Russia's one-dose 'Sputnik Light' vaccine will cost less than $10.

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Russia has authorised the use of Sputnik Light — a single dose vaccine against COVID-19 after the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) claiming that Sputnik Light demonstrated 79.4% efficacy in a real-world study.
Developed by Moscow's Gamaleya Institute, the slimmed-down vaccine is said to cost under $10 a dose.Sputnik Light is developed using the first component — recombinant human adenovirus serotype number 26 (rAd26) of Sputnik V vaccine.
The Russian authorities argued that the move could accelerate the process of achieving herd immunity against the coronavirus and claimed to have proven effective against all new strains of the novel coronavirus. The two-dose version Sputnik V has been earlier approved for use in over 60 countries including India.But the vaccine is yet to be approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) or the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A Phase III clinical trial involving 7,000 people is underway in Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Ghana, and other countries. Besides Russia, Sputnik Light is to be made in at least 10 other countries including India, China, and South Korea.
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