24 Hours HANDCUFFED in Hacker Mini Mansion with Real Ghost | Rebecca Zamolo

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Rebecca Zamolo played among us hide and seek in real life but my twin is the imposter. Next Matt and Rebecca uploaded best friend faces biggest fear of water. Overcoming fears to unlock safe underwater. Finally the Game Master Network made did game master betray us? Sneaking into GM hideout to find imposter key. Now in order to get the next the gm told Rebecca Zamolo she needed to get trapped. But she didn’t think her cousin would be there too. They might be trapped for 24 hours straight. The twin like cousins are handcuffed in the hacker mini mansion with real ghosts. Rebecca wishes she had her phone so she could use the ghost app to have the ghosts help them. It looks like Kingpin is using the RHS and making them old. After tea time with the King & Queen they have time to sneak around. Maybe Matt and Daniel will help save them? Rebecca discovers a detective board with clues including the date of a new ceremony. Do you think the girls can escape or will they be trapped for another 24 hours. Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2021!
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