Pokemon Blue (151 Pokemon) by Shenanagans in 1:58:56 - Summer Games Done Quick 2015 - Part 141

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This is a speedrun of Pokemon Blue by Shenanagans from Summer Games Done Quick 2015. The run starts at 9:35.

SGDQ2015 raised over $1,200,000 for Doctors Without Borders, and is just one of the many charity marathons from Games Done Quick.

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Literally the only time in history you will see a room full of people applaud an encounter with a zubat.


There's a moment where he's looking for a zubat, and can't find one.
I have seen some bad stuff in my day, but that's just fucked up.


Pokemon Number - Pokemon Name - Run Time - YouTube Time

Enjoy :)

#001 - Bulbasaur - 00:01:40 - 00:11:18
#010 - Caterpie - 00:08:25 - 00:18:11
#063 - Abra - 00:15:47 - 00:25:27
#151 - Mew - 00:27:13 - 00:36:54
#106 - Hitmonlee - 00:28:07 - 00:37:45
#082 - Magneton - 00:29:40 - 00:39:20
#100 - Voltorb - 00:30:07 - 00:39:52
#011 - Metapod - 00:31:09 - 00:40:47
#012 - Butterfree - 00:31:26 - 00:41:14
#101 - Electrode - 00:31:46 - 00:41:32
#081 - Magnemite - 00:32:33 - 00:42:13
#025 - Pikachu - 00:33:08 - 00:42:51
#145 - Zapdos - 00:33:43 - 00:43:26
#084 - Doduo - 00:34:58 - 00:44:39
#029 - Nidoran♀ - 00:35:50 - 00:45:32
#046 - Paras - 00:37:10 - 00:46:51
#133 - Eevee - 00:38:27 - 00:48:08
#088 - Grimer - 00:39:03 - 00:48:46
#089 - Muk - 00:39:58 - 00:49:40
#077 - Ponyta - 00:40:40 - 00:50:22
#092 - Gastly - 00:41:41 - 00:51:23
#094 - Gengar - 00:42:02 - 00:51:44
#037 - Vulpix - 00:42:21 - 00:52:04
#022 - Fearow - 00:43:10 - 00:52:52
#136 - Flareon - 00:43:52 - 00:53:33
#135 - Jolteon - 00:44:09 - 00:53:50
#026 - Raichu - 00:44:25 - 00:54:07
#134 - Vaporeon - 00:44:47 - 00:54:27
#069 - Bellsprout - 00:45:31 - 00:55:13
#052 - Meowth - 00:46:12 - 00:55:55
#129 - Magikarp - 00:46:57 - 00:56:38
#070 - Weepinbell - 00:48:34 - 00:58:15
#078 - Rapidash - 00:48:51 - 00:58:31
#093 - Haunter - 00:49:09 - 00:58:50
#053 - Persian - 00:49:26 - 00:59:07
#033 - Nidorino - 00:49:58 - 00:59:39
#035 - Clefairy - 00:50:02 - 00:59:43
#137 - Porygon - 00:50:06 - 00:59:47
#127 - Pinsir - 00:50:11 - 00:59:52
#036 - Clefable - 00:50:42 - 01:00:23
#034 - Nidoking - 00:50:57 - 01:00:39
#143 - Snorlax - 00:51:29 - 01:01:11
#098 - Krabby - 00:52:09 - 01:01:51
#054 - Psyduck - 00:52:30 - 01:02:12
#086 - Seel - 00:53:03 - 01:02:46
#120 - Staryu - 00:53:33 - 01:03:15
#144 - Articuno - 00:53:52 - 01:03:35
#071 - Victreebel - 00:54:47 - 01:04:28
#105 - Marowak - 00:55:48 - 01:05:31
#097 - Hypno - 00:56:33 - 01:06:15
#087 - Dewgong - 00:57:05 - 01:06:46
#055 - Golduck - 00:57:23 - 01:07:04
#099 - Kingler - 00:57:44 - 01:07:26
#121 - Starmie - 00:58:07 - 01:07:49
#076 - Golem - 00:58:37 - 01:08:19
#112 - Rhydon - 00:58:58 - 01:08:40
#085 - Dodrio - 00:59:22 - 01:09:03
#064 - Kadabra - 00:59:43 - 01:09:25
#113 - Chansey - 01:00:24 - 01:10:06
#150 - Mewtwo - 01:00:44 - 01:10:26
#066 - Machop - 01:01:39 - 01:11:22
#049 - Venomoth - 01:02:01 - 01:11:43
#146 - Moltres - 01:02:25 - 01:12:08
#074 - Geodude - 01:02:50 - 01:12:33
#075 - Graveler - 01:03:13 - 01:12:55
#095 - Onix - 01:03:47 - 01:13:29
#041 - Zubat - 01:05:58 - 01:15:40
#042 - Golbat - 01:07:00 - 01:16:41
#067 - Machoke - 01:07:30 - 01:17:11
#043 - Oddish - 01:08:57 - 01:18:38
#132 - Ditto - 01:09:05 - 01:18:47
#007 - Squirtle - 01:09:51 - 01:19:33
#004 - Charmander - 01:10:39 - 01:20:21
#118 - Goldeen - 01:11:28 - 01:21:10
#130 - Gyarados - 01:12:01 - 01:21:43
#032 - Nidoran♂ - 01:12:38 - 01:22:20
#065 - Alakazam - 01:13:27 - 01:23:10
#090 - Shellder - 01:14:14 - 01:23:56
#068 - Machamp - 01:14:52 - 01:24:34
#111 - Rhyhorn - 01:15:24 - 01:25:06
#124 - Jynx - 01:16:12 - 01:25:54
#123 - Scyther - 01:16:48 - 01:26:30
#013 - Weedle - 01:17:29 - 01:27:11
#102 - Exeggcute - 01:18:05 - 01:27:44
#023 - Ekans - 01:18:36 - 01:28:18
#108 - Lickitung - 01:19:16 - 01:28:58
#044 - Gloom - 01:20:05 - 01:29:46
#008 - Wartortle - 01:20:23 - 01:30:04
#009 - Blastoise - 01:20:41 - 01:30:22
#005 - Charmeleon - 01:20:59 - 01:30:40
#006 - Charizard - 01:21:16 - 01:30:57
#119 - Seaking - 01:21:34 - 01:31:15
#045 - Vileplume - 01:21:52 - 01:31:33
#020 - Raticate - 01:22:38 - 01:32:21
#019 - Rattata - 01:22:57 - 01:32:39
#016 - Pidgey - 01:23:50 - 01:33:32
#017 - Pidgeotto - 01:24:43 - 01:34:25
#072 - Tentacool - 01:25:24 - 01:35:05
#060 - Poliwag - 01:27:20 - 01:37:02
#083 - Farfetch'd - 01:28:06 - 01:37:48
#056 - Mankey - 01:28:53 - 01:38:35
#109 - Koffing - 01:29:39 - 01:39:21
#104 - Cubone - 01:30:11 - 01:39:53
#125 - Electabuzz - 01:30:46 - 01:40:29
#128 - Tauros - 01:31:27 - 01:41:09
#126 - Magmar - 01:32:31 - 01:42:13
#079 - Slowpoke - 01:33:18 - 01:43:00
#114 - Tangela - 01:34:04 - 01:43:46
#002 - Ivysaur - 01:34:54 - 01:44:36
#039 - Jigglypuff - 01:35:42 - 01:45:25
#131 - Lapras - 01:36:26 - 01:46:09
#061 - Poliwhirl - 01:37:19 - 01:47:01
#057 - Primeape - 01:37:37 - 01:47:18
#110 - Weezing - 01:37:55 - 01:47:36
#062 - Poliwrath - 01:38:15 - 01:47:56
#003 - Venusaur - 01:39:09 - 01:48:49
#080 - Slowbro - 01:39:26 - 01:49:07
#073 - Tentacruel - 01:39:44 - 01:49:25
#024 - Arbok - 01:40:02 - 01:49:43
#014 - Kakuna - 01:40:41 - 01:50:22
#015 - Beedrill - 01:40:58 - 01:50:39
#091 - Cloyster - 01:41:15 - 01:50:56
#103 - Exeggutor - 01:41:34 - 01:51:14
#040 - Wigglytuff - 01:41:54 - 01:51:35
#116 - Horsea - 01:43:51 - 01:53:33
#050 - Diglett - 01:44:12 - 01:53:54
#096 - Drowzee - 01:44:37 - 01:54:19
#021 - Spearow - 01:45:02 - 01:55:06
#027 - Sandshrew - 01:45:28 - 01:55:10
#048 - Venonat - 01:46:18 - 01:56:01
#107 - Hitmonchan - 01:46:49 - 01:56:31
#058 - Growlithe - 01:47:14 - 01:56:56
#122 - Mr. Mime - 01:47:50 - 01:57:32
#147 - Dratini - 01:49:02 - 01:58:44
#142 - Aerodactyl - 01:49:54 - 01:59:35
#138 - Omanyte - 01:50:42 - 02:00:23
#140 - Kabuto - 01:51:11 - 02:00:48
#051 - Dugtrio - 01:52:35 - 02:02:15
#117 - Seadra - 01:52:51 - 02:02:32
#115 - Kangaskhan - 01:53:08 - 02:02:49
#141 - Kabutops - 01:53:25 - 02:03:07
#139 - Omastar - 01:53:43 - 02:03:24
#028 - Sandslash - 01:54:00 - 02:03:41
#148 - Dragonair - 01:54:59 - 02:04:40
#149 - Dragonite - 01:55:17 - 02:04:58
#047 - Parasect - 01:55:39 - 02:05:20
#030 - Nidorina - 01:55:58 - 02:05:38
#038 - Ninetales - 01:56:18 - 02:05:58
#059 - Arcanine - 01:56:34 - 02:06:15
#031 - Nidoqueen - 01:56:53 - 02:06:34
#018 - Pidgeot - 01:57:59 - 02:07:40


I was the host on this run, in the days before host auditions were a thing and your name was on the screen the entire time.

Although I’m not that important in the context of what Shen did during the run, it’s cool to see people still enjoy it. This video will forever be my favorite trivia question about myself…did you know my voice is on a YouTube video with millions of views?

Good times ☺️


Oak: I need you to catch all pokemon in the world, here's a pokedex to help you on your quest.

2 hours later: Here you go ^_^


I love how this run category is "Let's use the game to re-code itself to the point of unrecognizable levels of graphical artifacts."
It's almost a form of art how broken the Gen1 code was, but also really clever to watch people both figure out how to exploit it and do so in a way that doesn't cause crashes.


Oak must've been shattered when he saw the ten year old appear at his doorstep 2 hours after he was given the pokedex with it complete!!


After counting to 17, "You learn to count by playing Pokemon."

Several years later, in a GDQ Crystal run, Keizaron used the lessons learned from this run- how to count to 17- to still miss his original estimate.

I love when the foreshadowing pays off!


Watching this speedrun is like watching Doctor Strange play Pokemon; just a series of incomprehensible arcane incantations and spells that allow him to bend reality to his whims while he collects all of the Pokemon in the world.


Shenanagans is such an entertaining runner oh my God.


No matter what kind of pokemon player you are if you're a casual player or a hardcore speed runner zubat will always find a way to troll you


it's a shame we don't know the complexities of the universe like we do the game code in pokemon blue...


Considering the only glitch we knew when I started playing Pokemon was Missingno on the right shore on Cinnabar Island... This has come a long way.


My gosh these guys are real geniuses. Yesterday I learned how to make mac and cheese and these guys probably... Knew that already


I love how a lot of these speedrunners turn it into a performance.


1:58:07 holy shit the amazing mashup between the battle and Lavender themes as he catches dratini, amazing stuff


We're gonna talk to this sign and get a few Eevees. It's really convenient they're just in the sign or something.


Kanto News, I'm Ann Corman.
A trainer known as DayNine began his journey today and through breaking reality has managed to enter the hall of fame and catch 151 different species of Pokemon in less than 2 hours.
In other news, Team Rocket is still at large.


The announcer lady is pretty awesome, unlike most GDQ announcers she never interrupts the runners/commentators and only reads when the runner is okay with it, and when she does read she's actually entertaining and energetic.


This guy is awesome, he presents what he is doing so joyfully, kuddos to him.
