’m grade 4 and I got positive score like 50/47 and sometimes 30/ 28 never get 6


what is understanding really means when we say i understand your situation that means that u are putting yourself in his situation and u thus understand if we want to understand some kind of material we have to simplify it and gather that much of information so that it shows itself clear and u can put your prev knowledge in it


1:07 I feel there should be an intermediary level between 1 and 2, the three nights before partial slacker. That's me. :/


Read the night beforey Chem exam got an 85% lol i wanna target at least 90-100 on all of my tests next year/grade


It is the end month of July 2022, my final exams is December 2022. Can i be able to achieve what you have just taught in the video? My exam subjects Maths, English and Literature, General Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Geography, Business Studies, Computer studies


thx so much much much even me i want to get good JOB but i am in grade 2
